
>only mainstream candidate who fights against wealth inequality
Explain this
Was Sup Forums wrong about jews?

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Bernie couldnt fight a cold

He was a rogue Jew which is why he was stopped.

The anti-semitism on Sup Forums is honestly one of the things I really cannot get behind and will never understand. They complain about Muslims and blacks being savages and having low IQ, meanwhile Jews have the highest IQ and never attack innocent people over their religion. Instead they attribute all this conspiracy shit to them, when really it's just rich assholes in general, a lot of whom happen to be jewish because jews are good at getting rich... which, is now a bad thing? I don't think they're a fucking hivemind, there's just some shitty jews who happen to be in power like there are some shitty examples of every other group.

He won. You fucking idiots. He brain washed the kids to fuck him in the butt he naw gay boi

>only candidate who poses as a socialist to take in mass amounts of money from gullible retards only to transfer most of that money directly into the establishment's coffers

If he actually believed that, he wouldn't have endorsed Hillary.

>always betrays his allies for the establishment dilution treatment

>fights against wealth inequality
>endorses Wall Street
Pick one

>no refunds

are you kidding me? he took millions of dollars from college kid donations for his smooth talking then stabbed them in the back and endorsed hillary. this is classic jewish swindling. pol is literally always right. never trust a jew.

>only mainstream candidate who actively supports literal communism

Explain this
Was Sup Forums right about jews?

Bernie rips off locals, never pays for rally, $23,000 for police and firemen for event.

>But after being stiffed for a $23,000 tab, they’re wondering if the joke was on them.

“I don’t understand why they don’t pay for police and fire there for the event,” City Manager Paul Cayler said Monday. “Sanders’ rhetoric during the speech was, he is from small town America and he values small town America.”

Be honest, you're a jew aren't you?

"income inequality" is codeword for "launder money stolen from the middle class through the US gov, line the elites' coffers, and give the scraps to the parasites at the bottom"

It's July 26th 2016 user and your (((candidate))) just endorsed Hillary Clinton

sanders is strongly for wealth inequality.
he wants all wealth to be in the hands of the government.

I'm not, but my stepfather and half-siblings are, and they're all decent people.

commie jew does not understand money or power. neither does half the country - women, "educated" recent grads, most blacks and spics -. people think you can get universal healthcare like he should set up in his 99% white state. doesn't work on the large scale, jew. socialism is part of the reason why healthcare US ssytem is so fucked

>Was Sup Forums wrong about jews?
red sweden pls go

>jews behind communism?

just a (((coincidence))) eh?
it's because you jews collude with each other. the state of israel works to end whites and muslims, so it will just be them and their jew kind.
fuck off jew

Income inequality is bullshit and he's a jew that advocates expansion of government power. Fuck him and anyone who supports him

Explain how millionaire establishment politician Sanders fights anything?
These discussions are completely pointless (and your question format is actually board-illegal) because you are pretending to be stupider than you are. Jews protect things from discussion with censorship, but sometimes with phony discussions that never get too serious ("gatekeeping"). There's actually a legit and based Chomsky quote describing this very shtick. It is a widely observed and understood thing. You missed all that on your way to arbitrarily declaring Jews to be monolithic and pol to be btfo.

post referenced Chomsky quote plox

he is bff with saudi-arabia and even wants to increase the military budget for the middle east.

noooooo definitely not a wolf in sheep clothes.

besides srsly: he is hyped as fuck by jew media and jidf trolls.

here in austria where we have this mega-jew paper "der standard", there is almost daily a popstar article about sanders.

yeah if these people are hyping him, than he MUST be good eh?

>using treaty of versailles as an actual argument

Fucking hell, when will this terrible meme end?

Versailles was a show treaty. Germany were never expected to pay back the stated sums, and both Germany and the Allies knew this.

I actually get enraged at how fucking blue pilled people are regarding history, seeing as its one of the most fucking important things to know about if you want to add context to the modern world and the current socio-political environment.

>is a cuck

Every time


>picking one argument of a million
that treaty fucked Germany. Germany's shit was wrecked, and that added debt didn't help

>lies about fighting the wealthy
>to collect millions in donations
>for a race decided before it started
>so he can keep the money to live the lifestyle of the wealthy he "fought"

"fight"? You mean talk.

Did you know (((Trump))) converted to orthodox judaeism? He goes to the same synagogue as the lehman brothers since 2004.

Oh, I want my money back then


Jews arent bad
Zionists are

Honestly, I am tired of these kids who think that they are shaking up the system when they vote for a zero candidate like trump. All that guy does is produce hot air with zero substance.
>B-but Hillary is corrupt.
Of course she is, just like every other fucking politician, including Trump if he ever reached office. Get over your fucking selves.
It is amazing how you so called "woke" people jump and clinge to the first guy that comes along and tells you "I am a hero, trust me".
It seems like you kids have not learned anything at all.
I for myself will vote for the canditate that has experience in politics, not some lucky guy who went bankrupt twice and managed to gamble his way up again. He is not going to gamble with my country.

>Old jewish commie
>Promise to fight against the elite and for the people
>Sells out to the elite
Who would have guessed..

>"Marx is a Jew and is surrounded by a crowd of little, more or less intelligent, scheming, agile, speculating Jews, just as Jews are everywhere, commercial and banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades; in short, literary brokers, just as they are financial brokers, with one foot in the bank and the other in the socialist movement, and their arses sitting upon the German press. They have grabbed hold of all newspapers, and you can imagine what a nauseating literature is the outcome of it.
Now this entire Jewish world, which constitutes an exploiting sect, a people of leeches, a voracious parasite, Marx feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect for the Rothschilds. This may seem strange. What could there be in common between communism and high finance? Ho ho! The communism of Marx seeks a strong state centralization, and where this exists there must inevitably exist a state central bank, and where this exists, there the parasitic Jewish nation, which speculates upon the labor of the people, will always find the means for its existence.
>In reality, this would be for the proletariat a barrack regime, under which the workingmen and the working closely and intimately connected with one another, regarless not only of frontiers but of political differences as well - this Jewish world is today largely at the disposal of Marx or Rothschild. I am sure that, on the one hand, the Rothschilds appreciate the merits of Marx, and that on the other hand, women, converted into a uniform mass, would rise, fall asleep, work and live at the beat of the drum; the privilege of ruling would be in the hands of the skilled and the learned, with a wide scope left for profitable crooked deals carried on by the Jews, who would be attracted by the enormous extension of the international speculations of the national banks.

obama also praised wealth equality. he ended up feeding jew bankers with bailout tax money.

ah how i love these supposed socialists...

>was a rogue Jew which is why he was stopped.

That's funny because I thought he did a pretty good job of robbing his supporters blind. Seems like your average Jew to me

lies and shills everywhere suddenly. wonder who it could be

>fighting wealth inequality
kek socialism creates a stratified class system that forces the lower class to be completely dependant on the government

-Mikhail Bakunin

wtf i hate that this really makes me think now

>kek socialism creates a stratified class system that forces the lower class to be completely dependant on the government

explain plox

>zero substance
tell that to his 500 businesses. he has a record of success. all business involves risk, so there's inherent gamble. 2 bankrupt out of 500 is pretty good. you're the one sucking the jew cock

how can BTFO even compete on Suicide watch

>literal communism

>fights against wealth inequality
>takes tens of millions in donations
>endorses Hillary


That's a strawman and you know it.

socialism creates an overarching federal state that pervades every part of public life and is essentially giant welfare state thats ment to keep the proles completely dependant on gibs so the will never better themselves or speak out against the state

>keeping the money

The remaining money he got from his supporters has already gone to Hillary.

Bernie was against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership deal, and sold this to his faithful drones.

Then he sold out, endorsed Hillary`s economic policy and embraced the TTIP. What did the drones do? Well they are going with Bernie.

Bernie supporters are a fucking joke.

That's a meme and you know it.
>overarching state
Oh yeah the governments in Europe are just like the USSR...
>people never better themselves
Oh because even the USSR had no inventions...
>speak out against the state
Tell that to Europeans.

berniebot.exe has stopped working

Not an argument.

>socialism creates an overarching federal state that pervades every part of public life and is essentially giant welfare state thats ment to keep the proles completely dependant on gibs so the will never better themselves or speak out against the state

actually there is an interesting thing: many people in eastern europe, where welfare-state is non-existent, the proles behave clearly different than proles in western countries. they are more disciplined and less bum like. maybe has also to do with the lesser influence of western-style media that glorifies ghetto behavior.

>>only mainstream candidate who fights against wealth inequality
>Explain this
>Was Sup Forums wrong about jews?

Jesus was a Jew and the Jewish establishment crucified him. Same story. Sorors and Rothschilds (if you read the leaked emails) are Shillary's puppet masters.

What is Ursury?

Yea I've been browsing for about 2 years. It's still hard to tell if people are being so literal about the Jew conspiracy. Also people always point out how Jews are writing super liberal articles or whatever but Jews just write a lot of political articles, many conservative ones too.

>promises to give money that isn't his own to other people as long as he's given power

wow so good and altruistic

left-right divide

>only mainstream candidate who fights against wealth inequality
>supports Hillary Clinton
Explain this

it is very simple:

first you have the "liberal" decade. they tell: "fuck those hippie losers who want regulation". republican politicians get hyped by jew media, culture is getting for optimistic and yuppie (movies like Wall Street).

than a giant bubble breaks out, america is full on debts thanks to cleptocracy resulting from too less regulation.

suddenly we have the "socialist" decade. they tell: "fuck these bankers, more taxes". democratic politicians get hyped by jew media, culture is more pessimistic and grungy (movies like Pulp Fiction).

than all the tax payers are compensate all the debts, while jew bankers remain their money.

get it? ;)

>tax payers are compensate

excuse the shitty english

The whole anti-jew thing is just something Sup Forums copy pasted from the Nazi in their desperation to be "as cool as the Nazis", without any real substance behind it.

It just that nobody wants to say it loud.

Nice try


obviously controlled opposition Samuel
he was jewing all along prolly for soros

I don't disagree he's corrupt, but the people voting for him have gone on to watch every candidate of the left turn into a manipulator working on behalf of some other whiny group of manipulators.

People who support Trump at this point honestly just want someone who'll be manipulative at least superficially on their behalf.

>wealth inequality is bad meme

Lel, like I want my tax money to go to gibs

So you're equating us to a country that obtained most of its progress from kidnapped german scientists and stealing us secrets and couldn't even feed its people.

Unironically made me think. only question is if this pattern is true. It seems like it's just getting more liberal, not bouncing in between the two. Like it hasn't gotten more conservative than the 50's

So Sanders isn't advocating raising taxes, regulating markets, and expanding government?


late 60s, 70s -> hippie, punk, pessimistic, Kennedy and his quasi New-Deal
80s -> yuppie, optimistic, Reaganomics - crisis
90s -> grunge, pessimistic, Bill Clinton and his budget surplus
2000s -> yuppiesque hipster, optimistic, Bush - crisis
2010s -> noticed that everything becomes grungy again? people wanting a "New Deal" again?

Germany's shit WAS NOT WRECKED because of the fucking treaty. Again, it was all dealt with under table. Hitler just used the treaty as an excuse to remilitarise and the allies could do fuck all without exposing themselves to the general public.

>enforced it fully after you sperged out again like autists and destroyed the majority of europe

No fucking shit you dumb cunt.

Its your fault mainland europe is full of numale multi kulti faggots.

Additionally, I can't trust what else he's said after such a glaring inaccuracy. It's like how people keep on reading newspapers despite them outright lying at every fucking turn.

hes the anti jew

Jews fought wealth inequality in Russia, too.
Guess who benefited and for whom shit stayed mostly the same if you were lucky not to starve or be killed for some bullshit revolutionary reasons.

>fights against wealth inequality
>shills for clinton
Spineless Sanders is everything wrong with jews

First of all, only Ashkenazi jews have high IQ, and they're mixed with Europeans. Second of all, yeah I also don't agree that jews are in cahoots, but they hold positions of power, and traditionally have used those positions to enact anti-white policies. Because of that you should at the very least be wary of jews. And it's not just the rich jews either, 3/4 of jews vote democrat.

The truth is that Sup Forums was the Jews all along.

We're the members of the bitter and sneaky supa-sekret club busy trying to meme death and destruction onto the world through the power of Kek (PBUH) whilst the Jews are trying to encourage people to be more compassionate, whilst contributing massively in terms of science and engineering.

All these kikes Trump/Israel supporters ITT.