
I just started watching this... what's the recommended watching order?

Watch Season 1 in order.
Watch the Nox special.
Watch Season 2 in order (presumably).

Order of production.
As great as Dofus is, start with Wakfu.


You could watch the Nox special at around ep 22 of S1, but really it shouldn't make too much of a difference.

Watch the Ogrest special before you watch the 3 OVAs. Should watch Dofus before the OVA's too but I wouldn't say it's absolutely necessary, you just won't be clued up on some things

Should the OVAs be watched after Season 2?


Release. Like everything ever.

Release order :
-> Goultard the Barbarian (just to understand the character)
-> Wakfu Season 1
-> Noximilian The Clockmaker
-> Ogrest, the Legend (or after Season 2)
-> Wakfu Season 2
-> Dofus, Kerub's Bazaar
-> Wakfu OAV
-> Dofus Book 1 - Julith (SOON)

Everything with the large busts, then the most beautiful busts, then the petite busts, and then the large busts again.

I'd have told you to start with the HIGHEST TEST hips first, but they're all HIGHEST TEST

Always be on the lookout for waifus to argue about


skip the nox ova it's shit

That's your opinion, man. I loved it.
What did you dislike ?

skip this post it's shit

Can any bilingual anons tell me if I should watch this in original french, or if the dub is better? Generally, a lot of french voice work sounds kind of off, and the few clips I've seen haven,t impressed me. But seeing as how my exposure's rather limited, I'd love some feedback on the matter.

I found almost the entire series of Wakfu mediocre except for the Nox OVA which was pretty good. Get some taste, faggot.

French user here, please don't watch the dub. The original voice acting is pretty great by french standards and, wether you're english or not, you won't like the dub.

English user here. I tried both and the dub is pretty good overall. Only has a few bad voices overall but it's nothing too cringey.

Merçi, user. J'ai tendence à me méfier des doublages Français parce qu'ils ont tendances à y aller un peu fort avec le cabotinage, mais je suppose que je ne devrais pas m'attendre à de grandes performances de la part d'une émission pour enfants.

So do you english-only folk all watch it subbed or something?

No we actually learned french.

English user here watch the sub.

Also who is the best husbando?

Otomai, easily.


16 days till iTunes
35 days till Bluray

I really need to start populating a folder with this kind of deviantart shit
it's never not hilarious

You kid, but we french folk learned english for our media consumption.

Step it up anons.

Normal non english speaking countries learn it at least in school. I guess france is just backwards.

Ruel kills it for me.
To be honest, hen I said "you won't like the dub", I just thought of him. I truly enjoy the voice actors work on Dally, Nox, Eva, Yugo and all, same for secondary characters... but whenever Ruel talks, I dunno, I just can't.

Spoilered for french faggotry.
Je vais essayer de ne pas faire mon fanboy, mais je pense vraiment que Wakfu dispose d'un doublage de très bonne qualité. On aime ou on aime pas Thomas Guitard pour Tristepin (il en fait des tonnes mais c'est dans le personnage), mais le reste de l'équipe fait du bon boulot. De plus, on a la chance d'avoir des vieux briscards comme Richard Darbois, Marc Cassot et le défunt Marc Alfos, donc c'est plutôt sympa.

Honnêtement je n'ai rien à redire contre le doublage d'origine. Évidemment ils ont pris quelques épisodes à s'habituer à leurs personnages, mais les performances d'Eva, Nox et Qilby par exemple, dans leurs scènes les plus intenses, m'ont énormément impressionné. Pour le reste, il n'y a (de mémoire) aucune voix que je trouve carrément médiocre ou mal jouée, et on ne peut pas en dire autant de la version anglaise, sans oublier tous les problèmes de production qui concernent ou non le doublage en soi.

Je suppose que c'est une question de goûts, mais je n'ai jamais compris les gens qui détestent carrément les voix françaises.

The Dofus movie will be the first piece from this list that I'll recommend watching out of release order. Basically it helps you understand a few details from the 3 OAVs, and there are actually potential spoilers for the movie in the OAVs, if you pay enough attention and can put two and two together.

what a well formulated bait post

it is kind of obvious (and no haven't seen the film, although 'dat frame in dat trailer')
imo, ye Dofus series+film would be a must watch before the OVAs (and for those who don't like the passing in the dofus series, think the film should work just fine with no huge premise needed, maybe just a couple of facts for the relationships between kerub,jojo,atcham,ecaflip etc.)

Skip Gobbowl. It adds nothing of value whatsoever.

Fuck, three years of high school French didn't prepare me for this

This was my one big problem with Wakfu. They suddenly decided to stop wandering around and play soccer for some 10 episodes or so instead.

More like skip the first half of season 1 and any Adamai episode.

Meh, I kinda liked Adamai's first appearance, and he wasn't particularly bad in the training episode either.

I mean people can like it or not but it had fairly clear reasons, money, and on Ruel's part, pride.

High school language classes are a joke, user. I learned more spanish in 6 months of self-study than three years of high shcool.

>than three years of high shcool.

First of all, that's clearly a typo. Second of all, I made no claims of great prowess when it comes to english.


Skip the slice of life episodes and watch from number 14+

French anime > Japanese anime

Does french anime have incest stories?
Didn't think so.

or watch everything and then come back on Sup Forums to to post about what not to watch
as much as they are slice-of-life episodes, starting from 14 onwards will just make you wonder who are these characters, why on a boat (just sayin)

>Not Grovy or Pinpin

>Not Dally

I prefer calling him Grovy by habit, but I was reading pic related when I wrote that post and somehow got influenced.
It was posted yesterday on the MMO website.

Usual deviantart cringe.


>it's a boufbowl episode

The first season arc was charming enough. The second one overstayed it's welcome.

IT had the misfortune of also being a "Muh Gurl Power" arc, too.

>not bellaphone ep
are you even trying?

> Season 3
> In the middle of an arc, it's the boufbowl championship!
> "No time for that!" and they go on solving whatever.

would be a really nice reference to the fact that there are lesser episodes and that the person responsible for the arcs no longer works there anymore.

Didn't the boufbowl arc creator die of cancer or something? At least I heard there is no boufbowl in S3, but thankfully we still get it in the dofus movie.

> They fight against whatever villains while we can hear distant cheering from the stadium.

I unironically loved the Boufbowl arc.

I liked them too, user.

I loved the first one. The second one had its moments but was little more than decent, and its main problem was that it added a lot of filler to a season that already should have focused more on the story after what the end of season 1 delivered.



>hope this is ironically

Wait, is the Dofus movie out on DVD/Bluray? Are there subs?

literally 0 lurking whatsoever


Which is odd because the girls were largely lame in that episode. God damn does that episode summarize everything i hate about the second half of season 2.

I think he just left. It sounds like even if did stay, they weren't going to do another arc because the direction of the series.