Orphan Black's Tatiana Maslany on Rejecting Hollywood Beauty Standards: 'I Refused to Wax My Mustache'

>Orphan Black's Tatiana Maslany on Rejecting Hollywood Beauty Standards: 'I Refused to Wax My Mustache'

>On whether she’s ever been asked to change her physical appearance, Maslany recalls being asked to shave her armpits.

>“And wax my mustache, which I refused to do! I’ll do it if the part calls for it and it makes sense,” says Maslany.


What do you think, Sup Forums? Should more actresses be that brave, or should they shut up and conform to the Hollywood bullshit?

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>if the part calls for it
What part would call for a hairy upper lip? Given her mediocrity I doubt she'd ever be cast in a period kino.

I think she's saying she's not doing it unless the part specifically calls for it, not the other way around.

She's not the only one, Juliette Lewis almost always had roles where she could have unshaved armpits, which she usually has in real life too.

Girls have armpit hair? didn't know this.

The world needs more hairy qts

I like her.

But Orphan Black is ending and she needs a reality check before she deluded herself into thinking she is currently a big deal.

The point of acting is not bent yourself. Doing things you wouldn't do.

The fact that she is only willing to be cast for parts that most resemble her usual grooming is suggestive of low ability or a lack of daring. And I know this isn't true. So I have to think she's become entitled and the attention has inflated her ego beyond healthy parameters.

Not being willing to change your appearance for a part doesn't seem brave, it seems cowardly.

Went to Highschooll with her. She's a cunt anyways.

how hairy is her vagery?

Good post


>not keeping your axilla nice and smooth at all times

Insta drop every time. I don't care if you have perfect contours if it's not smooth then it's worthless

They should shut the fuck up and do what they are told. Hollywood execs know what we want and expect. Who the fuck are these slags to contest the status-quo?

Oh, you gonna change the world?

Get the fuck outta here and lose your top if you wanna stay on top.

Dumb famous cunts.

Why can't women just stay silent ffs?
You get a 3D waifu, and she immediately says some absolutely retarded feminist shit, or gets herself blacked

roastie looking for sjw points. she will wax eventually.

I like her music, not so much the solo stuff


Just seems like an excuse to be a whore on stage.

Her "English" accent is fucking atrocious and genuinely confused me for a while until I realised it was a genuine attempt.

Women are dumb. I'm so sick of their hypocritical virtue signalling shit. Its ok for them to be fat, ugly, no tits or ass, and hairy, but you better have abs, 6 figure job, supermodel and have a full head of hair or you're dropped.

They whine about (((Hollywood))) as if it's white people forcing them into these horrible choices, such as, say, shaving their armpits.

it just fits the girl power narrative Orphan Black has been pushing

Post more hairies.