Finland achieved more in 100 years than your country did in 1000

>Finland achieved more in 100 years than your country did in 1000

you have achieved Soros

Don't forget.
Estonia has achieved more than you within the 25 years than your country did in 1000.

Nothing can beat this

Finland is overrated


this, what good ever came out of Finland besides Nokia, spurdo and röökiä?


what were you before you were finland?


normies dont care about finland
and the nwest nokia smartphone is not good

This. Overrated like hell, as if it was a god-tier jew's promised land or something.

Oh hi istvan, how's the weather there? And what your cuntry realized? You were ruled by some french kings all the time, also by Iancu De Hunedoara at a given time(1444).
Hungarians overrating fins, seems normal to me since they're all from Ural.

It's a god tier NEET's promised land


Jealous countries.

Good cunt

its reddit the country



Das rite

this. now that you mention it, why do we even allows finns to live? human civilisation would be better off without them

>spics and lebs think their opinions matter

is it?

at least they're not finns

>mohamed to the rescue!

hey don't be racist man

Finland uber alles

How did Finland become the world's first meme superpower? Are they the master race?

Yeah, but it's still doing pretty great.

>The U.S.A achieved more in 300 years than the world did in 1000
Wtf? I love burgers now!

it's their inherent autism

>How did Finland become the world's first meme superpower?

they have high school Sup Forums clubs
they draw memes

thanks man!

finland is about as irrelevant as any third world shithole 2bh

Every muslim country is a cesspool far worse than others and everyone knows this
You don't even have a right to post here

They have a mega meme factory in Helsinki, owned by Soros.
The factory is producing hundreds of Amerimutts OC per day lately.

>You don't even have a right to post here
And what dictates a right to post here, you dumb mongol?

Majority vote
Nobody wants people like you to post anything here let alone come into non-muslim countries

Swedan is reddit
Finland is Sup Forums
Norway is tumblr?

>mohamed to the rescue!

>Majority vote
Sup Forums is a dictatorship you dumb mongrel.
r/the_dahnald is 9 boards that way faggot -->

>coming from a fucking leb
Throw acid on yourself you fucking rat.

Is that what the average finn look like ?

OwO what's this?
Did you get triggered by being called a mongrel?

why are you so angry

He seems buttblasted that his "superior white genes" doesn't matter at all when it comes to Sup Forums.
He also doesn't seem to know how this place works, as he thinks its a democracy and the posters have any say in what hiro does.

This but unironically.