This man cannot be stopped! Teflon Don is indestructible. Prove me wrong Sup Forums

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Kek's will be our guide

Oh THAT poll. The one you guys have been discrediting for months...

i told you about nate silver

i told you bro

So the polls are rigged anymore?

He won another one today that I don't think is included. I wonder if the dem convention will give a boost to Hillary. Even if it does, it will be cancelled out by the emails.

Most still oversample women, minorities, and democrats.

is this recent? last one i saw showed super light blue FL

Kek is unstoppable

>Over sample democrats
>democrats win
and then Sup Forums mentions the over sampling

>over sample democrats
>Trump still manages to win
then Sup Forums rejoices

>Sup Forums loves the polls now that they're favorable to Trump

Kek, what'll you faggots say when Rottencrotch Clinton gets her own post-convention bump?

Your get game is weak, friend. You displease kek.

They're only rigged when the majority of Sup Forums says they are.

Actual logic got flushed down the toilet a long time ago on this board. Now it's just meme lord fags and their "KEK wills it" memes.

He does have a slight lead, within the margin of error though.

Bills speech right now will boost her a few points. After the DNC the polls will flop back her way.

Our only hope is wikileaks dropping another bomb.

>people give list of reasons why polls are biased
>Trump now winning despite bias being there

It's not that hard to follow. Stop oversimplifying everthing

>Clinton getting a convention bump

She'll be lucky if she stays even after the DNC leak

I'm afraid she's gonna bounce up after today. Libs move stupid shit like dindus crying and Bill Clinton's AIDS wridden corpse on stage

>Kek, what'll you faggots say when Rottencrotch Clinton gets her own post-convention bump?

Yeah the conventions going great so far, King Niggers Tranny wife telling us America is in great shape and Bernstein selling out and passing off all his supporters.

Trump's lucky his kids saved the GOP convention, who's going to save it for Hillary? HIV bill?

Of course she is. Trump has been lucky to tie her as much as he has but she's been in the lead for 99% of the election.

no, those were all ties, and now hes in the lead. big big difference

>burn all bridges with Bernouts
>s-she'll go up


Less than the margin of error.

They were never voting for her in the polls anyway.

You Trump fanboys are getting borderline delusional. I can't wait to see the excuses when he inevitably loses.

>claims of shilling for disrupting the echo chamber intensifies.

I'm watching the Bill speech. I think she'll get a convention bump now unless she bombs her speech. Bill and Obama are too good at campaigning

I keep hearing Democrats say that he is going to lose, but all he seems to be doing is winning. The 'when he inevitably loses' line is getting old.

He won the republican nomination. I concede I have a hard time wrapping my head around that fact but that's a single accomplishment.

Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton is a literal criminal who's crimes were covered up ON NATIONAL TV and her campaigns sketchy emails are available to see she will STILL regain the lead within the week.

Trump doesn't stand a snowflakes chance in hell.

Trump Train has no brakes. The ride to victory continues.

I know you have trouble understanding that he could win. It's the reason Democrats keep saying he won't.

When the most biased poll has to admit Trump might have a tiny lead, you have already won.

>the most biased poll.
It's an average of tons of polls. It's literally the most accurate poll there is.

"Biased" doesn't mean "not what You want to hear."

>to know he will write down your country's name in the notebook

keked and scared

fake and gay



There's a difference between rigged and dishonest in methodology. Look at the polling data on just about every poll and you'll see there are an insane surplus of Democrats. No matter the poll, Independents are always grossly undersampled. You tell me if that's honest and representative of America.

I can't find the methodology for the CNN poll, the CBS one has some dumb ass presentation site that won't load for it, and the LA Times site won't load. I believe pic related is the Gravis poll. It's far from perfect but a step in the right direction. Independents are still horribly undersampled and Dems and Republicans are both very high. Overall, it's good that he's in the lead despite this shit. Can anyone help me out with those other ones I mentioned?

Oh, and Rasmussen requires money for me to look at that and I don't have money to be throwing away all willy nilly

The last CNN poll seems about right actually.


>tipping points

Da faq? MN voted blue in Reagan's landslide election. That state is beyond cucked, especially since it's full of Somalian niggers now.

Yeah. That actually looks just about right. First, thanks very much. Second, to the shill in the thread, see what happens when you're true to life in your polling?

It does concern me You Gov has Clinton leading. They're by no means infallible but they have a very good record with predictions in recent years.

>Donald's popularity at an all-time high
>Hillary's graph has showed her primarily tanking since the start

What a time to be alive.


Not at this rate.


Yet not all of the polls. Some are left out. Hmm.




Its pretty odd that looking at this chart I see nothing but stock indicators and resist and support lines. too /biz/zy lately