Gender roles and rules in you hypothetical society?

How strict would your rules be, how would politics be affected because of them?

just do what the Etoro people do
no homo

Women would not be allow to serve in the front lines of the military or perform labor intensive jobs best suited for men. No female firefighters, for example.

Women would be expected to be wives and mothers first. Any woman who is not fulfilling her role in the family would be the exception, not the rule.

I believe this alone would solve many of society's problems.

>half Muslim?

Can they vote or are you just a full out Muslim?

Also only men should get tattoos. It's already stupid enough when they do it, but women have just gone insane with tattoos and face piercing. It's horrible. They no longer have respect for their bodies. I believe most of their problems result in the emotional turmoil that comes from being displaced from their familial roles. Women no longer have a positive role in society.

>traditional family roles for women is a Muslim ideal

Are you retarded? Being a mother is a natural role for a woman.

This absolutely

The only thing I can see tattoos being acceptable for is when military guys get.

Doing dumb shit with your hair and getting piercings (assuming you don't get those appalling gauges), is fine because since it's easy to undo

>How strict would your rules be
Very. Cunts wouldn't be allowed to vote or go to school. Arranged marriage would be the norm; the good kind where it's arranged by the parents when the couple is very young and they have no real say in the matter. How correct the phrase "to keep a woman happy keep her barefoot and pregnant" is would be well understood. Cunts would not wear pants, only skirts and dresses and will always wear their hair in long braids.

I was thinking the same. At least they expected there was a chance they weren't coming home alive.

Pantsuits should be banned.

What about brands? They're not like tattoos.
My wife has my initials branded on her back.

You're the brand guy? I talked to you in my "tattoos are degenerate" thread.

so men should do all the hard work and women should stay at home and watch tv

are you really so desperate for paid company (wife with no other option) that you're willing to crash the economy

what is it with rightwingers and worshipping motherhood

Yes, you're that guy? You're pretty cool.
>women should stay at home and watch tv
Yeah, because there is nothing a woman needs to do to raise her children and manage the home. She can just sit around doing fuck all all day.
Whyvare leftists such fucking retards?

That's between you two. It's not visible anyway eh?

Women and men live in complete freedom. Do what they want when they want. Crime does not exist, everyone is responsible for their own personal safety and provisions. Borders are hypothetical fairy tales as are countries and governments, stories told in fantasy movies. Money doesnt exist, instead people barter for goods and operate on favors. Technology is developed by the intelligentsia under slave conditions at the demands of warlords whose concubines tweet and instagram all day.

You think children are better off without a parent at home raising them during their formative years?

You think motherhood is a right wing political issue? Motherhood predates politics and religion. I hope the current year isn't your argument against women raising their children.

Nice sarcasm there, leaf.

The father can do that.

>My wife has my initials branded on her back.
Alpha as fuck.

>She can just sit around doing fuck all all day.
If she can get a job, she should. It's no use keeping her home.

>so men should do all the hard work and women should stay at home and watch tv
Women would be raising kids, doing chores, doing the cooking and cleaning. They're good at that. Men are good at hunting, women are good at gathering and foraging. It's natural.

The government shouldn't be enforcing "gender roles".

You can be raised well by your parents without havimg them home 24/7. That's how normal kids are raised, in fact sending a kid to childcare helps learn socialization better and prevents r9k failures.

It's kind of behind her shoulder, right up there. So, in a sundress it's really visible, anything with a bit of sleeves covers it.
Then who will work and earn money? And he can't make milkies for babby.
>If she can get a job, she should
>It's no use keeping her home.
I was being sarcastic, there are lots of things she needs to do at home to raise her children and manage the home. It would be bad for hef to have a job.

>sending a kid to childcare
Is neglect, it's as bad as feeding them "formula".

What if they don't care for doing chores, cooking etc more than is strictly necessary but rather want to earn their own money to ensure their good living and improve the living conditions of the family?

Anyone can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't fuck with another's ability to do whatever they want. And great education by impartial intelligent machines.

No enforcement of gender roles. It will fall back into its natural order.

How long do kids need to stay at home for? It's more efficient to care for many kids at a time.

Women aren't going back to the nuclear family setup. They don't want it.

A female can

1. get educated
2. do most jobs in the modern economy as well as a man
3. drive to work safely many miles away from her home without a male chaperone
4. date men and with birth control never accidentally fall pregnant

There are too many game changers which are the result of Technology and not the bogeyman of Social Marxism.

that girl has a look like... wife pretty, not some slut you wanna bang hard, but like, I'd wanna romance her and make her love me and shit

There's no point in her just sitting around all day (unless she really want's to, and her husband earns more than enough to provide), people need to be occupied. If she doesn't get a part time job, she should get a constructive hobby: she could keep a garden, or take up knitting. Volunteer work is always an option. Anyway, sitting around like a neet is never a healthy way to live.

You're wrong.

Look at her eyes, the corner of her lips, and the tops of her cheeks. Her expression looks like she's horny

Machines do all those chores. The economy is larger by having women part of the workforce.

Basically your proposal is that women watch TV all day, crap out 3 babies, and keep you company as paid companions.

The woman can work and earn money.

It is not. There is no negative impact on the child while there is plenty positive ones, such as being able to go to work without leaving your child unsupervised and letting the child learn extremely important social and other basic skills as early as possible. As someone who went to childcare as a child, I recommend it. Neglect would be letting your kid turn into r9k.

1. feminine people are legal slaves
2. masculine people run shit and take care of feminine people

I don't even give a shit call yourself a woman or a man just BE MASCULINE OR FEMININE PICK ONE

Androgeny has no place

>There's no point in her just sitting around all day
I've been telling you, of course she isn't going to sit around doing nothing all day.
>she could keep a garden, or take up knitting.
Yeah, it's expected the woman will do any amount of simple plant care and the family's sewing.
>There is no negative impact on the child while there is plenty positive ones
But that's the opposite of the truth.
You're just trying to justify your mother neglecting you so she could be a "career woman".

ALL women want to be feminine.

Just ask a 5'10 girl how she feels

What the NIGGER does height have to do with femininity?

Oh wait, you're a woman aren't you, silly woman, only men can make sense.

That's fine then. As long as she's occupied and is using her time productively.

Millions of women do all kinds of jobs including heads of state while you post 1950s fantasies

I don't want the global economy to be 40% smaller just to satisfy the psychological hang ups of traditional conservatives

>What the NIGGER does height have to do with femininity?

Oh so you've never been in any kind of social gathering ever holy shit

Have you ever even talked to people before

I speak the truth and I have the experience and life and statistics to back it up. Children who go to childcare learn basic skills such as reading, writing and counting easier and earlier than children who don't, they also have a easier time socializing with others.

What fucking planet are you from?

>oh, so the answers no
>fucking manlets


Aw what's the matter, have no friends?