Holy Shit.... I just read this report how ISIS members genocided and raped yazidis

Holy Shit.... I just read this report how ISIS members genocided and raped yazidis.


Here are some quotes:

>25. As word spread that the Peshmerga had left their checkpoints, a few ad hoc groups of lightly armed, local Yazidi men mounted a very limited defence of some villages, such as Girzerik and Siba Sheikh Khedir, in an attempt to give their families and neighbours more time to escape. By daybreak, Yazidi families from hundreds of villages across Sinjar were fleeing their homes in fear and panic. They took little with them. Others were advised by Arab neighbours to stay in the villages and raise white flags over their houses.

>31. In the process of capture and transfer, hundreds of ISIS fighters operating across a vast territory in the Sinjar region systematically separated Yazidis into three distinct groups: men and boys aged approximately 12 and above; women and children; and later, drawn from the pool of male children who had remained with the women, boys aged seven and above. Each group suffered distinct and systematic violations, sanctioned under ISIS’s ideological framework.

>77. Many of the Yazidi women and girls interviewed bore physical wounds and scars of the abuse they suffered. More apparent, however, was the mental trauma all are enduring. Most spoke of thoughts of suicide, of being unable to sleep due to nightmares about ISIS fighters at their door. “I wish I was dead. I wish the ground would open and kill me and my children”, said one woman, held for 17 months. Many reported feeling angry and hopeless. “I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, my body feels very heavy”, said one 17- year old girl who had been held for more than a year.

How can these sub-human muslims even be allowed to breath ? How are they even be aloud to live ? I am really depressed after reading this repost, fuck this world.

Can someone explain to me why western media refuses to talk about this? Because it sure seems to me like they have some kind of love affair with disgusting pig-fucker muslims.

They bought and sold young girls for sex and death for as little as 10USD

10 USD for a human

The media doesn't report on this shit because it doesn't fit their narrative. Nobody gives a shit about the yazidis because they were primarily Christian. And who hates Christians??? hmm

we need to drop The Bomb on them

>They bought and sold young girls for sex and death for as little as 10USD
>10 USD for a human

Goddamit I am so depressed after reading this report

>Nobody gives a shit about the yazidis because they were primarily Christian

As far as I know yazidis were/or are zoroastrians , not christians

Over supply saturates the market and depresses prices

Ich bleibe eine Tochter des Lichts

You're a fucking idiot, the Yazidis are a distinct religion. Ethnically Kurdish, their religion is a mix of Zoroastrianism, paganism, and Islam.

Well the media still refuses to talk about them, why so salty burgerboiiii?

Yazidis are a pagan angel/devil cult, not Christian or Christian-influenced in any way.
Another aspect of these Yazidi girls plight , and why they are suicidal, is that now because they have been raped rhey are damaged goods and unmarriable, and hence worthless. Normally they would be honour killed by their own Yazidi families or expected to commit suicide after being raped. Now that it's happened on-masse to most Yazidi women, I don't know how the culture responds.

We knew this shit was going to happen months ago. This is a time when w e should have stepped in and done something. Not back wh/en fucking oil contractors wanted to make some damn money yes I am mad.

>Ich bleibe eine Tochter des Lichts
jesus christ man, this book is even more fucked up


Because leftism is a mental illness. I never in my life met a hardcore leftist who had all their marbles.

Peshmerga abandoned them. Never forget Barzani's treachery.

> $10 for a qt 16-year-old virgin Assyrian sex slave

I don't know why you're depressed, I have an erection.
I mean, it's sad that her inevitable buyer was a stinky Muslim instead of... well, me, but still, there is a degree of vicarious glee in reading about the transaction

>> $10 for a qt 16-year-old virgin Assyrian sex slave
>I don't know why you're depressed, I have an erection.
>I mean, it's sad that her inevitable buyer was a stinky Muslim instead of... well, me, but still, there is a degree of vicarious glee in reading about the transaction

They were yazidis, not assyrians and were as young as 9 years old, you have to be really fucked up to buy someone and then rape them each day.

Says the white man. Check your own history before you criticize theirs.

fuck off paco. at least we wuz inventurs n sheeeit

We were more civilized than these "people" in the middle ages.

Piss off nigger, annoy others with your illiterate bullshit.

Just sandnigger breeding behavior dont worry about it.

>check your own history

Exactly, history. This shit isn't acceptable in western countries anymore.

Kill yourself.

>Check your own history
>Lost at Waterloo