The Last of Us: The Movie

The Last of Us: The Movie

No shit

Based on?
The surrogate daughter? lol

Pic related: The movie

I didn't have any fucking adamantium claws when I played as Joel WTF??

>that fat nigger kid trying to run away

>playing videogames


>The Last of Us
>video game


tlou was better

Not even close

Well Laura, it looks like we really are The Last of Us™

Its an interactive novel

ohh wow now that you mention it that scene were Logan started playing the guitar was weird

*interactive movie.
Don't equate this shallow trash with the depth of a novel.

Got a problem with it, bub?

How exactly do the in universe comic books work? Why did the kids follow the fictional coordinates without knowing if Eden was even real.

The comics were an in-universe cashgrab. Logan acknowledges it as-much. Gabriela told the kids about Eden. She filled their heads with "nonsense."

But The Last of Us was already a movie.

>You're right.
>You're not my daughter.
>And I sure as hell ain't your dad.

Poor mans last of us tbqh senpai.

>Logan hits us with father/daughter feels
>GotG2 hit us with father/son feels
>meanwhile dc kills batman's parents every few years or so with no actual emotional investment.



wats gotg2 please?