Tfw living in a city with virtually no immigrants from eastern Europe and the middle shit

>tfw living in a city with virtually no immigrants from eastern Europe and the middle shit

What is the city? It seems, you need some diversity

I envy you


Good lord. I'm very sorry about that mate.

t. Somali

Is this the new bear thread?

It's probably more like a village.


quintessentially british

Lmao I knew you would be here

asians are usually ok tho

am-am I famous?

Don't know but you are in every bear thread posting gay images

In Britain, we call Pakistanis, Arabs and Middle Easterners Asian.

Hacking your government computers right now to send you some portion of diversity.
Expect seekers of better life very Soon.

stop hacking, dimitry

Not for long

nice propaganda

lol lies
