What are some movies where the hero finally stands up to the villain and says what everyone is thinking?

What are some movies where the hero finally stands up to the villain and says what everyone is thinking?

I couldn't watch BCS when it originally aired because it was so BORING. Every time I tuned in, it was a man eating a sandwich. That's it...

poor guy is so starved for attention

Shame he didn't get help instead of burning all those bridges.

What a fucking faggot, I'm happy he isn't in the revival, little shitter deserves none of the attention.

I don't know what the fuck he expects. He's mad because Lynch cast him as a weird little man. What the fuck else could he be cast as? Imagine if he played James' part. Riding around on his tiny motorcycle, making out with prime Donna... singing that song... JESSST YOUUUUU AAAAAAND IIIEEEEHHHH slurp JESSSST YOUUUU come 'ere Donna give James a kissu slurp. Wouldn't work, buddy. You still play one of the most iconic, interesting characters in the whole show. And Lynch put him in Mulholland Drive too as the most powerful person in the whole story of that film. What the fuck else job has he ever had? Did he play an ewok or some shit?

He's right you know

Why is he so mad at TP though?

No amount of cuntiness from the guy can dissolve how perfect I thought he was in Carnivale but I'm curious

Michael J Anderson is always coming up short in the acting department. He's lucky to land these small roles in Lynch's film because he's truly a mental midget. He doesn't even understand TP because it goes over his head. His ego dwarfs Lynch's, in comparison, leaving very little people agreeing with his antics.

If this isn't pasta then you're the cheekiest cunt on this site.


>leaving very little people

The 2016 Presidential Debates


>just people talking

sorry it didn't have more capeshit fights and space wars fucking pleb

Those are some pint-sized puns, my friend.

Pretty much nailed it friendo

At least he has moved on from calling Lynch a rapist and a murderer, I guess.

why does he hate lynch so much?

Beats me. Whenever Lynch talked about him it sounded like he respected him it sounded like Lynch respected him a lot.

I find this funny considering he's talked positively about Twin Peaks in the past, and even participated in Twin Peaks festivals, which is something Lynch never really did himself.
He claims Lynch low balled when he was offered to return on the new season, so he declined the offer. He's been upset ever since, even going as far as to make accusations that Lynch killed Jack Nance and raped his daughter (in a way where it would be hard to sue for defamation.).