4D seats

>4D seats

anyone tried these yet? Are they worth the $20 ticket?

I saw TFA in 4D and it was okay. It was worth it to experience it once. I most likely won't do it again.

Feels really good if you're a girl

>Not pirating the movie and picking up 5 guys at home depot to shake your couch for two hours then fuck your wife after the film

My mom liked it

Damn, tosh's career really tanked

It really bothered my falcon and my crab legs went everywhere, 0/10 would not recommend

Son, why the hell would I want other people to fuck my wife?

>let's not make better movies
>just more gimmicks!

You know they're closing down movie theaters.



Tried it twice, because it is free for me. Dr Strange was very bad, random shaking when action happens and some bad smell when people cast magic. rogue one was slightly better, at least there was some space flight scenes that was decent.

in general it is annoying most of the time. it is noisy too, at least it was in my theater. it adds very little immersion, wouldn't suggest.

>American theatres make posters advertising getting shot, as part of the cinema experience


Remember when people said 3D was just a gimmick?

Why wouldn't you?

>absolute cinema experience

am i missing something

what does this have to do with americans?

do they not have surround sound and vibrating chairs in europe?

In Europe we can patiently sit in our seats take in the prose presented on the screen.

Unlike you subhuman filth in the states where you have to zooper zapper chairs.

There's no "e" in "pros."

vai a cagare con quel teo rensih

stay mad grilloboy

You guys have literature in your theaters? Fucking BASED

>mistaking cinema for a fucking carnival
merry craps crap
or is it you fat fucks risk bedsores if you're not shaken a bit now and then?

It's the intellectual fetish

>Its ok that we have inferior technology because we are poor. It makes us cultured!

>supporting stupid shit that allows cinemas to charge you even more for bullshit you don't want

I bet you don't even tip you sleazy yurofaggot

>implying I'm going to tip when the Aviary isn't being maintained and the fucking cinema vipers are running wild

tipping is debasing for erryone

debasing for the one receiving it, pointing him at his failure to get a well enough paying job, or hinting at people generally doing such a shit job that one doing it properly is such an astonishing feat it deserves an extra

debasing for the one giving it, implying he's so poor he needs to be lured with an artificially low price

tipping is for scum
no wonder merry craps even tip their mothers

>summer fags don't know the ultimate pleasure of seeing another man's penis thrusting in and out of your woman's pussy

enjoy being forced to work as anvil cleaner for a couple of years

That's why I don't go during peacock mating season

>Not watching kiƱo the way it was meant to be:
>glorious nostril stimulating smellorama 5D

Used it back when I saw Pacific Rim and it was definitely worth it there. Felt like I was in the mech. Never used it again though, not worth it for most movies. Maybe I'll give it a go with the sequel

Can't hold a candle to the Sclaaang Super Seat.

>There is an "e" in "professional."
Checkmate atheist.