So I thought her speech last night was pretty good

So I thought her speech last night was pretty good.

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It was tops and she unironically looked fucking hot.

> looked hot


speech was good though

Thanks, I needed a good laugh.



"She" is fucking ripped



I dunno, I saw her and thought, "damn she looks good."

omg yasss queen slay


>looks like a dude
I'll be so glad when we're finished with The Emperor's New Clothes presidency.

Michelle "Living In A House Built By Slaves" Obongo

I didn't agree with a damn fucking thing she said. She was lying the entire time, but she did a good job of conveying her shit message. She's like her husband. A good public speaker.

Doesn't matter that everything coming out of her mouth is treasonous horseshit. Annoyed the shit out of me because I know the impact it has on the campaign. I hate to admit it but she did a good job for her party.

Didn't watch. Lol



Treasonous horseshit? What the fuck are you talking about? She spoke about her kids for 15 minutes.


>A good public speaker.

Why does this meme persist? After 8 years of hearing this idiot stutter his way through speeches?

You're right user, all these minorities is what makes America great, not mindless rhetoric from that demagogue Trump.
>pic related

Why do niggers think that slaves built the white house?

Digging up a foundation does not equate to building a building.

Nigger slaves did not even have knowledge to build such a thing!

Guess you weren't watching the same speech. She spoke in bullshit platitudes about her children playing in a house built by slaves, and defended Hillary for a solid 10 minutes while bashing Trump over frivolous muh fee fees bullshit.

It should be a crime to blatantly lie so hard to the American people.


He falls apart at times but you have to be deaf or just blind to ignore the fact that he's very good at communicating to his base. People love his speaking style for some reason. I personally don't but a lot of people agree that he's good at what he does.

Lately he's fallen apart.

>disgusting transgender


>says a tranny looks hot
Off you go

>She was lying the entire time, but she did a good job of conveying her shit message. She's like her husband. A good public speaker.
>Doesn't matter that everything coming out of her mouth is treasonous horseshit.



Bitch, shut the fuck up. There were a few hundred people who built the White House. THREE of them were slaves, and all of those slaves were paid. In other words, NO FUCKING SLAVE LABOR WAS USED.

Go fuck yourself you stupid niggacoon Flotus bitch.

I got bored about 3 minutes in and went to the kitchen and made a sandwich

Bingo. White people don't have culture, just stupid shit like pumpkin spice lattes and knickerbockers.

>Facts are important!
>Except when it's Trump

Stay mad, cucks


Where can I get info on refuting this slaves built the White House nonsense

Does she not realize the original white house burned down in 1814 and then was completely gutted after ww2? Her kids are playing in a house constructed by American GI's not dindus.
Plus you're gonna bitch and complain about living in a fucking mansion. Go fuck yourself bammy.

She says america is great never wasn't

THree years ago she says she wasn't proud to be an american at the same time as her black husband is the president.


That picture has been doctored user, i took the original found here.

it was a good speech. trump's not a role model and now every parent is going to be thinking about their kids as they watch this process over the next couple of months. introduced a new fold to the campaign and it's one that will really help the dems.

I didn't agree with what she said obviously, but she was by far the best speaker of the night. I still can't believe that had Demi Lovato basically go up and say, "Hi, I'm Demi Lovato. I'm a drug addict and mentally ill and I support Hillary Clinton!" Fucking retarded as fuck.

Yeah I'd probably fuck her

The historical record shows the slaves were paid for digging the foundation.

It was a pretty great speech. Can't deny it. That "house built by slaves" line, while complete and utter pandering bullshit, was a real killer. And yeah, she looked fantastic. I am 100% for Trump but I can't deny what I feel.

Wow it is as if leftists are not honest or something.

Payment doesn't negate slave status.

It simply means that "slave labor" was not used.

They were paid.

She gave a stereotypical black women speech
>muh strong independent black women
>we wuz slaves n shiett
>muh black boy
>Lord have mercy n shiett
>don't vote for da evil white man

She's a buffalo and she probably didn't write it.


Of course she didn't write it user.

The owner of the slaves was paid, I assume.

>she probably didn't write it.
No shit. No one writes their own speeches.

You guys are aware that she did not write that speech herself, right?

>her speech
It's wasn't though. It was just a speech that she read


You need to watch him when he's on the teleprompter and on point. Hes the GOAT at it.

If you come to pol all you've seen is the IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF OKIE DOKIE

why people even care about speeches? its about what you actually do. They haven't done shit the past 8 years

7.5 years of:
>This country sucks, you need to listen to us Obamas/Liberals
>this country is incredibly flawed and you idiot Americans are the problem!
>we are lagging behind in education, health care, race relations and gun control!

>don't let anyone ever tell you that this country isn't great or that you need to make it great again!
>This is the greatest country in the world!
all this said without an American flag in sight.

Its amazing how obviously two-faced the Democrats are, yet people still fall for it. No wonder they think everyone is stupid.

wow this is truly mindblowing stuff i'm really being made to think here

Never has it been so overt.

This will be our own little secret ;)

I dont understand people who keep 2000 tabs open in their bowser

Holy shit, after watching her speech I support Hillary now.

Even Politifact and Snopes both list the statement as COMPLETELY 100% TRUE, but then go on to explain that there were 3 people paid an actual salary, who happened to be slaves.

If you read between their lines you can realize it's bullshit. But they list it as "True" because it's liberal bullshit.

>Public speaker

You mean preacher, right?

>so that one day [my children] would have the chance to make up for the sins of our fathers

wow really makes you think

I like how she didn't massively plagiarize someone else's work.


>Gold medal mental gymnastics

Slavery isn't doing work without payment, slavery is being owned by another human being. Those three guys were owned by other humans, therefore they were slaves. Compensation has no effect on slave status.

>"dont let anyone tell you we need to make this country great again, this is the greatest country on earth"
Why does it need "real change" and a "political revolution" then? What about 8 years ago, why did your husband repeat "change" all over again? he certainly wasn't talking about foreign policy, they kept doing the same thing in the same places


Does it fucking matter?

The point is slaves did not build the god damn white house.

/thread I keep hearing this

"She had a good speech"

I'm sorry if everything your saying is bullshit then I don't consider it good.

Michele Obama did plagiarize someone's work in the past.

>implying she writes her own speeches

Slaves were involved in the construction of the White House. Stay mad, retard.

I love the typical biased slant.

I helped put some tiles on the Space Shuttle when I was an intern at NASA. So obviously, I built the entire fucking Space Shuttle. I wasn't paid for it either.

lets edit it to what he means:
>so that one day YOUR children will have no choice but to make up for the sins dindus dream up every day.

It is just like everything else with black people.

I have heard them insist that cowboys be black.

20% of them were black but in nigger minds that means it was a black trade.

A few niggers dug a foundation so that means slaves built the entire white house.

It seriously almost made me smash my fucking TV last night. People just eat this shit up while they talk out of both sides of their mouths.

Yeah, that line pissed me off as well. Not is it a historical half-thrth, how long are black people going to cling to all the slavery rhetoric? It isn't helping black people get ahead in modern America. It just breeds contempt and division.

The bottom line though is facts don't mean shit in this world, all that matters is muh feels. So in the muh feels category, it was an A+ speech.

Speeches are more than just the content of their words. They have the power to move, even if they're blatant lies. It can still be a "good" speech if it's full of platitudes and nonsensical horse shit.

Enjoying competent speech writers is always a good move.
Sacking incompetent ones is also a sign of good party governance

thanks for the cringelaugh, novak :D

this is not a word you stupid imbecile

Does anyone remember the scene from Shawshank when they were taring the roof. I'm pretty sure that's how those slaves felt building the White House.

According to the article, the original plan was to use more highly trained people who were not slaves. When they could not be found, the plan changed to use slaves. Use of slaves was considered normal at that time even for government work. Today, use of undocumented workers for government projects is not considered acceptable and it would not happen. Unless Trump were elected and decided to manage an overhaul of the White House.

Two sentences in a 15 minute speech constitutes "masively" now. C'mon man, why exaggerate?

I disagree.

Just because you are an easily swayed emotional midget who listens to how the speech makes you feel over what is actually said doesn't ha he that she is a liar and is a part of the problem.


>and it would not happen.

It does happen you dishonest liberal talking point regurgitating clown.


Back when I was still trying to be "reasonable" that photo really put me off and broke a barrier in me.

After that photo and a number of other incidents I stopped denying my hate for niggers.

Just look at that crap.

Two literal fucking chimpanzees in dresses.

Trump hires illegals all the time.

And sometimes he doesn't pay them or his legal workers.

Go vote for hilliary then.

Fuck off with the canned bullshit.

The difference is

You're missing the point retard. You obviously have no idea how speech and orators work. I guess you're an emotionally stunted autist that can't read between the lines.

i think her hair was the thing that looked great

The baboon wears a wig

Yes her wig looked great.

>Shocked, simply shocked, that teenage girls are taking selfies

White girls would NEVER stoop so low

Why the fuck does anyone give a shit about the First Lady's or potential First Lady's speeches?

>Fuck off

Mad Trump isn't as honest as you want him to be?
Even if he hires illegals and stiffs his workers I'll still vote for him. Trump might be a White collar criminal and robber baron, but Hillary is a Federal criminal that violated international laws.