Movies where the good guys win?

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>reads Camille Paglia once

Notice how these fucking kikes and freemasons are trying to dilute what redpill means.


No one admits to being fully defeated when other options exist

They never even came close to defeat though.

they always need to control both sides of the discussion, their subversion is demonic tier

Your youtube waifu a shit! A SHIT!!!!

>They never even came close to defeat though.

Is this a joke?

Sort of interested in what she has to say, but don't want to hear a second of her shrill voice. Can I get a run-down?

No one now even remembers what redpill means, definitely not the fucking idiots from r/dolan and Sup Forums.

it was originally a reference to the matrix, the red pill was the one that would awake you from the lies and fictitious world, and would show you reality. it has absolutely nothing to do with democrat vs. republican. there are so many retards on here now that assume it's REDpill because that's the color of the GOP.

This desu.

You're dealing with people who consider truth harmful.

>it was originally a reference to the matrix
wow dude you're so smart

I wouldn't have to point out the obvious if so many of you weren't so stupid.

I see redpill being used fairly frequently for things that have nothing to do with democrats, republicans or even politics.

She calls out other feminists then hints she's now one of us.

This desu. We beat the heck out of leftists in 2016. MAGA senpai, Israel forever.
By the way, to all the fucking retards who don't know, the red pill refers to the international jewry and its influence.

Kek, I don't believe it.

Did she get any backlash for saying nigger in that snapchat video?

you're like 15 years old lmao

>dilute what redpill means
No, that was your kind. Now being redpilled just means spouting memes while living an unproductive life and not changing in any way.

Someone tl/dr me i aint watching that shit

What do you mean my kind?

Laci Green: Everyone who disagrees with me is liderally Hiddler. HAIL FEMINISM HAIL HILLARY!!!
*2 years later*
*the liderally hiddler accusations can be heard right outside her door*
Laci Green: We need to talk to people we disagree with and not just dismiss them outright guize.

The President did a video on it:

i dont know if youre pretending to be retarded or not. But you definitely need to stop posting either way

No lie.

Are you implying Sup Forums is a race?

Who supports the GOP m8? Not drumpf supporters, they didn't support him even after the nomination. You can do better than that.

Where do you think bluepill (in reference to the democratic party and shillary) or blackpill come from? It's from retards that have misinterpreted the stupid meme, and who have probably never even seen the matrix.

The amount of effort to discredit "the red pill movement" has increased 10 fold since Laci posted this video. I wonder...

She basically says she has grown skeptical of modern feminism, particularly modern feminist's way of shutting down discussion and free speech

Yeh thats true, its a very underground movie.

>living an unproductive life

Red pill pushes doing things for yourself more than anything, including exercise.

Sure is hasbara up in here. Notice that whenever politics gets brought up, "retarded" posters show up who raise the post count and muddy the water.

>Now being redpilled just means spouting memes while living an unproductive life and not changing in any way.

This is especially hilarious when it comes to the 'white genocide' faggots

lol, nice to see things picking back up again

>Oi vey goy! Being red pilled means commenting on Sargon of Akkad's videos and calling yourself a kekistani.

I want to fuck Laci Green titties.

she reminds me of a cross between Riley Reid and Melissa Moore

I forgot how punch able her face looks.

Ever thought that those go hand in hand with politics?

t. never saw the matrix

she didn't take shit

Yeah, because the world is surface level. For example:

>it affects my work

bitch you dont have a work, making youtube blog posts isnt work




The blue pill is in the matrix you dense motherfucker

redpill me on red/blue pill

red pill means the truth, as in, whatever feels true to you

blue pill means whatever everyone else thinks is true

She makes more money than you and has millions of people discussing her view points. Let alone lecturing and designing education plans on sexuality


>redpill means the enlightened state that ive have reached

thats how pretentious you sound faggot


>Blue Pill
#notmypreisdent #blacklivesmatter #cuckandproud

>redpill has nothing to do with jews
that's how jewish you sound

>browse Sup Forums 3 months

seriously kid, how old are you?

>Nazis are trying to kill me!
>btw donate to my Patreon

I don't know how people can be so gullible to fall for the most obvious professional victims.

well you're wrong. the redpill is waking up and realizing that the juden controls your mind, your money and your governments. any other definition is wrong
read the summary

I guess you're right, democrats are the biggest threat.

get with the times old timer

Netflix shows can be discussed on Sup Forums so can Youtube shows. Deal with it, Gramps.

Internet Historian, Brendaniel and That Guy With A Voice and Mister Metokur are some of my favourite internet shows.

Birth of a Nation.

you ate way too many red pills, it gon fried your brains

It's definitely not the jews. If it were, why would the jews at rebel media, infowars, and of course, jews like cernovich, lauren southern, stephan molyneux, and psoboiec tell me otherwise? Also, if it were the jews, how could they have ever gotten so many positions in the trump administration? Also, why would jewish neocons try to start wars in the middle east against israel's competitors? It makes absolutely no sense.

No it's not. Redpilled means seeing behind it and realising the truth.
Dumb fucking newfag piece of shit. How is it even possible to be so new that you think "redpilled on jews" is the universal definition of redpilled. Even 2015 redditors must have grasped that by now.
Did you come here after someone downvoted your I'm with her comments and now try to overcompensate by throwing autistic rages whenever someone criticises Sup Forumsretardation?

For whatever reason, she has noticed only now how a different opinion in feminist circles is not only frowned upon, but outright banned and thrown away.
Either she never before had any experience with academic feminism, since that is all they do, or she is playing other side for shekels.
Anyway SJW are reeling since Green is probably the only YT feminist with 800 000+ subscribers and talking with the other side is haram.

yes, it is, reddit. stop arguing you're objectively wrong

like ramblings of a mad man

its as if you took one too many acid hits and now your life consists about nothing but fighting off your hallucinations

You sound upset.

THIS. Fucking newfags keep talking about how jews run the federal reserve, how they are behind open immigration, pornography and miscegenation propaganda. They also keep bringing up how they run both hollywood and the news media. I wonder where they get the chutzpah... I mean balls, to do that.

>people have been threatening me and it has left me LITERALLY SHAKING

>make me feel better by buying my stuff or giving me money

Hahahaha, some superior race you are.

>w-we are the best
>judes control literally everything


>the purple pill

'aight, let me axe you dis, you eva' danzed wid the devil in the pale moonlite?

Nobody "runs" the federal reserve. Every large bank gets a seat. If you learned banking instead of dropping out of political science you could run the Fed too.
I bet you think the Fed generates profit too,

Zeitgeist ruined every sort of discussion about economics

>implying the jewish run eductation system would tell you the truth about banking

After her channel became a public punching bag of youtube, the bitch realised that pandering to both camps would yield more views. Yawn.

This is why right-wingers start turning away from Sup Forums. They embraced the reddit

literally who

are you implying there is a difference? who do you really thinks own Sup Forums and reddit?

link please

>Nobody "runs" the federal reserve. Every large bank gets a seat
and what race controls the majority of those banks?

Jesus you missed the exit point a long time ago. Start actually reading sentences instead of assuming everything according to your conspiracy you first accepted 6 months ago.


So? Do you have any complaint about the work of the Federal Reserve.
Why the fuck is it my fault jews went into banking while you went into League of Legends. Fucking commie cry baby

This nigga hit the LD50 on red pills

Laci Green is such a pornstar name

I listened to the whole 10 minutes segment and I couldn't tell you what her point is. She literally just babbles without saying anything with meaning or depth.

>My name is Exaybachay. "He Who Talks Loud, Saying Nothing."

Stupid fucking white girl

Who the fuck is this annoying hipster?

She still thinks the right tries to 'silence sex-ed', fucking kek

>Medieval Jews start loaning money since it's the only thing they can bring a community that otherwise shuns them, because nothing in the Torah forbids usury
>"arrrghhhh why are the Jews behind banking this much?"
People litteraly pushed them into it, and now they should apologize for it? For the record, I'm also "eh" about bestowing this much power to a community that's proven themselves to be highly nepotistic, but thinking that it's a conspiracy that they own banks is also retarded in its own right.

How is it that it takes weak-minded, sheltered women so long come to these conclusions? She basically regurgitated the philosophy of free speech article on the Stanford Encyclopedia website passed it off as an "insightful" commentary, then slapped on a clickbait title to troll alt-right nerds.
John Stuart Mill's On Liberty is really all you ever need to read on this subject, as well as his essay on Utilitarianism. Fuck these uneducated liberal arts cunts.

who is this cunt and why should I care?

>Notice how these fucking kikes and freemasons are trying to dilute what redpill means.

A term made popular by a hit hollywood movie is being diluted. Who would have thought?

A worthless youtube whore, and you shouldn't.

It's not "seeing" the truth, it's realising that the truth is possible and out there in the world, it validates the pursuit at the cost of a comfortable lie. What you see does not change, how you perceive it in the pursuit of truth does.

>white people are so stupid that they can't outlaw usury like they did in Germany in the 1930's

>the fed doesn't have interest rates
>the fed wasn't started by a jew
>the fed is not independent from the government

I don't care that much about the term, but sticking your head in the sand about obvious moves to subvert anti-semitic symbols is retarded.