Hey Jimmy Jim Jimbo, did you know that the Allies had aerial photographs of Auschwitz all throughout WII...

>Hey Jimmy Jim Jimbo, did you know that the Allies had aerial photographs of Auschwitz all throughout WII? But that there's no images of any massive gassing operation taking place? Isn't that just completely quackers Jimbob?

What did he mean by this?

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Haha, I love it when these shows drop something in for the parents

What's the name of this meme?

bump this in hopping that the austrian bro appears

wtf I hate cartoons now

Hugh posting.

You wouldn't expect photographs of gassing since it supposedly took place indoors.

What you would expect is seeing people already rounded up and moved towards specific buildings.

Extra dank. I would participate

Post more Jimbo posting


Think again, go- I mean Dad! Those despicable Nazis were clever, they constructed elaborate Deathway Tunnels underground, with carts packed with Jews careening down hidden tunnels and depositing them straight into the ovens! Think of the 6 million! It's all backed by fact, read one of our textbooks, genti- I mean father! Another point for Jimbediah Netanyutron, Goy Genius!

these alt right ones aren't funny

they're just annoying


>gassing prisoners

Yeah good luck with that



These are pretty good for red pilling normies.

I have officially been Red Pilled. Thank you user. The Wokeining has begun.






>Jimbediah Netanyutron, Goy Genius!

