Is this a realistic depiction of hell?

Is this a realistic depiction of hell?

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>it's a los Angeles freeway. That's the joke.

The only "real" description of Hell is in the bible, which just calls it a lake of fire. Not that it exists, of course, m'user

the best depiciton of hell on earth in cinema is in This is the End. I am not meming.


Not even being fedora, but it's an intrinsically supernatural realm of unimaginable suffering, I don't know exactly why you're looking for it to be realistic.

hell is not mentioned or described in the bible

God only created heaven and earth. Hell is entirely made by man.

>being sincerely and unironically correct on Sup Forums
nicely done

I don't know, it's easy to overthink it. The christian references variously refer to heaven and hell in different ways. It could be something like in this setting hell is just a scorched earth, and people don't build/do anything to make it better, because they don't think it exists.

wrong, don't spew shit you don't know what you're talking about

I imagine hell is inhabited by giant fleshy monsters horrific monsters that are constantly charging at you, threatening to eat you but never catch you. You're also assaulted by loud blood curdling screams every second of consciousness and the smell and taste of negro poop hangs in the air. You are uncomfortably warm but not on fire. In reality though hell is probably unimaginatively more terrible than anything I can think of.

No, this is.

Could be if you believe in that new age dimensional crap, where we on earth are in the 3rd dimension, and the dimensions below us are "hell" and the dimensions above "heaven"

so moving from the 3rd dimension to the 2nd dimension being depicted as the way it does makes sense, just a shittier version of this dimension. the 1st dimension would be more closer to the "hell" you are thinking of.

not that i believe thi

Not even joking, but it's Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey.

it's like trying to draw dignity

>new testament
>old testament but doesn't actually say anything about heaven, hell, or an afterlife
>new testament
>new testament

Thus hell is entirely a "new testament" concept.

so is jesus

The implication being the entirety of the new testament is bullshit.

how the fuck does that make any sense?
>Old testament leading to a messiah
>messiah comes, new revelation of God's character and his relationship with mankind

>implying the old testament isn't

lol fuck off kike

A messiah was prophesied in the OT though.

According to people who claim to have been there, it's essentially a giant dungeon with a huge pit of fire in the middle.

Stage 1 is the dungeon, a place of torment.
Stage 2 is the pit where all the people who reject God go to.

i guess people want some level of subtlety or nuance or for it to bring something new to the table

sounds contradictory but when it comes to something as vague as this, i think the less derivative the depiction is the more "realistic" it can seem

like, the hell in constantine looks cool enough and all but it seems like literally the first thing anyone thinks of when they think of hell

wow it's a human city except it's destroyed and the sky is all fucked up. this is a very modern and human approach to something so mythical. would a place of eternal suffering really be something so familiar? this kind of interpretation of hell gives the impression that human beings are the center of the universe.although it could be argued that for the sake of POTTERY this more relatable version of hell is superior

Are there any homosexuals here? Oh who am I kidding, of course there are. Well, they can probably tell you what hell looks like as they've chosen to go there for all eternity.


They're different books for two different religions. Christians can get by their whole life without ever needing to read the old testament, which is like a history book even to jews than a book that should be followed.

Hell would never look anything like this if it were real and set to cause you a maximum amount of suffering for eternity.
Think it through. You expect demons with pitchforks and torture instruments in Lethal Lava Land together with billions of other people? For eternity? How is that scary? You're there forever. You're immortal. It might be the worst thing you can imagine for quite some while, but sooner or later you'll grow accostumed to the whole situation. You might even find new friends, strike up conversation.
No, Hell like this is bearable after some point, not least because you already had an expectation of what it was like.
Hell, by definition being the home of pure evil, would be a lot more subtle, to destroy you from the inside.
My idea would be it being very much like normal life at first. Even an ideal life, possibly. I wouldn't even know I had died. Everything would be the same as it ever was, but after an initial period of safety, things would very slowly start spiraling out of control. Close friends pulling away from you for no discernible reason, people in general being more and more disgusted and hostile in your presence, things out of your view changing slightly, hints of unspeakable creatures in the corner of your eye, stuff that just doesn't match up with reality, yet nobody else seems to notice. Have this go on until you feel utterly alone, paranoid and suicidal. Have you go through with it - but wait! It was just a catapult nightmare! You're fine! Life's good. Except it isn't and this time around things will get even weirder. Repeat forever until you finally know where you are. Have your memories wiped. Repeat.

This is such an unfunny and tryhard post. Doesn't even make sense because fags wouldn't know what hell looks like until they actually die and go there. It's like you were so eager to try and fit in with this epic "look how fundamentalist I am" joke that you didn't think it through at all

literally actually legitimately reddit

> Implying that if hell exist it would be an objective "place" and not a subjective form of torment tailored to break every soul individually


This is.

found the jew

>This is such an unfunny and tryhard post. Doesn't even make sense
no shit, that's why it's funny you retarded sperg
>fags wouldn't know what hell looks like until they actually die and go there
I actually laughed out loud when I read this. good job lmao

But you miss out on all the heavy metal stuff from the old, like all of the king david saga, and ancient judge dredd in samson.

If you're in a pit of fire and trying to claw your way out of it, and the person next to you is pulling you back down, you'll be able to understand how your actions are wrong. Mike and Barack Obabo for example will be burning next to each other, for being sodomite seeds of the serpent. Whereas if they had separate places of torture, it would be a relief and they wouldn't have to face the consequences of their actions.

The old testament is super interesting because it has all the lore on actual real life demons. If you believe in occult shit and christian mysticism, some passages are kind of horrifying. The world used to be a very magical place.

>The old testament is super interesting because it has all the lore on actual real life demons
Kikes sure are edgy.

>this damage control
good job lmao

Look, I've been to Hell many times -- I've got a Timeshare there, in fact -- and Hell looks NOTHING like in the movies.

So hell is a series of bad drug experiences?

So you have a timeshare in Florida?

>not Dante's Divine Comedy

>hell has comfy palm trees and mangroves
nah man, not cool.

Solomon was granted dominion over the spirits of the earth and most demonology is derived from that.
The demons in the old testament were gods of neighbouring and competing tribes and were largely metaphorical.

Yes, I'm posting from hell right now.
Had to fill out 72 captchas before posting.

Anyways don't fall for all the progressive egalitarian memes. "We're all equal, gay is okay, it's her choice" it's all heresy. Btw the right answer was Orthodox Christianty, if you're not, then you go to hell like me.

It sucks doen here

How do know you arent just lonely down there and are tricking us for some company?

It's as realistic as any fictional depiction of an impossibility m'sir

Hell is the absence of God

I thought that only evildoers and atheists were thrown into the lake of fire. Righteous pagans earned themselves limbo

Nah it's crowded and it's mostly coloured people too.




>Dante trashtalking his m8s
>realistic depiction

Isn't that just from Dante?

Well the bible makes a distinction between people who failed to prepare for Jesus' arrival. They are cast out and left in the darkness. This is presented as distinct from Hell, which is the lake of fire and reserved for Satan and servants of Satan.

Thoughts on this deleted scene from Kevin Smith's Dogma?

I thought it would be really cool addition if it was cleaned up a bit.

hell is a state of mind. it's guilt and suffering one experiences when they have strayed too far from morality.

By assuming "hell" has a function and that that function is "to learn" you would be defining Hell according to a single religion matte and thus presuming that religion is the true religion.

Who told you that hell has a function and that your soul is sent there to learn a lesson?

A priest? your bible? those are human subjective interpretations.

And the precious little jews couldnt handle it and are still butthurt to this day

>tfw no good adaptation of the Divine Comedy
>tfw you'll never see the mosques that burn bright red like they were in a kiln
>tfw you'll never see people face down in a river of shit
>tfw you'll never see the forest of people who have sinned against their own flesh who are torn asunder by harpies
>tfw you'll never see the people butchered daily for the crime of spreading strife in their lifetimes
>tfw you'll never see mystics and soothsayers walking about with their heads on backwards
>tfw you'll never hear the gibberish of Nimrod
>tfw you'll never have a bro as good as Virgil

thank you

There is also the harrowing of hell, when jesus went to the underworld and saved those who had the misfortune of dying before his advent.

Limbo isn't a thing in the bible.

Closest you'd probably get is that brief time you're brought before God for judgement, and even there it's arguable you're taken you heaven just long enough to see what you missed out on before being tossed out.

Looks like detroit

>Hell is overfilled with masses of elderly in various states of dementia, out of state migrants in various states of bitterness, annual mobs of northeasterners who think they're better than the natives for owning a mediocre winter house in the affordably low income white trash ghettos strung along the state highways, perpetually sun burnt white natives in wife beaters and tank tops mobbing outside grocery stores for two weeks every month until they run out of food stamps, Hispanic migrants who don't care to learn English because they don't want to associate with the white natives even though they're on the same level
>Hell is badly maintained roads, miles of half empty shopping centers full of pill mills, thrift stores, pay monthly phone services, Asian whorehouses, bars, and dollar stores between golf course retirement communities, Walmarts, and 7-11s
>Hell is 90° 80% of the year with high humidity and brief annual rainfall
>Hell is mosquitoes, wasps, mediocre public transit and opiate addiction
Sounds about right.

no, look out side , this is hell, you can never get off earth.


came to post this

My image is an accurate depiction of Hell

>tfw you'll never see the people butchered daily for the crime of spreading strife in their lifetimes
Shitposters btfo

oh look another only the good bits christian

To be fair messiahs trying to fulfill the prophecy were a diamond dozen around that period.
Jesus just managed to be the one that won the popularity vote when the Romans decided to adopt it as the religion of the empire.
Before that it was a gnostic cult full of neckbeard weirdos that no one wanted around (like most of the other messianic cults).

then who is lucifer?

>tfw no season 2 of the tv show
It's not fair lads

My favorite "depiction" of hell was I have no ass and must poop, the idea of being immortal and subjected to endless torment and faux scenarios is fucking dreadful because it adds a psychological aspect to your suffering, as opposed to just searing flesh.

and I've never seen hell depicted realistically, I've seen "limbo" at least

He's right though, read revelations.

An angel that fell due to his pride. Do you know who else is called the morning star in Christianity?
Really gets the noggin joggin.

No, who else?

I thought Hell was depicted pretty damn good in this game

Is this a realistic depiction of the devil?

Does anyone have that comic of the robots putting human heads in those capsules that cause pain? Always thought that would be pretty Hellish.

Why did Sup Forums hate this movie, again?


>that dong

Is this a realistic depiction of hell?

No reason. It's a good movie.

found it

>impying a good adaptation can even be in movie/tv form

*a dime a dozen

Only good answer.