TV Sucks, no funny movies, prove me wrong

Fuck you inb4 Rick and Morty.

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>no funny shit

>Fuck you inb4 Rick and Morty.
I'm guessing you've already seen it?

how big is that dog

yea, I get the humor but I just don't find it all.


all of it?


Now or ever? On the Air is absurdit slapstick comedy kino but that was in the 90s.

have any suggestions?

Wubba lubba dub dub

haha not bad, at least mildly entertaining


I cancelled cable 4 years ago, I'm just here for the flicks.

True Detectives has been getting me through, and Fargo. They're the only things on tv that have been refreshing

>Wubba lubba dub dub

Should of posted shows I do actually enjoy

The Thick of It
The Office (U.S)
Always Sunny
early Tim and Eric

>pleb shit

I only mentioned that in case OP watched the first episode and dropped it. I don't think the Pilot is that great. Episodes 2 and 3 are much better. Episode 6 of Season 2 also stands out as really good.

But if you've watched more than just one episode, you have plenty of justification for any negative opinion on the show.

watch all three seasons, it's just not funny

edgy, gore laced cultural reference bombs left and right. There's a few chuckles here and there but overall it's pretty terrible

that's obviously a cat

TV is life consuming. To me at least.
Television episodes take up too much time and have way too much filler.
You look at a 5 season show on Netflix and imagine how much of it is bullshit filler so the writers can figure out an ending. Too inconsistent for me.

Fair enough user.

Watch the leaked work print of wolverine origins. It is pure comedy instead of manufactured comedy (stuff that was made literally to be funny)