What did he buy Sup Forums?

What did he buy Sup Forums?

Super secret cyberspace hacker software.


A pirated copy of Starcraft. It's in the director's cut

A program to erase his parking tickets...

[spolier] and his indecent exposure citations [/spoiler]

>tfw you saw this in theaters almost 20 years ago
It's an abstract kind of feel.

But he pays a big wad of money for it. Piracy is supposed to be free, that's the point.


a computer

The bit torrent from the Teaching Company.

My vote is for porn/snuff too. They don't seem like the kinda people who'd need software, or cared enough to blackmail anyone, or want credit card numbers, or anything like that.

So it must be something easily enjoyable/hedonistic.


It's an early copy of the Brood War expansion

In 1999 there was plenty of CP on the interweb.

original cracked version of sim ant

child porn

Heard a theory it was a program to delete traffic violations/fines.

Just because it is on your mind all the time, doesn't mean everyone else has the same.

I heard it was a way to give people parking tickets

I heard it turned parking tickets into winning lottery tickets to crash the economy in the matrix

"Several terabytes of data."

it was the car model that jesse was showing brian in Fast and the Furious

Progz for AOL chat rooms

sensible chuckle.

Death star plans

I heard It was a software that turned parking tickets into CP.

The code for the Matrix itself.

a spanish anal queen

>goes in the club
>doesn't dance
>doesn't talk to anyone
>just leans against a wall and watches other people have fun

too close to home.

clubs are for nerds.

Gentoo installation media

Problem Child 2 DVD

Seth Rich's e-mails to WikiLeaks.