In Silence of the Lambs, Clarice Starling accesses "Hester Mofet's" storage garage. Let's talk about this scene...

In Silence of the Lambs, Clarice Starling accesses "Hester Mofet's" storage garage. Let's talk about this scene, specifically its legality.

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Shouldn't we talk about what her cunt smells like? That's the most important point raised but never addressed during the kino.

Manhunter is better than all the Hannibal Lecter movies.

The Silence of the Lambs > Manhunter >>> Red Dragon > Hannibal >>> Hannibal Rising

So Lecter gives Starling a vague clue that "Hester Mofet" has some good information for her. HESTER MOFET at YOUR SELF. Based on this, Starling finds a Your Self storage garage in Baltimore, and accesses and enters the garage of ONE (emphasis on one) "Hester Mofet". All this, she deduces for herself based on Lecter's one vague hint.

I'm suggesting that the search has questionable legal status, especially in view of the fourth amendment. Presumably Starling got a warrant ahead of time, but we don't even know that, one way or the other - maybe she didn't!

>Manhunter is better than all the Hannibal Lecter movies.
Oh this meme again

Hes right though, silence of the lambs is only good for Hopkins' performance. Manhunter is an audio visual masterpiece across the board. Based Mann.

The exact text of the fourth amendment. The important language is in the latter clauses:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

I could see Lecter giving out a clue as probable cause when supported by an FBI agent and maybe that's enough in and of itself - crime scenes are searched and investigated all the time where they don't know exactly what they'll find - that's the whole point of a search, I guess. But I'm still uneasy about how Starling seems to just go in quietly by herself, and OTOH they can't have known beforehand that a pickled head (or anything in particular, really) was on the premises, just because of one remark made in passing by Lecter, which might be misconstrued in this case!

It seems to me that in an RL situation like this, the fourth amendment could be read either way depending on the judge you draw.

There is so much worth liking in Silence of the Lambs that I can't even spend the time on this stupidity. You take a highlight of a great movie (Hopkins' performance) and extrapolate that the rest is meaningless (it isn't).


That's a TRUE sweep, which is almost unheard of. Count it. That doesn't happen unless there are multiple things worth liking in a movie, oscar-bait factor or no.

Nice Daredevil poster

>Muh Anthony Hopkins

Manhunter has complex visuals designed to convey emotions and feelings. When Grahm interviews Lecter, it's not in a dungeon, but a painful white room. He then has a panic attack and the camera keeps cutting back to white wall after white wall. You visually see Grahm panic running back and fourth feeling the emotion.

The scenes with Reba and Francis include similar visual and emotional cues.

Mann also did the screenplay for Manhunter and clearly put in more thought with this picture.

the owner of the rental facility let Agent Starling in

but i kinda feel ya on this scene - just who was renting the space, and who was keeping up the payments?

>The Oscars makes it best

Tarantino has an Oscar, lets not go crazy over entry level movies.

>Manhunter better than SOTL

Look they're both good movies but cmon. No one really thinks this.

Did Silence not get aped into a film series? Did it not consist of just being about Anthony Hopkins? Silence of the Lambs is on par with Harry Potter; they have the same audience.

Silence of the Lambs is an exceptional movie

But Manhunter is better. A more subtle film relying on emotion and character growth and imagry instead of over the top shock and visuals. You can see the difference in how they portray Lecter's cell.

Look how over the top the scene with Lecter is in his cell.

Versus the realism and signifigance of the emotional weight of the scene evidenced by the numbing bright white of the room and the camera angles being used.

You're being spoon fed with Silence of the Lambs while Manhunter you can tell Michael Mann was trying for more.

>It's a we pretend Manhunter is Better than Silence of the Lambs episode
I like Manhunter, but it has a lot of flaws, mainly with acting of Will Grahm and the editing in the final act is terrible.

>No one actually thinks this

I do

Probable cause.

No, that would be you.

You have objectively terrible taste.

>Has no counter argument
>Y-you just have b-bad taste

in the novel the its the lawyer that manages the dead guys estate who gives her permission to check it out and lets her in.