Bernie was 100% bought out:

To endorse hillary last night. I am sure of it. He is the exact opposite of hillary and completely contradicted his platform.

He has a shit load of donation money from you fools still and now millions from dnc.

How could any sane person vote democrat this year?

How do you Bernie fans feel about being completely taken?

Other urls found in this thread:

People have a habit of dying when they cross the Clintons. Can't really blame Bernie for what he did.

how could any sane person vote either one?

So he crossed the clintons for a war, collected a shit load of cash, made people believe in real change, and then endorses what he was fighting against?

I have no idea how any Bernie supporter can be ok with this.

Trump or hill?

Simple. I want a leader that takes terrorism and illegal alien invasion seriously. Pretty simple really.

I have a family and I wanna be safe.

'For a year
Not a war

These are all speculations (since there is literally ZERO proof about all of the above regarding Bernie being bought out, but I'll play ball:

>Vote for corrupt, piece of shit corporate lackey Reagancrat
>Vote for undistilled corrupt, piece of shit gilded spoon dunce with zero political experience. Also, he unapologetically wants second class citizenship status for some minority groups

If you gave me a serious contender, I would be happy to vote Republican. However, given the choices, I will do what we have always done, hold your nose and vote for the one that smells the least. I'd rather have another run of the mill politician than the orange turd

>I want a leader that takes terrorism and illegal alien invasion seriously. Pretty simple really.
It is simple. Really simple. *Stupid* simple, even. Literally all a candidate would have to do is promise to fix those two things and I would vote for them, even if there was no way for me to know if I could trust them or not.

This is true for people who really hate how the big money is influencing politics. Trump is a literal billionaire who flip flops and has funded BOTH sides of the aisle. His money was everywhere. It's pretty obvious he doesn't really mean what he says and is just running so his name goes down in the history books.

Hillary isn't much better, but Trump is a corporate billionaire fraud who will say anything to make a buck or "win". Politics is and will always be out of reach for the little guy, and this is exactly why Bernie had so much appeal.

Ding ding fucking ding

That's why the DNC assassinated the dude. Then all the dolts come out and say, "Well, you tried doing something really positive and good for society and failed. How about you do the complete opposite?? That'll show 'em"

I don't have the confused, smiling black guy with the question marks next to his head but pretend I posted that here

I take donald for his word

Hillary is a filthy lying cunt who should be in jail


how do you feel about this

Donald corrupt?

Do you follow any news regarding the most corrupt person ever to run ?

Also his nom experience is what makes my dick diamonds you status quo sheep

Hillary better? Are you mad?

Oh and your little guy ripped you off and now is a millionaire

Candidates normally enjoy a bump after the convention.

Let me know if there's anything else you want my opinion on.

This is the only truth you speak itt

The other shit is just inane rantings

Vote Hillary and have blood on your hands

Fucking WOW at the DNC shillshits in here.

THe entire night was spent talking about Trump and them wheeling out special interest groups in a weak attempt at gaining sympathy votes.

You are devoid of any common sense or street smarts if you didn't see what was going at last nights robot convention.

Look man, Bernie is still strong in this race, he will most likely win the presidency.

Donald Trump, corruption???

This will be an easy one, soft ball for starters.

>What is Trump University?

obvious shoop

That is a private company that people CHOSE to attend.

Period. Done. Non factor

was anyone on Sup Forums surprised that the berniefags were scammed and made fools out of by the DNC, honestly?

>I don't like your opinions


I hope they all vote for trump to spite hillary.

Bernie was bought out from the very start. Free college? Yeah ok, the funniest part was the fact that he was never meant to be taken seriously anyway to give Hillary an edge. Dems actually want a fake cartoon socialist. That should scare you more than anything.

>wheeling out special interest groups in a weak attempt at gaining sympathy votes

>If disabled people speak politically at any point, they are being used for sympathy votes, especially if the platforms being espoused directly protect their interests

I disagree.

Was thinking this

He had many chances to rip her. Rememebr 'I don't care about emails! Let's move on'

Actually helped her

That is more salt in the wounds of his supporters

Like a bad dream when you recall to the beginning and realize when you should have been more aware

I feel for the bern victims really

They had hope now all gone

>Candidates normally enjoy a bump after the convention.
I'll be waiting for the Hillary bump after this convention. I have a feeling it'll be a Kerry-style bump. The negative bumparoo.

>People CHOSE to become victims of fraud

Not how that works lmfao

He testified that he hand picked the staff, then back tracked and said that it was only his name that was slapped on for marketing purposes once the case went downhill for Trump.

Unless of course, you want to claim "fraud" is just a five letter word, in which case, better be comfortable with doubling down and attaching your name to it. Unlike Trump. lmfao

Exactly he had tons of opportunities to rip Hillary a new asshole but he never did it, and in defended her. He was just payed to do a job. I'm sure he thanks all the people who donated, suckers.

Screenshotting this

Yeah a billionaire entrepreneur would risk his whole brand for a true scam in trump U

Think you shill bot

You do that, lady.

Clinton's have a worse fraudulent "college" though.

Anything you can say bad about Trump, Hillary has 3 or more things worse. Anything you say bad about Trump also occurred while he was a private businessman. While Clinton was a public employee.

Sanders had the richest campaign and spent the most money and still lost. Kind flies in the face of money determining campaigns

People don't get this

They cannot accept the dems have chosen (sort of) an absolutely horrible candidate with more flaws than ever.
But she have a gina

Also makes you wonder how much money was hidden for personal use

Jesus man this is all gonna come out and be a huge mess

>Billionaire entrepreneur with no proof of billions of value. Top estimates place him in the low hundred million
>Scam has an entire case docket evidencing fraud, with depositions and transcripts

>B-b-but for Trump to be right, he would have had to foresee that this would look bad. T-t-t-that means that he did foresee this, because in the cockles of my heart, I know he's r-r-r-right...
>Trump has 10 fucking years of litigation and actions he's had to settle (doesn't mean he's in the wrong in all of them, as settling is a risk management move, but if you look at the material facts in some of the more egregious ones, lmfao, he's definitely fucking corrupt)

I question your judgment.

I question your integrity.

So we agree that Trump is a corrupt, carrot looking sack of shit, and Clinton isn't a saint by any measure.

If you hadn't put up an anus lipped buffoon for a candidate to espouse white supremacy, I would have voted Republican this year.


>Kind flies in the face of money determining campaigns
Another way to spin it: he demonstrated that you need more money or that you need more than just money. You need your namesake or you need free (((news))) coverage.

Bernie supporter mental gymnastics

Bernie fan here.

>being this new to politics

Why waste my time arguing?

My integrity so far hasn't even been part of the dialogue, lmao. I've laid out my EXACT train of thought, step by step in this thread. You have espoused conclusions, which you have drawn of your own will, and have your name attached to it (so to speak). That is to say, your "name" now comes into the arena of the discussion because you choose to put your judgment to the test via these conclusions.

So far, it doesn't look like these conclusions hold up. What does that say about your judgment?

You don't just get to shoot opinions without running out of ammo, and that ammo is your credibility.

>I have no idea how any Bernie supporter can be ok with this.
We're not tho

privileged white detected

Objection, irrelevant. Without waiving said objection, I wasn't even born in the United States.

>sane democrat

How could any sane person eat food? All food is being genetically modified to enable mind control techniques being developed by the CIA. Only fools would eat any food they didn't personally grow from heirloom seeds that they personally harvested.

Feel free to cite anywhere he called for the creation of a caste system resulting in second class citizens.

I'll wait.

If Hillary smells the least bad to you, you have one fucked up sense of smell.


not bad.

Since when is reddit using 4chinchins style sheet?

>Second class citizenship requires a caste system

Ahem. Wikipedia vomiting commencing:

A second-class citizen is a person who is systematically discriminated against within a state or other political jurisdiction, despite their nominal status as a citizen

Trump explicitly stated he would support a database to register all Muslims in a government database for further investigation (for starters). Without going and digging into the treasure trove of Trump's commentary on minority groups, the above, in and of itself is second class citizenship status for Muslims. This attempt to wage a war, not against individuals responsible for their actions, but against a blanket group, that is the definition of a human rights violation.

This is what stops me from voting Republican this year. Don't want me to vote Clinton? Offer me something better. It's REALLY not that hard.

Go ahead and attempt to overcome what I cited. I'll wait.

Sanders had a full squad of supporters gaggling across the internet and outside. He had all the coverage he could deam of and still lost