Black Panther

Hopefully we get Klaw and Killmonger in his movie not Avengers the pseudo sequel like Civil War was

Klaw is basically guaranteed, and the fact taht they hired Andy Serkis also guarantees his living sound form.
Killmonger would be ideal as the bad guy that wants to take over Wakanda, and makes an alliance with Klaw where he'll give him a bunch of Vibranium in exchange for his help in taking over.

>Tuesday in Wakanda

You do know co has not read BP right?

Killmonger with his minions in Panther's Rage would be cool in a movie

>This is the most advanced nation in the world.

I love how wakanda manages to be so anachronistic in its technological superiority and its attachment to old traditions.

No kidding, it gets invaded/embroiled in a Civil War all the damn time, and then they have the gall to claim that they have never been defeated when they clearly have.

Wakanda has been attacked several times, but only in Avengers VS X-men suffered a total defeat

I hope we don't get some dickhead in a suit like a lot of Marvel films. Imagine M'Baku strolling around dressed like the Penguin, it's just wouldn't sit right. That said I think Klaw is a given at this point, the only question is whether he'll be human or pure sound.


Okey, right... I admit that I did not know.

Really? Because Black Panther making his own Avengers team Outsiders style sounds pretty cool.


And nobody helped them because they are a bunch of xenophobic dicks.

Wakanda basically runs on 40k logic

Super high technology run by insense, and prayers to spirits.

Everyone has high tech weapons but still fight with swords.

Zuri better be in his movie.

>question is whether he'll be human or pure sound.
>get Andy Serkis
>not having him Mo Cap
It'd be a pointless cast if he's not pure sound.

As a Starlin fan, I don't hate what Hickman did with Thanos. His "Black Order" sort of seems like an enhanced version of what Thanos used to do in his mid-early Starlin appearances, gathering the various scum and cutthroats from different corners of the universe. The difference is, these guys are a smaller team of various truly powerful creeps instead of nameless goons.

KKK when

I thought Panther already had an arc where he took on the Klan.

They're certainly more interesting than the Blood Brothers

Thanos Avengers.

I think he's making a joke about how there's a black extremist group called the Black Panthers

Fuggoff with this meme
Killmonger should be saved for a sequel, something where they can focus on him without having to worry about establishing Wakanda or setting up Infinity War.
You have like 10 other disgruntled Wakandan's you can use in the mean time.



>I think he's making a joke
No. Black Panther has a story arc where he fought against the KKK. Based McGregor

Hopefully we get White Wolf although he would threaten Everett's token white guy position.