Perry Bible Fellowship

Why is this comic so based?

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This is easily one of the funniest web comics I've ever seen.

Is that comic trying to say that African-Americans are predisposed to be racist? Because that's really offensive and the author should really stop portraying minorities in such a poor light.
Anyone doxx him???

Oh fuck new PBF

Thanks op.

>not mentioning the title being "The Offenders"

Why are they all attacking like they're massive stereotypes? The first guy's swinging a bat, the second one's in a goddamn rice hat and is throwing ninja shurikens, and the third one's in a goddamn sombrero and poncho. Hell, the fourth guy is attacking by demonizing minorities while wearing clothes clearly designed to oppress womyn.

It took me a solid 10 minutes of trying to figure out what the joke was before I noticed the sound effects in each frame.

Edit where the onomatopoeias are changed into not being associated with the race of the attacker when?

Why would you want that?

>Edit without the joke?
But why?

It's a common joke in PBF strips. Edit out the joke then making a thread asking "what the joke is"

I fucking hate it when people do that. Fuck you.

I like how he looks like Luke Cage and Iron Fist and is sticking it to the sjw pandefing Marvel.

You absolute madman.

>ecksdee le beating people to death with slurs meme
>the voice of reason calls the black guy problematic for actually fighting uwu
its like tumblr and reddit had a child and failed to abort it in time

>Haha! I love how the comic is taking the piss out of those stupid SJWs

>Fucking tumblr comic made by filthy SJWs!

>This comic is implying italians are a separated race and mexicans are a real race.

americans gives me cancer, this is so hard of accepting Italians are white and mexicans just half-white half-amerindian? why you piss off with your invented memes races?

>MFW i finally get the joke

This. Why do only stupid Americans think that Mexicans and Italians actually exist? Do they not realise that race is the only thing that exists?

>implying italians are human

the "white american" in american minds is just the anglo-type with a very "pink pig skin", mostly of anglo-saxons descents and protestant religion, they can accept germans and scandinavians but only if they are protestant and change their german and scandinavian surnames with anglo counterparts.

everything else is not white, Irish and Italians are not white because MUH catholics, Jews are not white even with their eastern european phenotype and germanic surnames, Mexicans are a real race called "brown people" or "hispanic", not an interbreeding between spaniards colonist and natives, and black people are "black", yeah just "black", not a huge interbreeding between various western africans ethnias, white southerners, irish and injuns, just "black", and all asians are chinese anyway.

glorious, very glorious.

Took me a minute.

You're a fag.

Jesus...I noticed it in the third panel, less than 20 seconds. Then again, I'm black.

>this post is implying that races exist

Question: I know of chink, spic and cracker, but - wop? That's a slur?

yeah it's a reality, we call that subspecies.

The Specie is Homo Sapiens, with various subspecies inside, exactly like others animals.

Yeah, it used to be a slur for Italians.

I mean, I guess it still is, but mostly you don't hear it because people stopped giving a shit about Italians.

Okay. But I'm pretty sure the subspecies name isn't 'white,' is it?
Because that just doesn't sound too scientific

It's not about race, the joke is about slurs. Which are not exclusive to race you retarded nigger dyke trashbilly.

Official scientific classification is forbidden about that stuff, for political reasons.

This, I can call any white guy a wop, mick, polak, kraut, frog, limey, hoosier, or cheesehead, and its still a slur

holy shit I can't handle it

Nick Cage and Iron Fist?

I hear dago occasionally.

It's an older slur, but it checks out

It means WithOut Papers, because there were a lot of Italians coming over for "legitimate business" purposes that didn't get in legally

I just noticed the transgender symbol in the fifth panel.

Seems more depressing than based

Pretty good. If this was a regular comic then nobody would notice it. You could even spoiler the ending and no one would see it.

This website is incredibly stupid.

one of my favourites

>promotes use of skub
Pick one



Dammit, now is no time for your "pretending to be retarded".

i have jerked off to pink's nipples in this one

>because iron fist is white


>Sweden-man is the one who is offended

Oh damn he does have the sweden flag colors.

>no "nigger" sound

How progressive

Cause it doesn't have a fixed schedule.

I just noticed he's crying as he breaks Iron Fists back.

>Explaining the joke
>Because user is retarded


>Implying Cage could beat Iron FIst

Only webcomic I still give a shit about, and own a physical book of

Just like VGcats

>years of browsing the internet
>confident about my skills in getting english jokes and understanding slang
>even after reading the explanation of the joke, I still don't fucking get it

This shit is too subtle for me

Help me out here, which minority is wop?


>Oh fuck new PBL
>Not "Oh fuck, new PBL"
Commas and punctuation make all the difference

The black dudes sound effects are all racial slurs

Jesus Christ man, something's wrong with you, first panel and I already had a feeling, second panel I was sure, third was undeniable confirmation and by the final one I was bursting out with laughter.

>Not PFB
And spelling before you correct someone also makes all the difference. Fuck me, dude.

>Not PBF


You have both made the same mistake, making you both inferior to myself, the poster!

I'm actually the same idiot who made the mistake twice. That'll show me to correct people on the Internet.

He fights like Wonder Woman.

Question. Any idea who commissioned his marvel comics?


To be clear, part of a Marvel collection consisting entirely of independent artists, including Kate Beaton.

Sound effects = racist terms

Swarthy guy's punch is "wop", offensive term for Italians

East asian woman's attack is "chnk", chink is an offensive term for chinese

Mexican guy getting stabbed is "spik", spic is an offensive term for hispanics

White guy's back being broken is "ccrrcckkrr", cracker is an offensive term for whites

Also, the white guy says "slur" instead of "sir", and "problematic" is a term used by some people to imply something is racist or sexist (there's also the feminist-looking chick in that panel to highlight tit).

There, now I ruined the joke.

when will we admit anti-SJWs like you are just as massively retarded? Or is this bait?

Can't we just all get along and agree that the Berry Fible Pellowship is a great cartoon?

>they can accept germans and scandinavians but only if they are protestant and change their german and scandinavian surnames with anglo counterparts

Benjamin Franklin wasn't even prepared to go as far as that.

That you even have to ask is troubling. Either way, love over hate user.

I think slur is the name of the black guy.

Ooh give me a name, that sounds pretty great.

Google it.

sweet christmas

It's one of the Strange Tales anthologies. I don't remember which one thouhg.

>when will we admit anti-SJWs like you are just as massively retarded? Or is this bait?
What does this even mean? I deal with them at my University and I think SJWs are obnoxious and that their ideas have had a cancerous impact on free thought.

Am I an anti-sjw?

Can't you see the color of the next bullet about to loaded into the chamber?

What happens when they use this form again, user?

no that's not it. it's people just asking for a longwinded explanation of the gag.

Why is he crying?

Who's implying that?

Slur could absolutely beat Captain Sweden though.

>Child of Galactus
>Not his sexy anime daughter

So why's it called Perry Bible Fellowship?

is that kitty?

Who knows

> That has actually happened IRL

This, I think.

>author's signature is ng

>Nicholas Gurewitch

in an interview he said he saw it on a flyer and thought it sounded good, or random, or whatever.

>It's a mistake
>i was going to take a picture of a pussy when my son...

>Sup Forums

Next you're going to tell me your a woman


>this is somehow not a banner yet
Seems like a couple of other PBF clips are banners, why not this?

I don't get it

You don't have greasy, guinea, dago trash in your country?