Why does the DNC hate the Russians...

Why does the DNC hate the Russians? They're literally referring to Putin as a dictator and accusing him of the DNC leaks. wtf is this Russia-phobia?

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They B Raysic to Slavs.

They are trying to get ahead of the next leak. They know something big is coming. Possibly Russia related.

They're trying to pander to gays and discredit the leaks at the same time

it's their spin they fabricated to drown out wikileaks and stay in the news cycle. not bad work, fairly effective.

Israel hates Russia because they do business with Iran and Assad - hence, the DNC and neocons hate Russia

They have always hated the Russians since at least the 90s

They have been shilling for a war for years now and Ukraine was just the beginning.

There's what - 130 million russians? While there's 1.6 billion Muslims.

Seems russophobia is more irrational than islamophobia

Actually no

Israel just brokered the "peace" between Turkey and Russia

only the jews here seem to hate Russia probably because they are neocons and ex Trotskyists.

Kill the messenger.

That "lady" looks like she eats babies for breakfast,

where are the serb-bros for Madalyn Halfwit's speech.. isn't she responsible for what happened to Yugoslavia?

Putin Netanyahu, and Erodgan are all acting like buddies now


Obama fucked up big time and now has Turkey, Israel, and Russia siding together.

Ironically that would bizarrely put Israel on Iran's side.

What a time to be alive

>Trump will start a war with Russia
>Russia is working with Trump now

Get your narrative together ffs

Jews don't like Russians.

Fuckin' Racists.

Dude she's (tangentially) responsible for fucking 9/11 and therefore Iraq


It was the sanctions on Iraq that pissed of Bin Laden enough to plan out 9/11, then 9/11 justified the invasion of Iraq which has resulted in the chaos you see today in the Middle East.

boy they sure don't

Russians did to it.
When wikileaks post that info, someone went through the script and attempted to remove any evidence of Russian interference.

However, the script is running compatibility mode on Russian software, but with an English template.

Madeleine is slavic/jewish

It's atavistic. Russians remind them of pogroms.

that totally proves Putin did it and not just anyone who has Russian software on their computer

That fuck Mark Cuban is shilling anti Russian views everywhere.

Always thought it was Republicans who didn't like Russia. Now they're okay (mostly) with Russia. Times have changed

Russia isn't a threat and hasn't been since hte USSR collapsed

Yet Dems insist on fucking with them all the while claiming they are the "party of peace"

I think it stems from Snowden and Obama with his stubborn pride over the issue. Let him stay in Russia for all I care as it triggers the shit out of Obama.

'Russiaphobia' is a term invented by govt-approved intellectuals in the USSR

It was used extensively by commie sympathizers as a rhetorical device to dismiss legitimate concerns about the USSR, especially in military/security matters

It's like they studied the CCP tactic of blaming a foreign nation every time some ounce of truth rises to the surface.

That's because ZOG used to favor the Republicans but this election they're bringing the Dems to center. It's all interchangeable and that's politics, bby.

The russians had nothing to do with this at all, guccifer2.0 exploited the DNC's servers over a year ago and downloaded as much data as he could. He said he was going to leak some of the emails inside the DNC to wikileaks and sure enough he did. He obfuscated his tracks. It's more accurate to say that the exploitation techniques identified fit the pattens of two unknown advanced persistent threats acrots that are widely believed to be FSB and GRU teams. The media is using the russians as "le boogie man" because people will just see "russia" and think they russia actually did it without doing any research at all. Guccifer used a russian box to exploit the DNC's server and they are trying to pin all this on russia and it makes the democrates look like tin-foil nuts.

No, it's because Obama has been poking the bear in all the wrong places.

She was for the Yugoslavian bombings. She bombed the same people which saved her Jewish ass from being stuffed in the oven. There's even a video of her where she exclaims "disgusting serbs". She's a Jewish bitch


Google is banned in China

Because they need to point their fingers at someone and say "LOOK! It's their fault this is happening! This has nothing to do with OUR incompetence! They hacked us! It's THEIR FAULT!".

"blame russia" is the new "blame canada".

Also, let this show you that the panic is real. I hear there's going to be another massive leak after the dnc that will blow the others out of the water. They're already trying to brace themselves. The "damage control" is real.

2012: Don't be so stupid, Republicans, Russia isn't a threat. This isn't the Cold War. We gave them a reset button, everything is fine.


They don't bother learning English

This election cycle has been nuts

Trump goes against globalism? Suddenly Democrats support American cultural and military imperialism

Trump wants to stamp out illegal immigration? Suddenly Democrats say we need immigrants to exploit for illegally low wages

Trump wants to rebuild manufacturing jobs? Democrats throw unionized labor under the bus

Trump wants fair and open elections? Democrats rig their primary

I don't even know who the Democrats are anymore

Jews have a resentment and hate of Russians that stems back to their narrative/history of persecution, massacres and pograms of Jews by Russians.

Jews get educated into narrative of all of these wrongs committed against them, build a resentment, and hyped up to the moral righteousness of getting revenge.

If your asking where this strange emotional hatred of Russia is coming from, that's it. It's Jewish resentment.

so much this

The same party they've been since the 60s?

>How dare Russia"manipulate" our elections by only showing the world that we were actually manipulating the election

Our establishment doesn't like Russia because it's run by Jews. Whichever party is most strongly establishment will be anti-Russia. Right now that's Dems.


You're right. The Democrats meme in 2012 was that there was nothing wrong with Russia, and that Republicans were war mongering idiots still living in the Cold War for suggesting any problems with Russia.

I'd forgotten about that 2012 narrative of:
>The 1980s called, they want their foreign polic back

Bring it up in the Trump General a few times and get someone to do a compare and contrast compilation of 2012 Democrats Russophilia to 2016 Dems Russophobia.

Funny how four years ago Romney said Russia was our biggest geopolitical enemy and the Dem response was "come on it's 2012, the Cold War is over."


Dems used to harbor a fuck ton of ussr spies, basically they were the biggest ally to the soviets. Russia is no longer communist, so now the dems have no reason to like them, and the gop has no reason to hate them.

>Russia was our biggest geopolitical enemy
But they are not

He's a Russian-Jew lol

The United Party does control most of the media and Putin has ousted several billionaires

>Russia backstabs and beats Germany in ww2
>Jews hate them with a passion calling them the scourge of earth

Wtf I hate Israel now