So, The whole vibe I got from this was that Arc Reactor technology/energy is some super primitive infinity stone

So, The whole vibe I got from this was that Arc Reactor technology/energy is some super primitive infinity stone.

>The way stark looks at the tesseract
>how Mind Gem can't pass through the arc reactor


It's not the worst fan theory I've ever heard. But it's not even top half.

It couldn't kill Tony because Tony is a great hero and therefore his will power was stronger then an infinity stone, and his strength of heart overpowered it

Grasping at straws. There was all that subtle focus on the tesseract being an energy source, and that Loki used the arc reactor powering Stark Tower to power the portal-making device?

I'd say that the the spear/mindstone whatever, needed to touch skin in order to mind control people. Everyone was wearing cloth and what not when they got mind raped, so it it could be that the pointy part poked right through their stitching, whereas the arc Reactor is just metal and whatever the hell else Tony put in there. No fleshy bits to touch.

I think the simpler answer is that it needed to touch Tony and the arc reactor was in the way

There is a drawing of a tesseract in Howard Stark's arc reactor notes

So that is the implication, then?

I think it was simply a joke and people are digging too deep into it
It didn't hit him, it hit his reactor which isn't him so he didn't get corrupted, there is no deeper meaning and will never be brought up again

It's worth noting that the tessaract powered weapons in The First Avenger use the same sound effect as Tony's repulsor blasts.

What if the reactor was turned into a sleeper agent ready to betray Tony at Loki's command?

You're drawing a weird conclusion but not entirely wrong The implication is that the Tessract, or at least its power generating qualities, was reverse engineered into Arc Reactor technology.

This however has nothing to do with why the Mind Gem wasn't working on Tony; that was just a gag and a lack of true physical contact thing.

No, the Arc Reactor is just an advanced bit of power cell technology.
Even it's heavy usage of palladium as a catalystic element suggests that it's a fuel cell-type device, just one that finally lives up to how hyper-efficient the technology could in theory be in real life.

Loki's staff didn't work because he has to touch your physical body, all he did was poke Tony in the thing OVER his physical body.

I agree, but what I thought afterwards was, why didn't he just spear his nipple or something?

Because it's a joke.
Get it? Not a serious moment.

>MCU fans are so detached from comics that they actually believe magic = science

The joke is that Tony doesn't have a heart to control.

Loki needing to touch his skin kinda sounds like a bullet/bible kind of thing.

Id completely buy into an MCU where magic is advanced technology, in principle.

But, since we're getting Doctor Strange, I happily accept magic is a thing in MCU - which is good because I would be sad of something legendary like Mjolnir was just advanced tech.

In AoU, Stark and Banner dissect the infinity stone and determine it's running code, so That lends credence to the idea that the Infinity Stones are advanced technology.

Don't have the screenshot, but in the background of one scene in TFA you see Hydra goons wheeling around what looks like a giant, primitive arc reactor.

Since their crazy technology was derived from the Tesseract, I always assumed this meant the arc reactor was a way to recreate some of the properties of the Tesseract

Personally I think infinity stones have a lot going on. The Mind Stone would encapsulate all kinds of thought, computational thought among that.

It's pretty strongly implied between CA 1 and IM 2 that Howard determined the element that the Cube exerts, just not how to synthesize it. So he hid the element in the diorama, while pursuing semi fictional substitutes for his and Vanko arc reactor.

Found it

A better look

But that contradictshould what The Collector said about them being singularities

Do you even read the comics?
Or at least look up the tl;dr version of jewtube?[/spoiler/]

It's a result of writers can't into energy.
They didn't pay attention in science class and think you can convert one form of energy into another by simply changing its color.

The whole point of the MCU is make IM2 look better.

And somehow it works

since i have it saved
this is the theory i subscribe to. Howard understood how the Tesseract worked better than he was able to replicate at the time with the technology. the arc reactor from IM2 still isnt perfect, but its a closer simulation.

while we're talking about MCU theories relating to the tesseract: in Captain America, Shmidt finds it hidden behind a carving of the world tree. specifically behind the serpent (either Nidhogg or Jormungand).
so is there any significance that can be read into this? especially with Ragnarok coming up, im getting more curious about the Norse mythology

It has to go through the heart.

Tony's reactor was in the way

The original Arc reactor design was strongly implied in Iron Man 2 and slightly implied in Cap 1 to have been based on Howard Stark's research on the Tesseract. Whether they're actually going to do something with that now, your guess is as good as mine.

Probably just to make it clear
>it's one of the Asgardian tech things, because they totally use science and not magic

I don't think it has anything to do with Nidhogg or Jormungand, specifically. Giant World Trees and Snakes are just very recognizable Norse symbology.

The most they'll probably ever do with it is use it make the world seem more cohesive. Like when Iron Man's suit was powered up by Thor's lightning strike. Another little bit of "built from the same tech" winking and nudging.

I doubt it'll ever be of true, plot importance.
They do other stuff too.

They just needed a big power source to "jump start" it in order to get a stable portal open.

Stark shut down the Arc Reactor in Stark Tower as soon as he figured it out, but they already used it to start the machine. After that it was self-powered.

I thought the new element Howard created was what he created from the Tesseract.