American accent vs. British aceent

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Apparently the American accent has remained largely the same since early colonial America, and the ones who's accent changed are the Brits.

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I fucked up and submitted by accident.

>Around the turn of the 18th 19th century, not long after the revolution, non-rhotic speech took off in southern England, especially among the upper and upper-middle classes. It was a signifier of class and status. This posh accent was standardized as Received Pronunciation and taught widely by pronunciation tutors to people who wanted to learn to speak fashionably. Because the Received Pronunciation accent was regionally "neutral" and easy to understand, it spread across England and the empire through the armed forces, the civil service and, later, the BBC.

this is a meme and it refers solely to rhoticity, which isn't an "American" or "British" thing but varies by particular area and accent, as there's both types on either side of the Atlantic

Their accent is fucking horrible. Like their are some west coast accents that are alright. But the east coast ones are horrible, so many of them vocal fry and pitch shift near the end of sentences as if they are asking questions.
I feel sorry for Americans since their the ones to have to listen to them.

Is it a meme though?
Did brits only lose their rhotasicm?

Which ones?
The Boston accent, New York?

I can't stand Midwesterners or West Coasters

there's rhotic British accents still, and there's non-rhotic American accents

British accent is terrible. It's terrible to hear how they mutilate English.

Only true for upper-middle class Southern Englishmen who speak the Queen's English. Cockneys, Northerners, West Countrymen (pirate accent), Manks, Scots, Welsh, Irish, these accents to name a few date back centuries. Very few people speak like the posh actors you see on telly.

Well the article explains that.
Yeah that is just posh but there are other English accents that are non-Rhotic.

well, since you're not actually trolling, here's some pretty definitive proof that this is bullshit. There's an island off the coast of Virginia where people still spoke with colonial-era British accents up until very recently due to isolation.
This sounds very similar to modern British West Country accents and almost nothing like a modern American accent. The American accent is the one that has changed, due to wave upon wave of European immigration and isolation from the British Isles. Nothing else makes any sense whatsoever.

In the article it says that those hypotheses have been disproven by Linguists

If you read the article it talks about how the American accents that are non-Rhotic like the Brits were influenced by them being port cities and exchanging culture with the.


but in any other fashion generally
are considered more "archaic" than the standard American accent.

it's still mixed with Irish and some broader American influence. Plus it's more similar to Virginia accents, which is very different than broad American English anyway

Just in general, any accent is better than the bland drag that some/most Americans speak in. Like the ones you hear on the TV and news site, basically the American version of RP.

Lower class Philadelphia and NJ accent is terrible though, even Minnesota English sounds better

Yeah that is pretty bad.

Don't understand your archaic comment. These accents are still very much alive and well.

I meant that they are believed to preserve more features of early modern English. The same way a specimen would be considered more "archaic" in the archeological record by bearing more similarities to its ancestors

do you know what I'm talking about? Where are you from? It's Central Jersey + South Philadelphia

I don't get how it's not made fun of more, it's very distinct and hard to replicate, but very annoying. Almost no one not from this area has heard or can distinctly picture it, they always think of some weird Long Island accent that sounds nothing like what I'm talking about

No I don't think I know what you meant, I thought you mean both of them don't sound very nice.
Also I'm from the west coast.

Both can sound really ugly

American sounds better in general. British accents are ugly, especially the one where they say mooney, discoover, coover etc

this is reason alone for me to prefer British English

might have considered American English had the transatlantic accent caught on

I looked it up and it sounds very Unique I guess.
Not sure how to describe it.

I can't quite replicate it, but their A's are really distinct, like a long-A sound and they talk in the back of their throats. If you hear a gay person from S. Philadelphia they really exaggerate it
Mike McGrath has a variant of it, but it's a bit different

I'm from Philadelphia but I'm from a well-off Protestant background so I talk fairly differently. I do growl my "r's" occasionally though

Yeah It's really interesting I saw a linguistics video on it I think the guy may have exaggerated it a bit though.
this one? if so he is forcing it a bit, but the ugly way of speaking is mostly accurate

I saw that one.
I also saw this one.

what do you think of this accent?

I wish the transatlantic accent was still a thing so I wouldn't have to decide.

I found the way he pronounced "go" like G'EUW more interesting than the rest of that, it's more indicative of how it actually sounds than his meme stuff

An interesting aside, they had accents very similar to Yorkshire in Chester County PA up until the mid/late-19th century, and S. Jersey in the Pine Barrens had something very similar to a N. Irish accent up until the '40s

Chicks with british accent turn me on.

I could masturbate to their voice alone.

American accent is meh

you think this sounds good?

opinions on Northern English accents?

it's interesting but you have to approach it not by saying it's Elizabethan or whatever meme, that's a very bad way to look at it but as a very distinct accent with potentially archaic elements

like Yorkshire hate Scouser

not trying to sound biased but I think ours in general is much better, of course both of us have ugly accents (mostly comes down to the persons voice though). Most American accents just sound less harsh, smoother.

Minnesotan and Co

best accent

What accent did Reagan have? Of all the [recorded] presidents his accent was the best.

Should I, as a foreigner, try to eliminate the last remnants of my accent? I'd blend in more but on the other hand I'd lose my exotic appeal.

best english accent is this one:

which coincidentally comes from mixing foreign accents (jamaican + paki + turkish + cockney etc) which comes together to make this better accent

>Americans don't talk like this guy

Reagan worked as a radio announcer and actor for thirty years, so whatever accent he had in his youth was gone by the time he became President. Reagan's voice was so pleasant to listen to because he had trained it to be that way.

No you don't have to.
Unless it's really bad and you're mispronouncing things but I doubt it's like that.

American accent is way better
also there isn't a british accent, there are several accents in the british isles. The cockney/english one is the most disgusting of them all. Thick british accent makes me puke