Gunnerkrigg Court fix attempt

>Chapter 58: Page 14

>I know what you mean.

Thread mising thumbnail here:

He looks fat.

it's a girl forced into a male body by the court by their gender norms you insensitive fuck.

So, is this a naked girl?
Should we call the police so that Tom can go to jail like the sick fuck he is?

Annie can't understand the language, but her glowing hair definitely knows the implications of big hands.

All the better choke her with?


Choking is the best way to get a small fire smoldering. An enormous rabbit D also helps

All the better to choke her with.

>implying rabbit genders are comparable to genders formed by human socialization and the influences of a 100% male body/physical brain

The mind is a plaything of the body after all

... recalls his repeated "births" from the tanks: "The axlotl tanks! He remembered emerging time after time: bright lights and padded mechanical hands. The hands rotated him and, in the unfocused blurs of the newborn, he saw a great mound of female flesh — monstrous in her almost immobile grossness

Why do animals from the forest want to become human

Apparently they all think it fucking sucks

they're all suicidal madhatters. i don't think it matters much to them.

I'd imagine it'd be the difference between being a weeb and actually moving to japan, sounds cool but then you do it and its fucking shit

It's kind of weird. Like, Bunnie said it was because they wanted to be smart like a human. Then he became human and he seems to think it kind of sucks but he's still psyched about being smart. So it seems like they have mixed feelings on it to me. They talk shit and yet they still seem happy.

They prefer the forest as a place to live... but with snuffles it was the fact that she was smart but was destined to live in a body that could never do anything beyond survive.

That's why her hands are so large/awkward. She is amazing by the strangeness of them, but the are also exactly what she wanted.

Now she can learn, create, and thrive rather than living as a rabbit

Anyone else hopes that Annie calls out on the magical people as jerks?

I mean they apparently wanted to come and be humans, but then all they do is complain and insult pretty much every aspect of the court side of things.
They don't even seem to wanna learn human culture, where even the teacher who has probably been here for years knows how sometimes people say mister or miss before a person's name.
They didn't even know what a desk was, or a haircut. How are you this narrow minded and not interested in asking and learning YET wanted to be human.

>Miss vaporizing things when she has a temper tantrum
>calling anyone a jerk

Seems like the best solution would've been to become a fairy somehow.


Oh my god!
I just realized.
This is about current immigration politics!

Their entire culture is based off insults though

>people say mister or miss before a person's name

Yeah but unwilling to learn or adapt in any way to the culture you have chosen to be in?

If I had that webcomic image of an American Teen in Japan yelling trying to order a cheeseburger.
That's what these magic fucks are.

Jones at least understands humans.
MAGICAL class doesn't seem interested in learning much of anything about court culture or how normal humans act.

Well it doesn't really seem the court is putting much effort into assimilating them, either.

So you're saying both sides are guilty of being huge jerks
And that everyone needs to work on not being an asshole.

My god
Gunnerkrigg is Zootopia, but slow burned so long Zootopia beat them to the lesson.

Yeah, it would seem the Court only does this business with the Forest to get an army of living supercomputers. They probably spend their whole lives in the Court, thinking they're living normal human lives.

those look like newtonian mechanics to me. give or take some relativity.


Supercomputers that know physics. Even better.