Why are black people considered "people of color" if black is literally the absence of color?

Why are black people considered "people of color" if black is literally the absence of color?

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>absence of color

Someone failed first grade

white is literally the absence of color you dip

absence of light you daft cunt

Their skin has melanin/pigmentation, which white skin is absent of.

Not the absence of color, rather absence of hue. You should be asking pic related.

Black is the combination of all colors. White is the absence of color.


Reflected color is different from emitted color. Additive white light is the presence of all color.

This really made me think

In RGB terms, 0,0,0 is black and 255,255,255 is white


>being this stupid

White people came up with the term to distinguish free blacks and slave blacks. Politically, it was used because black people came in different shades.

>american educations

They aren't actually black in terms of color.

If black really is the absence of hue, why does Brazil have so many black people? Checkmate, racist.

>racemixing is good

>native american!
>by your powers combined, i am CAPTAIN WHITE MAN

Wow really made me think.

light =/= pigment. Retard.

first time I've ever seen anyone get one of those off. And from a medkit, a bogan and a burger no less.

"people of color" is an ethnic term that only excludes white people.

It's a codeword for people with a victim complex that tries to lump Latinos and Asians in with blacks when the former wouldn't normally associate with the latter at all. It's easy to exploit victims to use an army than it is to use people with actual self-respect who might demand dignity and agency.

It's like how LGBT includes the T even though it has fuck all to do with the others.

Why are Blacks considered "people of color" if they are not people?

White is a combination of every wavelength of white (or a combination of separate colors that average out to white). Black is absence of light.

I can see why you may thing it's the opposite, if you've only ever worked with subtractive blending, like what you get from the finger paints that they give you in kindergarten. You get black (actually dark brown) by mixing all colors of paint because pigments don't add light to the substance they're mixed with, they remove it.

But if you shine light of two colors onto the same spot, you get a different color that is the sum of their parts.
