Because we need to love our neighbors, not shut them out


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meanwhile at the vatican


Says the guy surrounded by walls


Beginning to think occupy democrats is an ISIS recruiting tool.

*starts kissing legs rapidly*

Why hasn't the Vatican accepted their share of refugees already?

thats why i choose orthodoxy over catholicism. The Pope is an absolute cuck

Literally Cuck: The Pope Edition

Thank you your holiness for that pearl of wisdom.

Came here to post this



Good thing no one in america gives a shit about that faggot pope.

The disgusting obsession of being a submissive sissy to islam modern christendom has is sickening

wow wtf i hate rump now..

in the bible Moses calls on Gods to destroy a wall and they kill and rape everyone inside Jericho. If thats christian then fine.

And someone that allows a barbaric invasion force to trample over its flock is not only not a christian, but also a traitor, and traitors burn in the deepest circle of hell.

You're a fucking embarrassment, you cuck fuck


>Pope retracts comments shortly after
Not even the Pope, Vicar of God and the voice of the Lord himself can stump the Trump

Sent emails from her cellphone, ignored pleas for help from a US ambassador on foreign soil, partially responsible for the war in Syria and voted for the war in Iraq to happen, supported Obama's plan to keep troops in Afghanistan, etc etc etc
Meanwhile, most of Trump's side is bullshit, projecting or both.

>Constantly cries about Christians being evil
>Constantly cries about muh oppressed Jews
>By pure coincidence his mother's side of the family are Jewish

Wow, never seen that one coming.

The only reason he was chosen was because he was a supporter of the gay sex clubs in the Vatican city.

As someone who went to catholic private school for 13 years, fuck the Pope and fuck Catholics.

You can tell his butthurt Argentinian blood is shining through.

We've survived much worse Pope's always bounced back

Love NEIGHBOURS not invaders

Also Trump isn't Catholic and neither is most of USA


get fucked OP

don't forget to sage boys