ITT we laugh at how hard Bernie prostrates himself for his overlord, Hillary Clinton

>ITT we laugh at how hard Bernie prostrates himself for his overlord, Hillary Clinton

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Its not even funny at this point

I'm a bit worried.

At this rate Clinton will lock down the sanders votes which is bad for trump

>At this rate
what have you been smoking?

>he's realizing that he should have fought the power instead of bowing down

>camera cuts to bernvictims in the audience already crying

Will we see suicides or will the Jew stand up for some basic decency?

Anyone who wasn't able to tell Bernie was on Hillary's payroll from day one needs to stop smoking so much weed.

He's a total traitor… a disgrace

If by lock down, you mean put behind bars then yes. Clinton has been systematically removing the most rabble rousing Bernie delegates to crush them.

This isn't actually that funny anymore. Those people actually believed that they can change something, that their sacrifice is not in vain. It's harder and harder to laugh at their betrayed tears.

Did Bernie just throw his hat back in the race????

Hes 115 years old

I haven't met a single Bernie supporter going for her yet

They were booing him and chanting "Put her in jail" just a few hours ago


Half of us probably believed the "LE HOPE AND CHANGE" meme the first time around.
At least this redpilled an entire generation.

Yes he did

fuck yes. Fuck hillary.

>Our revolution continues... BY ELECTING HILLARY


I'm gonna miss Berniemaths

>Implying their adolescent posturing will matter once they are in the ballot box and fall in line because of the looming threat of the orange man.

Bernie Sanders is complicit in the fraudulent acceptance of over $200 million is donations given by his supporters

It was always Bernie+Trump Vs hillary.

Those who think globalist & Wall Street whore Hillary Clinton is a viable option need their head examined.

Hillary Clinton will usher in the North American Union for her globalist masters, there will be no more United States of America if she becomes POTUS.

So much for your so-called revolution, Bernie

How many years till his cult figures that out?

They didn't seem to notice how infinitesimal his advertising budget was.

Where is the no refund pic?

I think that Bernie supporters were without a doubt some of the most delusional and sad people I've ever seen. Desperate, really. Now their precious Jew communist has completely turned on them for the ultimate establishment candidate.

Absolutely disgusting.

"Fuck 'em. It wasn't my fucking money" ~ Bernie and the DNC



Fuck them. They tried to put a Jew in charge. May they all die of AIDS.

lol, really though, what a renegade, fightin' the system, going all out against 'The Man' lol a political revolution, guys!!

Bernie is obviously going for the lesser evil in his eyes.

He's a fucking shill. There's no way he could honestly say he thinks Hillary will do something about Citizen's United or oligarchy.

talks against citizens united as he endorses the candidate funded by the "millionaire and billionaire class" that he used to rally against

This was the moment I knew for certain that he had no chance, the man has no balls whatsoever.

Hillary used a 74 year old man to reign in college student voters and this is just her opening act. We're allowing a meme gap to form, lads.

>bernie rails against the repubs for buying elections and undermining democracy
>literally just had an election bought and cucked out from under him by the dems


do you see all these bernie supporters crying? are they crying at their candidate selling out?

Bern out the day
Bern out the night
Don't see no reason to put up a fight

Its so pathetic. How incredibly lacking in conviction and integrity.

You would cry too if you got cucked like that, user.

I like how that paragraph they posted in the image wasn't what he said and the bottom was closer to the actual quote:

Bernie is such a Sellout man


It makes me sad. I was a Bernie cuck for awhile. There's no way in hell I would ever vote for her, even with his sell out endorsement.

Trump it is.



>and to be poor
Purely a knavish trick. It's clear as hell that he said claimed separately that Whites don't know what it's like to be poor.

Speak for yourself faggot. I'd hope most of us here weren't stupid enough to put a fucking nigger in charge of a country.

>At least this redpilled an entire generation.

Only if they understand that the most obstructionist congress since the civil war is to blame.

Bernie's with her


Would be a lot easier to sympathize if they believed in something feasible.

>Implying they'll go to the ballot box in the first place
Voting is compulsory. The bulk of the Bernouts that don't shift to Trump or Johnson will simply stay at home.

Democrats were already on track for record low turnout even before this shitshow, and Trump already rallied the Republicans to record turnout in the fucking primary.

*Voting isn't compulsory
The fuck, autocorrect?

Everyone projects their asspain about cruz abandoning drumpf's campaign of retardation

>Bernie pledges this partnership will break up wall street fatcats
>by supporting the candidate who gets the most money from wall street

why would a man do this, other than being a 王八

Clinton will put behind bars the sanders vote?
Think before you post.

Don't be sad it will pass, also don't be ashamed. On this board a lot of people have been fooled by Ron Paul the same way for years. At least for you Berncucks it didn't last long.

Wishful thinking probably.

Not everyone can handle hardcore femdom cuckporn


Oh god the pained look on their faces.

The second one especially. Please Kek, more.

It's nice of Hiro to make it so anything Cruz posts on here shows him with a canadian flag


actual footage of Bernie's DNC speech

There are people on my normiebook that still believe Bernie can win

Former Bernie Sanders supporter here.

This man is a disgrace. Listening to his speech right now proves to me that he was always a liar, always a con man.

If you've listened to him talk for the past year then you already know he has contradicted almost everything he said on the campaign trail No one could do a 180 on their personal beliefs that quickly. He was obviously controlled opposition all along.

Lying, thieving, back stabbing crook.

Fuck you Bernie. Fuck you hard.

t. drumpf cuck

t. a fucking leaf

Many of the usual Republican voters won't vote for Trump, particularly the educated ones.

That image is straight up wrong. Sanders would have needed something like 65+% of the popular vote to win pledged delegates - something he had not been able to do before.

He never had a chance because he just doesn't have the popular support he claims he does.

Wait, is there something that congress hasn't given Obama that he wanted, other than gun control? Cause other than gun control, Obama has gotten everything he wanted.

Pls stop this.

Ron Paul never endorsed Romney or McCain because Ron Paul had principles he didn't waiver from.

why is this stupid bitch talking about god at a democratic convention? did she forget that this isn't the republican party?

So much this.

Is there some professional cuckmoose leaf team or something? Why are so many retarded fucking posts with objectively wrong views from Canuckia?

>a fucking leaf
Any Republican would sooner blow his/her brains out than vote for Hillary. The choice for all Republicans has already been made. Trump might not be loved by all of us, but Hillary is well beyond hated by every single one of us. Easiest trip to the voting booth ever this year.

>Sup Forums saw this coming the moment Bernie showed up in the primaries
>It has finally happened

This is like the political equivalent of tantric sex. We waited for this glorious payoff for so long and now it is here. We all knew Bernie was controlled opposition for Hillary's benefit but seeing his sheep realize how hard they got scammed is fucking hilarious.

Bernie supporters are socialist liberals.... They weren't going to vote trump anyway. Most than likely they'll vote independent or to vote at all. Of course given the stupidity of the average liberal many of them will vote hillary

And many of the usual Democrat voters won't vote for Hillary. I don't think you fathom just how much she's hated here, Leaf.

she's a rabbi

Romney doesn't kill people like the Clintons. Bernie got an offer he couldn't refuse.

>god of healing and strength

i thought she was a fucking wiccan
we are really going to let people who believe in this nonsense to run the country? wtf

i meant this

I thought he did. He's making them take a roll call vote

source: your ass

no one will remember him..only trump

Was it legal for the DNC and Clinton campaign to pay him to fuck off?

Oh wait, wait...Hillary just lubed up her forearm and stuck it in Bernie's butthole like in Caligula, right guys?

Nothing the Clintons or the DNC does is legal

Hate Crux and Bush, but they had principles which they couldn't violate by endorsing Trump, along with plenty of well-known conservatives. Almost no major leftist has failed to endorse Clinton. Even Chomsky said to vote for her, which I don't think he's done for any presidential candidate ever.

Whatever he's doing, it's purely procedural. Stick a force in Bernie: he's done.

just cuck his shit up

This, don't waste your breath trying to convert them to Trump. Just nudge them towards Jill Stein or something, surely that old socialist jew won't betray them.