TFA final battle

Can someone who knows a thing or two about Star Wars, explain how Rey was able to defeat Kylo in TFA?

Also, what the fuck is he doing in gif?

He's severely injured and is pumping himself up so he doesn't fall unconscious as well as pumping himself up mentally for a fight.

>explain how Rey was able to defeat Kylo in TFA
Lazy writing

Kylo was shot by Chewie, got confused after killing his dad and he didn't want to hurt his waifu.

this is the crap that makes me realize tfa-haters are tards

Any female can defeat a trained soldier.

Men can only defeat women when they are totally defenseless with no weapon.

It's the force, mate.
Physical form doesn't mean shit.

1. He was shot
2. He was still distraight from patricide
3. He wasn't aiming to kill her

While it does make sense, it's still retarded that Kylo enters the movie by doing something no other force user in flms ever done - stopping the blaster shot midair - and then loses like a total bitch to someone who just grabbed a lightsaber for the first time in her life

The whole movie is almost completely. Kylo Ren is actually one of the few interesting things about it, though. Basically, he becomes less powerful when he gets emotional, rather than becoming more powerful. Ironically, this contradicts what he believes about the nature of the dark side.

And yet he defeated Finn. Rey even used Force Pull, an ability that would have taken her being Taught or at the very least, it should have taken her more than a second to master. She pulls the Saber from Ren, that was bullshit . Luke had to be trained to get good, and when he used Force Pull, it took him all of five minutes. REY impossibly pulls the saber from Ren, which is bullshit.

Because she's a poorly written Mary Sue. She uses literally Every force ability without being taught how to access or use the Force. The only true canon are the six movies done by George Lucas.

>emotionally distraught after killing his own father
>shot by wookie crossbow, which is practically a bazooka
>wander actively bleeding through the woods(it shows blood actively dripping off him as he arrives)
>underestimates Finn and receives further injury before getting serious and immediately destroying him
>now have to fight girl that you're lowkey crushing on, and have the end game of trying to turn

He's super hurt, and is going easy on her so that he can turn her to the dark side. It's an error in judgment, and by the time he realizes that he needed to actually take her seriously, she had already taken the advantage.

Rey isn't a lightsaber prodigy, she just has every advantage going into the fight with an experienced but not fully trained warrior. Please note that Kylo Ren isn't exactly given many opportunities to lightsaber duel; his real swordplay experience is limited.

>Can someone who knows a thing or two about Star Wars, explain how Rey was able to defeat Kylo in TFA?
Kylo wasn't even trying to kill her, he wanted to take her as an apprentice because he felt that she has great potential
The writers were lazy so they made that Force vision meme boost when Kylo had her cornered and she went raging on him by surprise
He was emotionally and physically wounded by murdering his father, getting hit with a bowcaster and a lightsaber
Rey fought everyday of her life to survive while Kylo probably wasn't in a lightsaber fight in a decade, or maybe ever (maybe they didn't even get to lightsabers in the Jedi Academy)
And once Rey is aware of her Force capabilities it's pretty clear she's a more powerful Force user (she was stronger in the mind rape interrogation scene, stronger in the pulling the lightsaber from the snow scene and the final battle)

>what the fuck is he doing in gif?
Punching his wound to feed of the feeling of pain to be more powerful because he's an edgy dark side user.

Why do we have this thread every single day?

That was just silly posturing.
Every other Sith/Jedi would have just deflected the shot with his light sabre.

Yes Kylo wasn't in his best shape at the time, but that doesn't make Reys or even Finns fighting skills any moer believeable. It's about technique. Have you ever done HEMA? An experienced martial artist would demolish any untrained combator regardles of circumstances. There's a reason Luke didn't fight Vader in the first movie and got his ass handed to him in the second even after he recieved training.

>when a girl half your size has the same strength as you do



Meant to say: "The whole movie is almost completely retarded." Like I've said, I do like Kylo Ren, though. He's the only major character in the movie that I actually buy. Han and Leia seem like Ford and Fischer, not their characters. Luke does a good job of looking like a mystical messiah, but he's only in the movie for a few seconds. Daisy Ridley works her ass off but her acting is too exaggerated, yet oddly expressionless.

Watch the OT again.
Light sabre duels were never about fancy technique.

Nonsense, he defeated Finn and had Rey beat. Even after Rey broke every law of established history about force use, Kylo believable has her beat and then he says, "I can teach you about the Force." And Rey says to herself, "Oh Yeah, the SWARTZ!"

I hate the Force Awakens so much.

You're out of your ass again, need to get back in that smelly thing before you infect others with your retarded stink.

Bitch was never taught about the fucking force, bitch had no right to use the fucking force.

Vader wasn't aiming to kill Luke, but he sure did fuck up his hand when he got uppity. And, Ren had just defeated the superior warrior Finn. Try again you disney shill.

No one said "fancy" technique. Look at a hema fight ffs.

dont forget that she was underfed

and even that small amount of food she ate was pretty much garbage

nah nigga if he deflects that shit you know he's just gonna try and shoot again, but let em see you can stop it and that'll make em listen

Bullshit. A force user named Anakin Sky Walker survived being burnt to a crisp by Lava. Obi Wan fell fifty feet landing on his back and still was able to get up to his feet and jump back up, Fifty feet. Vader suffered third degree burns and was constantly in pain.

Rey's a mary sue.

Prescience is the only ability Rey should have been able to use. Using master level abilities forever cheapened the force. She's a mary sue, loved by everyone able to do anything up to and including flying the falcon in a dog fight even though she only drove it two minutes before.

Say it with me, Rey's a mary sue.

Wouldn't that make Anakin and Obi Wan the Mary Sure?

Also, the prequels never happened.

>Every other Sith/Jedi would have just deflected the shot with his light sabre.
Vader caught Han's shots in cloud city.

>Obi Wan fell fifty feet landing on his back and still was able to get up to his feet and jump back up
not sure if you ever noticed but force users tend to jump noticable higher because of the force and as someone with common sense i assume they can land fine from noticable higher too

Following is the starwars tradition the main character and hero we are routing for loses their first fight. JJ Abrams likes the plot twists. Rey will be the villain.

Rey could probably kick the shit out of most of the gelatinous blobs of manifest failure that inhabit this board, let alone some padawan with a blaster wound in his chest.

>female villain
>by disney
>in 2017

I have a feeling Rey was supposed to receive some training from Maz at space applebees, before they cut the majority of the second act because Orangeman McButtholeeyes wasn't cutting the mustard.

In my head I keep telling myself they're going to rip of KOTOR and reveal Rey was a fully trained Jedi who was mind-wiped but in reality it'll probably just be because women be stronk, yo.

Ray and Kylo has connection.
Just as she learned to influence minds from him during her interrogation, so she learned to fight with the same style he was using against her in that fight, right after he offered her to become her teacher.

It was shown, rather than told. She had a melee weapon early in the film, when she was just a scavenger. It's made clear she can take care of herself, several times, suggesting that she knows how to use the weapon.

It's furthered by her force sensitivity, which, in canon, allows users to pick up skills quickly. Not all skills, usually particular skills they have an affinity for. Engineering, repair, languages, weapon use, blasters, etc. Rey is shown to have an affinity for technology and weapon use through her interactions over the course of the film.

Now, this doesn't actually make her better than Kylo. She's still obviously worse.

So, enter four factors:

1. They ass pulled her force powers, advancing them too fast. This is the only ass pull in regard to Rey's success in the movie.

2. Kylo is emotionally unbalanced already, and moreso by the time of the fight due to just killing her father.

3. Kylo is severely injured by a wookie bowcaster, which we see used several times in the film to devestating effect. Kylo took a direct hit from this weapon, and is still walking. He's likely a good deal more injured than people realize.

4. We see how weakened he is when even Finn can hold his own for a bit against Kylo, when earlier Finn got his ass handed to him by a melee storm trooper. This is the best show of just how unbalanced and weakened Kylo is by the time he fights Rey. He also uses his force powers to toss Rey off, and fight Finn, he doesn't use this amount of power again after this, suggesting he's simply they weakened that maybe even that much was too much.

Rey's force powers may not actually be an asspull, depending on what we eventually find out about her childhood. She could have already had the details of training wiped from her memory, but still have the skills themselves but like an amnesiac would forgot who taught them how to read, but still be capable of reading.

There's also the theory that she was training with Luke as a little child

He was bleeding out from a bowcaster shot that was shown to blow holes through stormtroopers earlier in the film, he was mentally fucked from killing his dad and had to keep his pain level up to stay connected to the dark side and keep himself conscious.

On top of that used too much energy dicking with Finn and he didn't have enough left in the tank to pull luke's saber out of the ground let alone fight an extended fight with Rey, notice that he had to do a lot of running while fighting her which made him use what little energy he had left. and he couldn't just push her off the cliff at the end because Snoke told him not to kill her because he wanted her as another apprentice.

There was a lot of lazy, clumsy, nostalgia pandering shit about this movie but this scene was actually one of the better parts.

Rey is actually Darth Plageuis they still the body switch sith ritual from SWTOR but make it more child-friendly so it will look like Ginyu body change

This is what I don't get about the current method of pandering. It seems to me making a really good female villain would be far more inclusive than pretending that they're all sugar, spice, and everything nice.

I think you're retarded.

The Prequels are George's Vision, you don't like, get fucked.

Anakin and Obi wan were believable knights and masters who used their powers, believably. And, at the very least, they were trained. Anakin from age 9, Obiwan from age 4. Rey's a fucking trash collecting Sand Nigger who impossibly can into all things force related, Saber related and Deus Ex Machina related because she's immediatlely loved and adored by all, including the Resistance. Shouldn't the Resistance be the Republic seeing as how the Empire was in actuality the Republic. It'd be no different than removing Caesar and returning power to the Senate. Rome returns to a REPUBLIC, they don't become, the resistance.

What a bullshit movie The Shit Awakens is.

Yes, because Once Taught and once you've Practiced, you know how YODA trained Luke to Funnel the force through his body making him, Stronger and more resistant to forced that'd kill an untrained and ordinary chap, Force Masters and Knights are able to do stuff like that. Like when Yoda fell when fighting sidious, and wasn't at all, worse for wear. So saying Kylo was crippled by being shot, is bullshit.

YOU MEAN VADER USED HIS ROBOTIC HAND TO BLOCK THE SHOT? Yes, he did. Kylo, however stopped an energy bolt, in mid air. Victor, Kylo.


Are you just trolling now?

TFA is JJ's vision. Don't like it? Get fucked.

And JJ was George's first choice as director for it.

>Tiny grazing shot from a bow caster.
>Suddenly gets over powered in hand to hand combat by an untrained 90 lb girl.
>She even kicks him to the ground and laughs at him.
>Supposed to take him seriously after a crushing defeat at the hands of a 5'2", 175 pound 17 year old girl.

In the old canon it's established the Vader scene is actually him absorbing the blaster bolt outside, something Lucas okayed. This lead to force absorption and force deflection using the hands or the force being a skill of high end force users.

Stopping a blaster bolt mid-air is simply an evolution of that concept.

>On top of that used too much energy dicking with Finn and he didn't have enough left in the tank to pull luke's saber out of the ground let alone fight an extended fight with Rey,

you dont run out of force
this is isnt dungeons of dragons

That would actually make sense. So there's no way they'll put it in.

This is untrue, use of the force can take its toll. Between being emotionally unbalanced (Han), injured by a bow caster, using the force to throw Rey away, getting injured by Finn and not actually wanting to hurt Rey, it's actually pretty obviously why he loses. Between his injuries, emotional state and his unwillingness to actually hurt Rey it's really no wonder Rey wins.

For the same reason most girls when arguments and fights over their male counterparts in real life. The guy just sort of gives up because they like the girl and it's easier to just let it go.

Is it that big a stretch to think that significant blood loss, exhaustion, and lack of mental focus from killing your father would impact somebodies wonky space mage powers?

>Kylo was injured, weakened and distracted hurr durr durr
He was kicking Rey's ass until he pushed her to that chasm. Then she tapped into the Force, and the tables turned.

this plus

combined make the most sense to me

>Get shot

This series needs to die


Rey had the high ground

its lack of his ability to being concentrate to use the force

all of which irrelevant, because in the end a girl half his size somehow overpowers a him in physical battle which is plain retarded

and extra irrelevant, when the movie starts with him doing extra special shit aka stopping the blaster shot mid-air in his normal state, not to mention that anger, fear and PAIN are all fuel to dark side powers and also require lot less effort

Yes, because those Younglings, which Rey would have been, are taught some really advanced shit. Oh wait, maybe not seeing as how a dozen of them Jobbed so easily against Anakin Skywalker.

Admit it, Rey's a mary sue. When she pulled the saber too her, that was the tenth example of her being a mary sue. Previously she had flown the falcon in a dog fight expertly, avoiding obstacles and pitfalls against from birth trained pilots. She was able to use force suggestion and telepathy. Luke only ever managed telepathy with his family. And suggestion didn't happen until he was a Jedi knight. Rey's a sand nigger with no training at all who did not even believe in the force and suddenly,she's an expert force user.

And yet he had her beat at a cliff. Admit it, Rey's a mary sue.

Get your head out of your ass, Anakin used every ability within Reason. As a slave for the Jew wasp thing he slaved in the Jew wasp's shop for MOST OF HIS YOUNG LIFE. Because he was a slave. All those droid pieces behind him, you think Anakin got help to take those apart? He was the only person there. He had wrecked every pod race he'd been in. He'd raced for a long time and had in all that time, never finished a race. He used the very ability Luke used when pulling the trigger in his fighter and launching the Homing Missiles that blew up the death star.

It's called Force Danger Sense, or Prescience. It gives you an accented reactionary ability. It's what the younglings in episode 2 were being taught how to access by Yoda, and it's the ability Obi Wan taught Luke how to touch on the Falcon when he encouraged him to lower the helmet's blast shield.

Rey's using impossible shit, right out of her mary sue ass.

J.J. is a shit story teller. Which is why Star trek and into darkness is shit, which is why super eight is shit.

Because he thought JJ was another Spielberg. How could he have known that JJ was a pile of smelly dog shit.

user I'm afraid you have actual autism

Really to early to say most of this. We have no idea why she so easily tapped into the Force. If it's a Revan situation where she was trained, but was wiped, yet retains the skills, in the way you forget who taught you how to read, but can still read, as an amnesiac? It would explain a lot of what's going on.

However, her affinity for melee combat is perfectly explained by the fact she's been carrying around a melee weapon since her introduction in the movie, as can her affinity for technology. Force Sensitives often pick up skills very, very quickly, even when untrained, such as language - that they already have some affinity for. As a result, we see Rey pick up melee combat and technological understand quickly, building on what is already established by her interactions with technology and the continued presence of her melee weapon early in the film.

You mean a robot arm, stopped an energy bolt and absorbed the energy. A robot ARM? No!

Holy shit.
I'm not reading all this autistic shit.

Does this pic trigger you?

>However, her affinity for melee combat is perfectly explained by the fact she's been carrying around a melee weapon since her introduction in the movie,

metal staff isnt the same as a lightsaber
if you are trained is sword combat are you still trained in lightsaber combat because the blade of the lightsaber is weightless and feels totally different

this is why TFA is pure retardation with Finn and Rey instantly mastering lightsaber combat

>Yes, because those Younglings,

Depends on who is teaching them really. We already know the Jedi Order that Palpatine crushed had grown arrogant and complacent in many ways, their many weaknesses exploitable. They weren't training their younglings like the Jedi of old, and we have no idea how Luke and later Jedi attempted to train the young. So, we really know nothing about what Rey might have been imbued with as a child, or why she was abandoned.

It's really jumping the ship to say for certain until such things are fully revealed.

Rey was trained, then mindwhiped and dumped on that shithole to protect her after the knights of Ren started killing all the other jedi trainees

makes perfect sense

>are you still trained in lightsaber combat
you are still not trained*

He wasn't going all out. He was toying with her. He was injured. He was weakened by killing Han. Rey was shown to be a competent fighter in the beginning of the movie. And she cleared her mind to let the Force guide her actions.

It's pretty obvious

The deck was so stacked against him in that fight physically it wasn't even funny. and he still would have won if he had been allowed/wanted to kill her. and another problem is that he is barely connected to the dark side, he flies into autistic rages to appear scary, Vader would have just snapped those troopers necks. He thought killing his Dad would actually make him evil but I think it just fucked him up more and he regretted it weakening his connection to the dark side even further, he is having to punch himself in the wound just to keep himself angry enough to fight.



You know why she so EASILY TAPPED into the Force, she's a mary sue. That's as retarded as saying you could so easily Play an electric guitar as expertly as Jimmy Page or even like Jimmy Hendrix. Bullshit! No force sensitive, until Mary Sue Rey of Course, was able to do impossible shit. Anakin a child of the force Jobbed repeatedly.

>The deck was so stacked against him in that fight physically it wasn't even funny

yes a 40kg underfed girl is truly the greatest enemy of a somewhat wounded man

>Vader would have just snapped those troopers necks.
Maybe in a CG trailer for a new SW videogame. not in a disney movie

> he is having to punch himself in the wound just to keep himself angry enough to fight.

if anything, he was using pain there, not anger

Bullshit. Movies don't work that way. You show it within the context of the film explaining her asspull or its BULLSHIT! Watch Dark City, Murdoch wasn't even a novice since every time he used his ability it was subconscious.

At the end, he's given a shot that gave him, a life time of mastering telekinesis and manipulation of the Strangers technology. Neo was a program in a human guise and yet he was only able to touch is power, not master it, touch it, after dying.

Fuck that, i'm still right. IT MUST anger you people to know i'm right and you're wrong.

Again, affinity for melee combat is not the same as particular training. I brought up the tendency for Force Sensitives to pick up things they have an affinity for quickly. This is shown several times throughout canon and non-canon force sensitives pick up weapons they are not trained in, but having great skill in them without training.

There are several reasons Force Sensitives can pick up a skill quickly. The basic affinity means they have some form of introduction and understanding. So we have understanding of technology and melee combat, regardless of style, on Rey's part.

So what actually makes a force sensitive progress from there?

The answer is in the basics of what a Jedi . . . is. Or any force sensitive. One of the most basic things you'll recall are their emphatic tendencies. Emotion reading. Force Sensitives can push this into mind reading and into other practices. Some come with training, but all are there at a base to some extent. The ability to pick up and understand alien languages without actually being able to speak them with a human mouth would come from a form of passive mind reading.

Rey's picking up of the Lightsaber, a Lightsaber with a long history is key. She touches the saber and sees a mass of visions. What does this mean? Why does this happen?

There's another form of reading in the Star Wars universe. Object history reading. Reading the history of an object, by touching it, and, yes, gleaning skillsets from these histories. This is why a semi-competent mechanic, that's a force sensitive, can touch something they're trying to repair and know how to repair it. The history of the object, how it was made, who repaired it prior, all sorts of things are there.

This is why you hear Force sensitives talk about Droids or Machines almost "speaking" to them. It's rarely a conscious thing, it's very passive, many untrained force sensitives wouldn't even be able to describe why it happens.

This is why most force users are mary sues.

nice caps lock and exclamation marks my dear autistic reddit friend.


mary sue, that is all

go back to reeddit JJ

>typing out constant 2000 character posts about a degenerate children flick

how pathetic can you be really

Mary Sue are always self-inserts.
Stop using it for everything you don't like.

>jimmy page

But that's the point. A Force Sensitive could. Let's say a force user with an affinity for music, that's never played a guitar, picked up Jimmy Pages guitar. If they have an affinity for music, just touching the guitar could passively, unconsciously, tell them how to play it.

This is why force users pick up and understand languages they've never heard.

This is why force users can repair ships they've never flown, despite only moderate understanding of technology or repair.

I'm not saying you're wrong about Rey being a Mary Sue. I'm just trying to point out that she's a Mary Sue because . . . that's what all Force Sensitives are. They ARE the Mary Sues of the star wars universe, and if you go watch Rogue One, the ending, where Vader destroys a hallway full of armed soldiers . . . you begin to understand why that's so terrifying, why no one trusts the Jedi anything than the Sith, why the common being in the Galaxy doesn't even see a difference.

They're people with masses of power that most normal people will never have access to. And they are like that BY DESIGN.

Rey isn't the first time a seemingly untrained Force Sensitive has rapidly advanced their power in the force. Some force users are simply better than other force users, this is absolutely canon. That's not even out of the ordinary, coming across exceptionally powerful force users is a repeated occurrence throughout the history of the setting. Sith who could devour worlds. Jedi who raise the dead. Force sensitives that can pick up skills at a rate no normal person could ever hope to, circumventing all the hard work and dedication others require.

Dude, you could get Vladimir fucking Klitchko if you wanted but shoot him in the side with a shotgun, cut his arm, drop an emotional bomb on him like one of his kids just died and make him jog for a couple miles and my sister could finish him off with a knife. are actually autistic? She was a mary sue no doubt about it. but this is one of the few moments in the movie where what she did made sense.

Doesn't matter. I hate the fact that a man's vision is pissed on by Merchants. George Lucas slaved for his vision and his prequels although poorly done is canon. It's law. For some ingrate dogs to come along and say, it's not at all applicable, to what is his story, his baby, his vision. That creates within me a hatred I can barely contain.

I put it to you that Beatrix Kiddo, Sam and Charlie, Mrs Smith, and the bullet bending badass from Wanted, all of them are not even close to what Rey is. For all of them were taught and trained and got good at their craft. Rey's some retarded Sand Nigger who is all powerful for no reason and can do anything including be adored and appreciated by all.

The posts of people who have had their arguments bested.

>im gonna make a retarded comparison to prove im right

sure buddy

this is the most retarded and cringiest post so far
force affinity wont make you best someone who is actually trained and stronger than you

also what you said about droids is retarded since it affects the 0.0001% and basically only the Exile and Revan that i can even remember having anything of the sort and even that was different because that was them feeling their environment and surroundings, not the machine itself

Force users dont feel droids, that is why HK47 was so good at assassinating them

also everything said by you are not canon

You can have an affinity for music, UNLESS you know what are the notes and keys and strings, being able to play respect for the wind or all along the watch tower or Stair way to heaven is beyond you. Regardless of how familiar you are with the notes.

And Rey is literally the first time some one has done what she did. Even Anakin's taken to battle by Remote, and then he begs R2 to take them off of Remote. He even says the controls in the fighter is exactly like his Racing pod controls. And when overwhelmed he spins the joystick and the fighter spins. He's trying to get away from danger and then he happens onto the droid mother ship. His engines over heat and he ask R2 to restart it. R2 gives him weapons, and he fires at oncoming droids and accidentally destroys a fuel tank. Just like how that lady in Covenant when firing at the Neomorph accidentally hits a fuel tank.

The engines restarts and he guns it. Anakin never once did anything outside of reason. Even pod racing was something he did for years and had wrecked every pod he was in until the events of TPM. And even then his Prescience only made him as expert as his fellow racers. At no time did his prescience made him superior to them.He got good from trial and error.

Rey's a no one from nowhere who didn't believe in the force and suddenly she's using it expertly within a few hours of just hearing about it. To say noting of using it believably. If Han was Leia and she was a Jedi Master, Fine. That'd be an asspull but at least someone force Related Taught Her how to ACCESS the force and USE that access.

Rey's a misused opportunity and they've forever cheapened the force and lessened Rey. She's a piss poor protagonist.

>George Lucas slaved for his vision and his prequels although poorly done is canon. It's law.
But it clearly is not anymore. Midichlorians don't matter or exist.

Also you love George so much but he is responsible for all of this, Not JJ not Disney, it's all George Lucas fault.
He's just an old spineless weak pussy who was afraid to get shat on by critics yet again so he sold his life's work to a children toy manufacturing franchise in hope that everyone would stop blaming him. Fuck him.

>there are people literally defending Rey

this is how you we have redditors here

They had an olmpyic champion fencer or some shit choreograph the light saber duels. Fuck off with saying it wasn't technical.

Lucas himself said that technology didnt allow them for fast action combat when they were making the OT

This is again the point, affinity in the context of a force sensitive simply means the things they pick up easily. I explained in a prior post why, the how, of what makes them pick up a thing easily. You used Jimmy Page, so I used the example of Jimmy Page's guitar.

A force sensitive with an affinity for music, that's never picked up a guitar, could, potentially, play that guitar as was as Jimmy Page right away. No better. No worse.

I explained the different types of reading force sensitives do earlier, and one of those is object history reading, usually passive. Mind reading capabilities as a passive often lead to force sensitives picking up a full language quickly or even instantly, but passively, without really knowing why they are able to do it. The object history reading force sensitives can do works in the same way, it's why a force a sensitive can walk into a ship they've no experience with, but quickly figure out how to repair it.

This isn't in regard to all things, hence, affinities. Rey has an affinity for melee combat and technology/repair, a fairly common combination for force sensitives in star wars canon. Obi-Wan had an affinity for animals/nature and thus could communicate with or as least 'beast trick' animals he'd never interacted with and had no studied knowledge of how to train.

As for Rey being a no one. We don't know who she is. We don't know what her background is. We don't know how this era of Force Sensitives is or was trained. We don't know if she was trained. We don't know if she wasn't trained. We don't know if her memories have been wiped. We don't know if she's just an exceptionally powerful force sensitive or not, which has happened many times before.

We don't know a lot.

Even Anakin's understand of pod racers was out of the ordinary and was directly linked to his affinity for technology and his force sensitive nature picking up piloting, tech and repair at an accelerated rate.


>Physical form doesn't mean shit.

To a certain extent. One of the reasons Anakin beats Count Dooku is because he's in the prime of his life and Dooku's physically an old man. Or look at Yoda and Sidious fighting. The deciding factor in the fight is that Yoda gets blasted out of the Senator pod because he physically weighs a lot less than Sidious does, while Sidious is able to hold on to the pod.

I feel like a more interesting question is this: Does it work for the story of the trilogy going forward to have Rey beat Kylo so utterly mentally and physically in the first film? Has there ever been a trilogy where the protagonist beat one of the main villains in the first movie and then later that same villain came roaring back as a legitimate threat?

he got killed in the first movie then he almost killed Batman

I could give a shit what those assholes at the House of Rats and Decay has done. They're nothing. Star Wars ended Chronologically with Jedi. And MidiChlorians are nothing more than antennae that bridges the physical with the spiritual.

And George is responsible for nothing. He give a man a mountain, he cuts it down to make a parking lot. Why do you fault another man who sold the worthless worm the mountain. the other man should have had the foresight to appreciate the mountain.

Guitar player here. That's not how it works. It took me hours to get the basic chords down and you know what happens to you, your fingers calluses and sometimes bleed. Mine doesn't any more no matter what I do with the chords. Rey should have gotten calluses and had bleeding fingers.

The only equivalent or Rey would be like Playing Naruto Ninja storm and not knowing the moves yet pulling out reversals and holds and throws and Jutsu finishers.

Rey wasn't trained. You can't even say you know she was because you never saw her train, and no one said she trained. It's assumed that's the case but that's not how movies work. All we knew about Quill was that he was half human and he had a daddy that was alien. So him having the power of a Celestial is not at all an asspull because they're billions of alien beings and him being anyone of them doesn't at all lessen what he is.

And Remember, Anakin was a slave in Jew wasp's shop, he accepted and took apart parts,be they ship parts or droids. Him putting together a working racer, with Qui gon's help is not at all, unbelievable. Remember the first Pods he raced wasn't made by him, it belonged to the Wasp Jew.

Rey's the only of her kind, the first mary sue, a veritable put in for Jar Jar and Kennedy and other losers at the house of rats and decay.

We don't know if Kylo is going to be the main villain of the whole trilogy.

>For some ingrate dogs to come along and say, it's not at all applicable, to what is his story, his baby, his vision. That creates within me a hatred I can barely contain.
Maybe he shouldn't have sold it then

Sold or not, the ruiner of what he's given them are to blame. if you're incompetent then you're incompetent.

No it's perfectly fine to ignore the existence of something like the prequels
It can only improve any further content

Her humiliating the main villain, being shown to be atleast even in power with him and blowing up their main base in the first movie means the sequels are poorly set up.

The same is true for ANH, but atleast theres a big bad menace in the form of Darth vader, who they avoid and who is completely dominant. That story is also complete, without sequels which TFA is not.

Also furthers her mary sue aspects, although the worst offenders in that regard are her friends coming and saving her and she's already escaped by herself and can climb up walls like crazy.

Star wars manchildren triggering always gives me a good laugh.

Disney owns the franchise now and there's nothing you can do about it.

Look at yourself my man. You have an uncontrollable hatred for something you can't control involving space fantasy movies thats main purpose is to sell toys.

I think he's hitting himself because he thinks pain and suffering are related to the dark side and make him stronger. Maybe because of the whole "anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering" or "hate leads to the dark side" except since he's not a real jedi or sith he just assumes all bad things are good and make him stronger I guess.

As for why Rey defeats Kylo I guess Rey has more midichlorians :^) The fact that the plot requires her to defeat Kylo is the actual in-universe explanation. The Force is like a god and the Force makes Rey defeat Kylo because it's the way it's meant to be. It will probably be explained in Episode 8 how Rey is some sort of chosen one or whatever.
Fuck nu Star Wars and fuck JJ Abrams.

Midichlorians never mattered. If you think they did, then you didn't pay attention to the prequels