Oh hey, the Netherlands has been added to Civ 6. I have no idea who this woman is who leads it

Oh hey, the Netherlands has been added to Civ 6. I have no idea who this woman is who leads it.

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Wikipedia is your friend user.


I wish english had a female version of william

>Egypt is not black
Wtf are they racist or something?

ptolemy were nordic

>She reigned for nearly 58 years, longer than any other Dutch monarch. Her reign saw [...] the decline of the Netherlands as a major colonial power.
These guys aren't even hiding it anymore.

>literally add a non-civilization
>literally add the one representative of that non-civilization that represents that non-civilizations decline just because it's a woman
>no Portugal

I've been writing autistic walls of text about my country's history for a decade and THIS is the thanks I get?!

Serves you right for insulting the great Dutch civilisation

netherlands has more influence on world history than portugal


half of Europe are literal whos

Harald Hardråda wtf?

olaf 3 would have been better

Ah,yes.That's why their language is one of the most spoken in the world and they have exported their culture around the world

and what's up with korea?

The number of Portuguese people that play Civ is 1, and he's a half German autistic boy.
Portugal only gets added later in the DLC because foreign autists chimp the forums about it.

What's wrong with him?

This is why Civ is for casuals

>american education

magnus the lawmender, hákon the old and olaf the peaceful would have been better choices. hardrada was still pretty important tho, he firmly centralized this country, built a ton of churches and removed traitorous vassals from the premises

Why not Tokugawa Ieyasu?

Nigga who the fuck plays that game in 2017

japanese like oda before him and he is too...close to real life so to speak a lot of his descendants are in very high posts in japan