Why is no one talking about the suicide bombing in germany

why is no one talking about the suicide bombing in germany


>It was yesterday
>He only killed himself
>No one really cares (unfortunately)
>Sam(urai) Hyde(aki) has struck in Japan.

Maybe it's because we've had so many attacks recently that people don't appreciate that kind of happening anymore.

This or people not giving a fuck about Germans.

Cause nobody died

I want that bunny

you stupid racist! it wasn't a suicide bombing! the poor immigrant happened to be a casaulty too!! you should read state approved media more often >_>

Nobody died. It might have been news had he got in because Ian Anderson (of Jethro Tull) was on stage at the time.

ABC news in Australia has just completely stopped reporting on terrorism in Europe now

For the same reason noone talks about ones in Baghdad, at this point they're basically a fucking given

because it doesnt fit the kike run media narrative of the occupied and brainwashed countries of the world that as soon as a fucking mud loses his lid he wants to blow something up.

Kill yourself norway of wait you are with infinte brown people that are going to ursup your culture and genocide you through immigration. but it wont effect you immediately an your to busy fuck yourself with dildos so you wont have kids to die from it either

That poor refugee couldn't fit in with all the hate so he decided to kill himself. It's a sad story. Maybe they need to take in more so they don't feel so alone.

Which one? A new one or yesterday?

(It's sad I have to say this)

Bunnies are nice pets

Why care about Germans when they don't care about themselves? It's kinda like how we don't care about bombings in Afghanistan or Iraq; the people there don't do anything about it (i.e. remove Islam from their lives).

The Germans are adamant that nothing is wrong, despite a flurry of attacks and rapes. They want this brave new world. Good for them. Seal the borders and let them enjoy their paradise.

Ai ai, that grammar.
Are you le butthurt? :)

a Syrian migrant died, how can you be so insensitive?

fuck that was hard to read. nice education you have over there

Because the media is obviously controlled by conservatives and would never report a """refugee""" being murdered by a bomb

there's been at least 3 terror attacks in germany over the last 11 days. through a repeated practice, one gets desensitized to just about anything

because it's become so common that no one cares

There was another terrorist attack in Germany?

It doesn't even make headline news here anymore. I guess it's hiding it for people who haven't been following along, and the people who have been following along don't care anymore.

Strangely good in terms of negating the terrorist effect. Too bad the governments are probably not going to take the opportunity to clean things up safely and quietly.

Literally nobody

We routinely have high school graduates who are functionally illiterate. GWB's "no child left behind" program working just as planned.

It's getting harder and harder to keep up with this shit.

Germany's response to terror has been to downsize the army in order to reduce tensions. They will also recruit Syrian refugees as civil engineers. Not even kidding.

Which one?

I read that as suicide bunny

Suicide bombings in Muslim countries aren't really news.

Pretty much this.

Play stupid games welcoming immigrants with open legs = win stupid prizes

>Sam(urai) Hyde(aki) has struck in Japan.
Thanks for the kek, Britbro.