Asians are the niggers of Canada

I've had enough. I officially fucking despise chinks. Urban Canada is literally infested with stinky fucking gooks. Why do you motherfuckers come here? Study in your own fucking country. Why am I a minority while I'm studying at a major university in my home country? All I hear during breaks between lectures is moon rune mandarin chatter. I see a hundred phones playing fucking Pokemon Go during my lectures - all the fucking gooks. They fucking love Pokemon, the god damned manchildren. They're ugly, stinky, either fat as fuck or skinny, loud, stinky, non fashionable, did I mention stinky. Also they can't fucking speak English. Why are they studying at an English school? They literally don't understand English.

Asian hate thread? Asian hate thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


what are you taking?


>they can't fucking speak English. Why are they studying at an English school? They literally don't understand English.
this is the worst. Chinese are the only minority in this country that literally only speaks their own language, without even a hint of shame about it

What's the rate of homicide and theft from your "niggers," user? I'm against you becoming a minority in your own country, but let's not be so hasty as to call them niggers.

>wanting tons of non-whites out of your country
>leaf shitposting

Get real.

It is truely infuriating. I've had lectures where the prof speaks and then a multilingual teaching assistant then takes 15 minutes to restate the prof's monologue to the chinks in Mandarin. This was an arts class, mind you, so the monologues from the prof weren't usually very long.

Yes, you're right. I'm sorry. I guess that the Asians are incomparable to another group. Any thoughts on who to compare them to?

Thanks neighbour.

>hating on your future overlords
That's pretty retarded

tru dat. Everyone knows the Chinese are the Jews of Asia. If you doubt this, try selling anything to one ;)

fuck off shit reddit says

I'm fucking sorry mate. it's mostly those chinese fuckers. I'm literally a white man in vietnamese skin. Condolences, and ironic that I actually hate my own race.

>highest income after jews
>least welfare access
>lowest crime rate by a country mile
>highest IQ after jews
>raise their children conservatively and modestly
>least likely to have and raise kids out of wedlock
>smallest abortion rate
>love republicanism and capitalism
They're the opposite of niggers. Only problem is that the government stuffs them in ghettos. That and they're a manlet race.

At least they're not Muslims, you dumb fucking leaf.

UBC here

It's awful. I'm in mechanical engineering and everyone is fucking asian

I thought you lot spoke french?

But also I would take Asians over literally any other minority, let's be real. It could be worse.

Imagine these Asians were non showering Muslims, or poo in Loo's, I'll take Asians over that any day

>highest income after jews
> Only problem is that the government stuffs them in ghettos
Supreme gook logic there. They fucking choose to live in their own moon-runes only enclaves.

Honestly how can you waste energy hating asians? Blacks are burning shit down and shooting cops. Muslims are murdering people in churches in Europe.

No one gives a fuck about your asian sensation.

>it's ok to have chinks colonise my land so long as they act like they do in china

Fifth columnists LITERALLY believe this. Also:

>Intense pressure to succeed meant that cheating and corruption were rampant, often outrunning strenuous attempts to prevent or defeat them. In order to discourage favoritism which might occur if an examiner recognized a student's calligraphy, each exam was recopied by an official copyist. Exact quotes from the classics were required; misquoting even one character or writing it in the wrong form meant failure, so candidates went to great lengths to bring hidden copies of these texts with them, sometimes written on their underwear.[46]

>Why are they studying at an English school?
cuz daddy is a government official in the military or rich as fuck

thank fuck I live in montreal and not vans/tdot anymore the immigrants here are srsly better

>asians worse than all these useless natives on welfare and reserves

Asian people here make me feel safe. There's a lot of them and they don't give two fucks about BLM type bullshit.


I feel you, OP. I still prefer them to most of our other minorities, but that's like preferring a bad sunburn to being burned alive slowly.

The ones who are middle class are okay sometimes. The ones who are poor are universally shit. The ones who are rich are universally shit.

>Lived in a poorfag apartment complex during university
>Only white person at a few different points in time, usually 1 of 3-4 white people
>Chinks smoke inside the building despite every single apartment having a balcony
>Chinks who actually DO go outside to smoke don't throw their cigarettes in the cans the landlord put out there for that purpose - instead they drop them beside the cans or just wherever they're standing when they're done
>Loud music until late at night
>They always get home at 2 am practically screaming in moon runes
>Can't drive at all, saw multiple accidents in parking area (luckily none ever hit my car because I had a corner spot beside an old white guy for most of my stay)

On the bus they're equally annoying
>At university bus stop. It's winter, maybe -20C. Bus is flooded with chinese people to point where bus driver can't let everyone on the bus.
>They go for 1 block (literally one fucking block) and all get off at the same time at the ESL building down the block
>Thus denying people who actually needed the fucking bus their seats so that they could go one fucking block
>They never ever move out of the way or offer their seat to old people. I saw people of every race give elderly (white) people their seat, even negroes did this. Asians would not.

The only benefit I can think of is that old Asians never beg for change, unlike old chugs. I only ever saw 1 old white person begging for change.

The jungle Asians are involved in crime, Chinks usually aren't other than cheating on all their STEM exams


i'm like 1488% sure Montreal has more Mexicans then blacks

Chinese students swarm major North American colleges without learning the language just to go back home and flaunt a prestigious western diplomas. Its a lucrative business in China tutors are seen as stars and celebs who get your son to Harvard.

No, there's definitely more blacks than Mexicans. There's no such thing as a Mexican VSP or a Mexican Montreal North

Maybe you should stop using their services if you don't want them to setup businesses in your neighborhoods

They have big cheating rings set up and work together and the colleges put up with it because they have rich parents from china paying big money.

So when another minority works on developing their own culture with family values and not being a nigger essentially. You white boys get too scared because learning another language is hard.

Cantonese ppl are based. So are Nips that move here. Other than that they're all cucked. But at least they aren't niggers. Isn't that what it's all about at the end of the day.
this is the US but its safe to say Canadian uni's have the same issue.

>So when another minority works on developing their own culture
Last time I checked Canada had 2 official languages English and French, and immigrants should be required to speak one. Kill yourself you fucking cuck

Trade our blacks for your Chinese any day my dear leaf

Top kek all the Chinese at my university spoke English. What is wrong with your university?

Preaching to the choir dumbass. All Cantonese people can speak English. They just choose not to speak to your hick ass cause they view you as a nigger.

Remember when they were gonna make indian and chinese official languages? kek

So much salt from a white man who's countries identity comes from thank god we're not American.

This has to be a fucking troll post. There's no way you're actually this much of a cuckold.

>"Just learn the language of the invading horde, whitey. Why u 2 stupid to learn a third language which has no utility outside of speaking to retarded chink manlets?"


well shit you're right they make up 9% of the island but as you said
>montreal north
don't they have to...

>t. chink

Go back to china and get lung cancer breathing in smog all day if you don't think you should speak the language of the country you are in.

This particular man is indeed a nigger. My condolences, leaf fag OP.

>self hating asian
worse than mainlainder

Do you speak french? Cause less than 5% of people outside QC speak French. Yet it's our fucking language. At least Cantonese is more civilized than the commy mandarin. and it allows you to see into the asian mindset of thinking.

You're cucked so hard into the white nationalist meme.

I was born here. My parents were born here. Fuck I speak all my mother tongues. Including modern Gaelic, English, Cantonese, Mandarin, and French. Find a nigger that can do that.

I'm telling you stupid "pure canadians" that you're idea of Canada is fucking retarded. We were founded as a fuck you to the USA and really we've got no culture identity or future. Except to be a colony for those trying to escape Asia and Yurop

My town is 98% white with a small population of Japanese. I know things in Toronto and British China are ghettoized, but I've never seen it myself. The nips here are very well behaved integrated enough, and don't are very civil and prosperous.

>a country founded as a federation of French and English Canadians is AKSHUALLY a rootless cosmopolitan paradise for racial mongrels!

Deport yourself, chink, while you can still do it freely

America was founded as a fuck you to Britain. I would deport your ass as soon as I would an anchor baby. Assimilate or fuck off.

Goes for you too.


Remember when Western Nationalism was to have pride for once race and know that they are stronger apart than together, but that we can learn from each other in the same way.

They are like the jakovasaurs?

Well, I hope you don't mind the Flips. Unless you don't consider them Asian....

Then don't be an idiot and learn to anticipate problems before they become extremely obvious problems. I'm sure people said the same when Vancouver was 98% white

Don't be so rude, Chinese people have the lowest crime rate in Germany.

>mongrelise the DNA of my nation or fuck off, chang!

What an odd opinion to have

hurr guy tells me to get a one up on the coming mandarin invasion

The political elite is gonna let it happen here.

Why do you think the people fled HK in 97? We fucking hate mainlanders.

Really I'm 3rd and 4th generation respectively. Burger I wish you lived here so you could understand that literally every libshit here is soooo happy it's not America, but they can never explain why besides guns.

I don't give a fuck, you're a chink so you go back to china. And we all notice the superiority complex you have towards actual Canadians

>Do you speak french?

Oui, mais pas bien. J'apprends toujours.

>We were founded as a fuck you to the USA and really we've got no culture identity or future

This is what fucking retarded cosmopolitans actually believe. Go read a book.

So are all leafs shitlibs? You're basically advocating colonization. If you don't treat your hosts with respect, don't be surprised when they lump all of you, Cantonese and Mandarin, together and wipe you all out.

Also, hurr, lemme guess east coast?

Just keep taking our money and not working you dumb shits. Whens the last time BC or AB took an equalization payment from you?

Typical white ignorance. Lets send you all back to England and France then. See how much that makes any sense? Listen, it was a good idea to found this country, but it clearly doesn't have any values or culture worth preserving except being a massive SJW dump on western civilization. Granted that my white boys from up north are pretty based, we either need to separate the east and west coasts, or attempt balkanization because realistically this divide isn't going away anytime soon.

bon, lentement, il va

It's what was taught in BC classrooms. That and all about how we fucked up the natives.

Don't blame me, blame the politicians and education system that led not just myself, but my whole generation into believing this.

What is our identity?? Hockey, cold, polar bears, and fucking maple syrup.

I've had enough. I officially fucking despise racists. Urban Canada is literally infested with stinky fucking racists. Why do you motherfuckers go to Canada? Be racist in your own fucking country. Why are they hiding on the internet while I'm studying at a major university in my home country? All I hear during breaks between lectures is "White power" when I browse Sup Forums. I see a hundred phones playing fucking Pokemon Go during my lectures - all the fucking racists. They fucking love Pokemon, the god damned manchildren. They're ugly, stinky, either fat as fuck or skinny, loud, stinky, non fashionable, did I mention stinky. Also they can't fucking speak English. Why are they so racist? They literally don't understand Multiculturalism.

>Why do you motherfuckers come here?

Free healthcare and all your tolerant white women. Funny thing is that for all the fear of Mexicans and refugees stealing jobs in America and Europe, few people seem to notice that it's we chinks flooding your universities that are stealing the jobs worth having.

>mfw model minority

seeSmall portions remain uncuked. In the least dense areas. I live in the sticks too so I'm pretty sure that's the only thing that saved me being a libshit

I'm advocating the sacrifice of some of the worlds 2nd largest country, in order to tame the hordes that are invading europe and westernized asian cities (HK, SG, Macau)

In an ideal world that's what we would do to save my motherland, Ireland. Impossible and crazy, but what I would want to do.

Racist is to a canadian is like Hitler to Trump, you used the word too much. Now it's just accepted. Seriously, Canadians love saying niggers, sand niggers jihadi john, top bants all around.

>It's what was taught in BC classrooms. That and all about how we fucked up the natives.

Yeah, that doesn't surprise me too much. I wonder if QC is any better in this regard.

>Don't blame me, blame the politicians and education system that led not just myself, but my whole generation into believing this.

I blame them as well. You can't just disregard all personal responsibility though. That's like the ghetto nigs in the US who say, "He couldn't have done any better, he lived in the ghetto. Of course he was a criminal!" Maybe, but he probably didn't have to sell crack and shoot people. He could have looked into other options.

>What is our identity??

These days a lot of people have a rootless cosmopolitan lifestyle (not even intentionally memeing "the Jews" here, but that term fits very well). That will happen when you consume nothing but American media and progressive propaganda for a few decades while importing massive numbers of people from outside the country. The country did still have many other identities in the past, and can be interpreted as such.
>"Three Nations Theory" = unique combination of First Nations, English, and French culture
>Loyalist theory basically describes Canadian culture and our governmental processes ("Peace, Order, and Good Government") as resulting from the influx of loyalist British
>Regarding international identity; between 1899 and 1945, the country was known for its military engagements on behalf of the British Empire and culture which was divergent from US + not internationally oriented
>After 1960~ there was the whole "peace keepers of NATO" thing

If America gets to sum their entire culture up as "lol freedom and melting pot" then saying "loyalist state with triculturalism" is no less legitimate. That's fucked up to a certain extent now, but could be recovered, eg. after Brexit closer ties with the Commonwealth + more civic education could make us something us than the 51st state.

Here in the States they are a major issue with cheating in universities. Pretty much they find all the other chinks in class and immediately cheat on everything and anything they can as a group. High IQ my ass they're just good at rigging the game and fucking over honest domestic students who have to suffer in a rank based grade system.

They are so unashamed of cheating I fucking hate these unethical gooks. Every gook that cheated their way into Yale was an American who was honest and didn't get in

Well actually in school we were taught of the Mosaic model. Which in many regards I enjoy. Different people coming together to form one identity. But it's an idealists wish. Not one that is possible unless we eliminate those that do not wish to participate. (Sikhs, Muslims, Mailand Chinese)

What personal responsibility? I'm the model minority right winger. I want my farm, my gun rights, and to be left the fuck alone.

The Jewery in this country is so bad, if you really cared about "identity" why haven't we had our revolution yet? My idea is that you're right in the British loyalty and the use of fear of the south binding us. But if cowards who banded together for the sake of it always succeeded, the EU would be flourishing!

What about the ones who speak great English, then they hand you their part of the group paper and it's like a 4 year old wrote it. I understand the syntax is diff, but damn, Chinks can't into grammar.

>my motherland, Ireland

>Chink comes to Canada
>"Fuck I hate all these nigger ass white people"

Dalhousie here. What does UBC think of us? I imagine UBC to be superior to Dal.

French and English are our official languages, yes. I speak fluent English and iffy French.

American Chinese here.
Let me just say you are right on the group mentality. I went to a military boarding school a few years ago and the most common foreigners at the school were Mainland Chinese. I was roommates with one of them and every afternoon, 5 of his chink friends would come into our room and copy off of each others homeworks and notebooks. Sometimes it would just be one smart Chinese guy and the others would pay him in order to copy his notes for the next exam.
The Chinese High IQ is really a meme at this point. They are just better at group think and jewing everyone else over.

Also, your English is garbage.

Gather friends. Redpill them. Redpill countrymen. Vote DUDE WEED out of office.

Your Trump will come next election cycle. Canada has always been about 1 cycle behind the USA in just almost everything.

>fuck you asians
>please come right on in muhammad
>come right on in mentally ill lgbt

I just wanna be American. Politics is lost in any country I have ties to.

Yeah it's the British education. I don't know why it gave them such a stick up their ass. I guess years of Canadians educating Canadians made them softer?

UBC is cucked to shit. Even our greek system was submitting to the SJWs, working on a port job now. Fuck em.

Cantonese diaspora are the new jewery without the eq to make political or other moves

qt. I just went out for a rip, head spinning still a bit that + mech keyboard.

The natives are faggots but at least they keep to their reserves. I don't ever have to deal with them. Bless their simple lives.

Yes, I forgot to mention that they all smoke all the fucking time.

Bless you, based chink. Please don't reproduce in my country though.

They CAN speak it, they just are very bad at it. Like, they probably understand English as much as I understand french (probably a bit more). They only know common phrases and words and often have a friend who is perfectly fluent in both languages to translate for them when they don't understand.

>imperial china hundreds of years ago
>nips are evil


Nu/pol/ has this strange fetish for Asians. Fortunately very few Chinese live here, and the few are civilised. But I know what you mean. Apparently ethnic cleansing of Whites is trendy on Sup Forums these days.

You forget one thing

>They don't live happy at all lives

>Let's send you all back to England and France then

If everyone was deported to their countries of ethnic origin, I would happily go back to Germany. I'm currently learning German anyway. This stipulates that all the foreign niggers leave Germany as well of course. Btw Merkel impeachment when?

My people originate in the St. Lawrence valley from the early 1600s onwards, so I am in my ancestral homeland

Ahaha, west is corrupted as we are.
What's the point of even going to university if it does not have this old prestige anymore, diploma and grades can be bought, and you're being taught to hate yourself because you're white.
Only literally cocks go to universities.

I can't even speak chinese or viet, only english.
You're right, I want to move to the States so I can shoot guns in peace. Fuck Canada.

>move to the states just to shoot guns
>not just buying BB guns which are practically the same thing


Fucking lold, you're a funny burger. I hate the Muslims as well. The lgbts are fine. Threesomes with my bisex Asian (half Asian... She has shit genetics desu senpai) gf are on the table. Should be a good time.

Trannies are mentally ill. Homo men are pretty cool most of the time. Homo girls are usually stuck up cunts.

>Well actually in school we were taught of the Mosaic model.

I was taught that shit as well. It's entirely the work of Trudeau Sr. and his cabinet. They defined and propagated it, and its acceptance as the status quo basically means a liberal stranglehold over national identity until it's killed.

>What personal responsibility?

The personal responsibility to learn more than what your (almost certainly card-carrying NDP) teacher told you. Every citizen should be at least familiar with the national history and interpretations of national identity.

>The Jewery in this country is so bad, if you really cared about "identity" why haven't we had our revolution yet?

That takes time. The Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact lasted nearly 50 years. Our shit period hasn't even gone on that long.

>But if cowards who banded together for the sake of it always succeeded, the EU would be flourishing!

I'm not entirely certain what you mean by this, but if you think romantic nationalism (ie loyalists and even the Quebecois' Silent Revolution) = cowardice you're beyond hope of reform.

>I want my farm, my gun rights, and to be left the fuck alone.

That's a good dream but you can't count on it occurring (or being preserved for your children) if left-wing cancer is allowed to fester unchecked.

Fuck off. I didn't choose to be born in this liberal shithole. Why the fuck do I need 2 LICENSES to own shitty 5 round mags in here?

Don't lie on the internet Ivan. I know you went to KPI

You can own and operate guns in Canada just fine. Just need a hunting licence, right?

The Quiet Revolution was actually a disaster for Quebec but that's a subject for another thread

Hunting license is to hunt last I checked. To own firearms you need a PAL which is like $200 bucks and a weekend training course.

Queen's U here. All white school, also have highest percentage of girls in engineering. Get fucked lol

You only need a hunting license if you want to hunt, the PAL is enough for going to ranges.

Why the fuck would you ever need a gun

>b-but what if someone broke into my house

That never happens

>Just need a hunting licence, right?

Not sure, but i imagine it wouldnt be that hard to get

I wish it was that easy.
Almosy everything fun is banned here, at the whim of the RCMP

If you want to hunt, it'll take up a shit ton of money for processing and weekend long class full of fags and security checks up the ass. Two licenses at minimum.

>all this shit about cheating chinks
It's true, I see it all the time. Theyre like fucking rats. It really upsets me when it's for a professional degree too. Like, nigger you're studying engineering. You can't just fucking cheat and not learn the shit. Disgraceful people.

diversity is gold

I meant in the way the EU huddles for protection against russia, so did the original Canadians against the south.

There;s no stand your ground laws, or castle laws.

Well, i dropped out a few times until i just got tired.
But i was a cuck too when i couldn't say my parents that i didn't need this shit.

Why the fuck would you ever need a nice car

>b-but it looks nice.

Same shit.

>he will never hunt skinwalkers with his SKS

>Highest amount of AA for women
>Hehehe it's a good thing cuz I get to fuck more girls xD

Nah mate. AA women in engineering are garbage. I declined Queens because I wanted out of Ontario, but I would probably choose QU if I stayed.

The worst in engineering is all the sand niggers cheating. I cant fucking stand them. They all cheat every last one. Then out in the real world i have to to fix their fuckups. Gonna start calling peo to report them. I recently explained voltage drop to a recent electrical engineering grad. I shouldve thrown his saudi ass off the fucking roof.

I also work with a smelly chink who caj barely speak chinglish. He doesnt brush his teeth or shower. God I hate mainlanders. The ones from hong kong are alright but mainlanders will literally shit in public