I fought for the wrong side

>I fought for the wrong side.

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How did they get Matt Damon to look like that? The cgi makeup is amazing.

What did he mean by this?

>fighting for ANY side, since the mid-1700's



Even Walt Disney liked Hitler. How was America so blinded by what the Jews were doing??

It's the opposite
Hitler liked Disney

They fought for the jew & for the communists

Now states like Cali and Texas have been taken over by the eternal wetback




>Even Walt Disney liked Hitler

which is why he made this?


>majority are minority


Is being an internet nazi the laziest form of shitposting?

Most of them will get killed by cops or end up in jail when they grow up

Welp third world status in a couple decades.

jewish leaders like billionaire sheldon adelson, michael bloomberg, and mark stern of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), have all come out in favor in what has traditionally been looked upon as sexual depravity.

even elena kagan at the supreme court (yes, jewish, and an alleged lesbian) has been known for "queerifying" harvard when dean of the law school introducing transgender law courses.

two jewish groups in particular, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), together with the American Federation of Teachers, have been promoting the homosexual agenda in our public schools. Books like "Daddy's Roommate: Ken", "Daddy's Wedding: Daddy Marries Ken", "King and King", are part of the ADL's early learning program. Molding the minds of impressionable little children, who accept and embrace deviant sexual acts.

But jews prefer sending their to private schools. it gives their children better standing for admittance to Ivy league colleges and shields them from homoseuxal propgoganda.

for a jewish son or daughter to announce to their parents that they are gay , is one of the worst things that could ever happen.

jews look upon marriage for their own as paramount for the perpetuity of the jewish race


you sound like a queer

Jews are incredibility evil people.

So all other races combined are more populous than white?

Why does Sup Forums hate democratic values of the west?

he said "earn this" meaning dont become a piece of shit

Jews are white people, so this is accurate.

no they're not they're like a third white

It leads to nothing but mediocrity, dysfunction, and ultimately dissolution.

Yes, I hope there is another holocaust in my lifetime and I get to participate in their executions.

I'd rather live in a white world and be a slave to the jews than live in a shitskin world and be a slave to the jews.

funny you say that since the holocaust never happened and is one of the most elaborate hoaxes in modern history

>I'd rather live in a white world and be a slave to the jews
fucking retard...

crawling in my skin

>born just in time to see America collapse into a 3rd world shithole because non whites can't run civilization

Thanks baby boomers, I hope trading your childrens future for cheap 3rd world labor was worth it

yeah that Northwest Homeland is working out real well...


Some of my family is the worst on this. It's truly depressing how they are willing to sell my childrens future as a hated minority because they wanted cheap painters and landscapers. I grew up in a mexican neighborhood and fuck, being a minority in the land your ancestors built up sucks dick I don't recommend it. I feel like dying every day because people like myself don't have a future here

But Disney made a bunch of anti-nazi propaganda during WWII

you think they had a choice? they couldn't exactly put out anti-war stuff back then.

>never forget we're here because of the Jewish bankers
Jesus Christ, Raimi

>Jews are incredibility intelligent people

that feel when the jewish conspiracy is undeniably true. hiding in plain sight.

the thing is

they arent even hiding they have the majority of support and people on their side because scofield wrote that interpretation of the bible saying the jews were gods chosen people, now all christians and people who read the bible think jews are special and if you go against them or israel you must hate jews and therefore hate god

This is how he actually looks. The "younger" version was makeup.

>looks like the country is coated in blood

That's some Lucas level poetry.

Mfw America is overrun by a bunch of ugly shitskins

Not according to Jews. They're Semitic. Only Ashkenazi Jews have European heritage, so no, the Jews as a whole are not white.

That's really well created haha.

the jewish minister of defense or whatever his name is from israel directly said no bullshit that israel considers itself a "white nation" and that arabs are outsiders. nethyahu also shared this sentimite if im not mistaken too

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T-thank you for watching out for me government.

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hopefully this will convince the last holdouts that MGTOW is the only correct choice

even more impressive


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