Cinema General

How do I circumvent the cinema's single's policy?

make your way to the bathroom and correctly answer the toilet troll's three riddles

Here are some classic tricks.
Tried and tested since the beginning of the No Single's Policy Act of 1986.

Move here to Europe, where often this rule doesn't apply...the only problem is that the seats often are all occupied by immigrants, because their ticket are are free( also they receive free food and white girls chosen by the local kinoshaman) so I have to sit in the cuckcages or in the catacombs

>tfw bf cut a hole on the bottom of the popcorn bucket and put his penis through the hole while I was in the bathroom

>He isn't best bros with Robert
Not gonna make it

Get someone to go with you.

You can't. If you try anything funny, Robert WILL catch you and he WILL throw you out


The fuck policy are you on about?

>His kinoplex doesn't have a singles policy
Fucking peasants I swear

So whatcha gonna want, nerd?

Get a gf.

Is Robert and his girlfriend the only black people in the Kinoplex universe?


Buy 2 tickets. Go in after the trailers have finished and room darkened, sit at the edge, it's ok to have a space between male friends.
If the inspector asks where your partner is just motion towards the empty seat and show your 2 ticket stubs.
Works most of the time, worst case scenario you will be ejected from the cinema.

Robert is against racemixing.This is clearly from a parrallel kinoverse.

Based Robert.


Another A-hole believing the no singles policy myth.

>Another A-hole believing the no singles policy myth.
Oh, look, another normie with a gf who has never been forced to work in the popcorn mines

Wait, movie theatres will kick you out if you're by yourself? Do they want people to pirate movies?

Hello r/the_donald newfriend.


who the fuck goes to see a movie alone? Just bring your girlfriend or invite some bros

Its not that hard.

They won't kick you out if you bring your falcon with you though.

Classic !
Pop quiz hotshot
What movie is that from

It's hard for me to go to see a movie because by the time I choose which of my girlfriends I will bring with me the movie is over.

Even if you win he still fucks your ass

>oh...r-robert... I see you've met someone... I'm so...happy for you

>Only two black people in the theatre

Get The Fuck Out

Sony headphones

my nigga

i saw it in an old horror movie where the virgin nerdy little brother gets demonic powers through a sex hot line maybe? anyway, the chad bf does it to his girl at some point early in the movie when we're still sympathising with the grubby little neckbeard

What is this powerful image trying to tell us?

that movies are boring

They are watching Batman V Superman.
All the plebs in the theatre are bored while Robert appreciates the film like the partician he is.

They catch wise if you don't tip for your friend so bring double the normal tip.