Pandorium 2009

Any other movies like it?
Meaning space,lower budget but good performances.
Before you ask Ive seen MOON and Cargo.

Other urls found in this thread:

Space Truckers

Not really like it but Europa Report is pretty fucking decent as far as decent sci fi goes (which there isn't much of these days)


Cube series?

Ghosts of Mars

Looks more as a space adventure but I will give it a shot if I can find it.
Seen it
Also seen

Dark City

Have seen them both

Stargate, Farscape, the Expanse


I said movies but I have seen Farscape and Im seeding Peacekeeper Wars,has seen Stargate 1994 and I am not interested in series from Syfy.

Funny you mention it,was on a local tv stating just the other night.
Seen it for at least 3 times.

>i seen't it

iktf and I don't like it.

You may need to turn to anime, OP. That was the only way I was able to refill my backlog. Try:

Moonlight Mile
Dead Space
Magnetic Rose (Memories 1995)
Lily C.A.T.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

>tfw no more Expanse eps until 2018.

>I am not interested in series from Syfy.

Dude, I don't fucking know what happened but somehow The Expanse is actually good. I hate pretty much all SyFy series too. Also, Showtime started Stargate SG1 and made half the episodes then sold it to SyFy, but the quality did not drop. I think SyFy just left them alone to do their thing for the rest of the series too.

I was just about to post that but thought eh, not space.

Does Contact apply?

I may take your word on those japanese space cartoons,it may turn out fun as long it is not garbage like Madoka.
Yes I have seen all 3 movies just to confirm that there really are mentally disabled people.

>The Expanse is actually good
Oh yeah?
You know what happened last time I got excited for their show?
12 monkeys turned to pile of compost right after the first season.

It does but I have saw it in theaters.

whatever not fixing grammar errors

>12 monkeys turned to pile of compost right after the first season.

Don't fucking mention that shit show in my presence again.

>Oh yeah?

I like and I'm pretty jaded now. Don't expect something amazing and there is a good bit of political stuff that some people may find boring.

Dante 01

Very interesting.
Thank you I will give it a watch.

Tarkosky's Coляpиc

Low budget space good performance.

Seen it.

Sunshine. Outland...kind of.

how did you misspell the word dude?
It's right there on the poster.

Seen Outland but Sunshine looks great.
I will watch it.
Local dialect.

Definitely check out Sunshine if you liked Pandorum.


Enemy Mine
Silent Running
Saturn 3

fun fact, that last one was written by Martin Amis. The production was such a catastrophe it inspired his novel "Money".

Dead Space Downfall was actually pretty good for a video game movie / cartoon

required watching space horror kino

Will do

Big Tarkosky fan,I wont spoil the movie with Hollywood mediocrity.

I have seen Silent Running but not the other two.
Marked for watching.

Ive played all the games but I haven't seen the anime so might as well.

seen it


Outland (1981)

already said that i have seen them,read the thread

I'm sry user.

What was that 40K-ish post-apocalyptic movie circa ~2008, not sure if it was strictly sci-fi but its set in the distant future with monsters and shit, i remember people calling it a bad 40K ripoff or something along those lines.

I thought of it the other day but can't remember what its called or any of the actors, anyone got a clue?


It has nothing to do with space but you should watch Coherence

holy shit you havent seen sunshine?

This was basically the closest to a live action Dead Space movie we're ever gonna get

Also requesting

I fucking loved Pandorum

That movie freaked me out:/

> asks for recommendations
> everything he hasn't seen, he refuses to see
> is op

Watch the void (2017) which is my headcanon prequel to event horizon.