What the fuck was that episode...

What the fuck was that episode? I don't know who these people are but they can't let that Shermer guy finish one sentence without interrupting. That author is literally saying, "DUDE maybe this maybe that LMAO", and gets pissed off when someone giving some legit critics. Also, the comments are fucking cancer. I wish we had a new Eddie Bravo episode/

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duh dude these types of conversations only work if everyone is in agreement from the beginning that anything is possible. It's almost like that improv game Yes And. Like you're just supposed to go with it to "expand" your mind and yourself because if you don't it'll be retarded and the conversation will be over in a few minutes.

watched a few minutes, couldn't handle that limey interruptfag. shut the fuck up asshole.

>Its a Joe gangs up on one of the guests episode

>its a gaytrans scamcock episode

>the comments are fucking cancer

So nothing new, then?

>I wish we had a new Eddie Bravo episode/
confirmed for retard

I didn't really get what the argument was really about, it seems like this

>british dude says the ruins were created by a separate civilization much more advanced than the common hunter-gatherers at the time
>other guy simply says "yeah or maybe we just really under-estimated the intelligence of hunter-gatherers in general"

he seemed pretty reasonable, I don't know why Joe was so firmly against him

I'd really like to see him have Zizek on. Or Judith Butler.

>its a Joe sides with white Edguy's ideals and railroads the skeptic episode
>Hancock is confrontational and argumentative from the go
>Beardman massages Hancock """"ego"""" below the table

>Joe "gotta pay for that (((New Studio))) so my opinions are fucking superior" Rogaine


hancock managed to sound semi reasonable here. He's much more of a atlantis was on antarctica nut a few years ago, youtube.com/watch?v=LQU9AhPnwsk

I don't know, he kind of went crazy with Atlantis.

Step 1: Plato said that Atlantis existed 9,000 years before himself, which coincides roughly with the Younger Dryas period
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Therefore the Azores Islands are the lost city of Atlantis, which was an advanced ancient civilization

His entire gimmick seems to be taking limited, real information, and then inventing wild theories with virtually no basis in reality. Almost like an archaeological Alex Jones. Then he was going off and attacking Shermer for something that somebody else wrote....it was strange.

his motivations are clear when he repeats "I'm A REPORTER!"

dude ahayuasca lmao

expand your conscience

1) Write a book saying a bunch of crazy shit
2) When questioned, claim to just be a reporter

So he's tried to make himself immune to criticism from outsiders while still being able to crank out pseudoscientific books for his gullible readers.

He really is a con man.

i felt the skeptic guy made a fool of himself

joe: you think cave paintings are more impressive than 3d carvings?

Shermer: yes

a few mins later

joe: dude you really think cave paintings are more impressive than 3d carvings?

Shermer: well not more impressive but...

The conversation between the two experts (I can't remember thier names, but the bearded big guy and guy on Skype) was incredibly fascinating. Amongst the sea of Rogan, Schermer and Graham superegos, these two men were having a very productive conversation.

Haha yeah... Graham really came of as a butthurt bitch that took everything personal.

welcome to how libtars argue.

whoever shouts louder is right

did you even listen you faggot? he said that the 'advanced' civilisation gave the knowledge to the hunter gathers of how to build gobekli tepe

>not wanting to know the more ridiculous shit he believes
>not wanting to hear an impassionate argument between irl bros
>not wanting cool BTS jamie to get fed up and start calling eddie out on his sillyness
go away

The guy is literally had "checkmate atheists" levels of arguments

Honestly I just want to hear someone with actual knowledge shitting on Eddie and everything he believes. Dudes fucking nuts


>falling for his retarded act

Where was this Joe Rogan on the episode?


I like how Eddie doubts the earth being a ball but has second thoughts about interdimensional demon vampires sucking the essence of our youth

Shermer was definitely out of his element.

He was pulling the "Well then why don't mainstream geologists think that" line even when the other two guests were talking about well established, mainstream geology.

Joe Rogan has the debating skills of Ben Affleck. Ironically, Rogan called Affleck a bitch on one of his podcasts, shortly after Affleck's appearance on Bill Maher's show.

Joe needs to sit back, shut the fuck up, and let the guests with knowledge speak.