Sub-saharan Africa remains fast-growing region in world

Racist Sup Forums BTFO

You do know thats referring to population growth right?

stfu racist

Whats the purpose of this thread?


To show that Africa is great.

There is potential, but it is very tiresome.

by that logic India will be a superpower by 2030

Fastest growing in people? That's not fucking hard. Actually it is fucking hard.

The Black Plague

Do you have a similar one for Europe?

Yeah. Where is the problem here?

As long as you kike loving retards keep sending aid they will keep reproducing like rats.

They are being kept alive artificially.

India's already going to be a world power if not already. Their only slightly behind China in industrialization and they have a lot of resources

shoutout to Benis

>give free food to animals for a while
>whoa! their population is exploding! great success!

They're all going to be heading north soon

Shoutout to simpleflips


Thanks. It would be interesting to see what those figures looked like if it included only white Europeans.

sooner or later you will reach the bottom of the pit and after that the only way left to go is up, Sub Saharan Africa started at the bottom and is clawing its way up from the primordial ooze its the fastest growing region in the world because its the worst region in the world so any growth in Sub Saharan Africa is huge.

It's over dude, unless we have a real Pope and many, many kids, it's over.
I hate the Church of England.

50% growth on fuck all is still fuck all.

You do realize economic growth in Africa is due mostly to western companies or the Chinese getting involved right?

For fucks sake Zambia has a massive increase in agricultural production due to the white farmers coming in from Zimbabwe.

Stop mouth breathing.