Favourite Lines/Pages

>No you won't. Because you know how valuable life is. And what a tragedy it is, each and every time it's cut short.

This is one of my favourite lines, what are yours Sup Forumscksuckers?

Other urls found in this thread:




Holy shit this made me tear up the first time I read it.

Also my answer is pretty much the entirety of Ultimate Spider-man #200 particularly the Kitty Pride scene

Can't believe they made the little girl into a hydra sleeper agent. Ultimate marvel just spiralled on

Are you serious?
Part of me is thinking "That's too retarded to be real"
The other is thinking "Bendis"
So I don't know which to trust




Something about this kind of story, where the world knows Peter was Spidey, and he dies and such, I wanna know, does Aunt May ever talk to JJJ? I'd imagine she'd, and everyone else, would have some words for JJJ.

God, that shit-eating grin, I love it.

Ultimate Jameson changes his attitude over Spidey.

They're not serious

Garth Ennis is a fucking wordsmith
>"Don't take no shit off fools. An' you judge a person by what's in 'em, not how they look. An' you do the right thing. You gotta be one of the good guys, son: 'cause there's way too many of the bad"
>“You don't have in IN you to be like that, Hughie.
You had too nice an upbringing.
Your mom and dad were too good to you.
And I wish you could see that you're not less of a MAN, or some sort of inferior person, just because you can't be harsh and hard and cold.”
>"They hated that old man so much they shot him through my family. The world went crazy on a summer's day in Central Park, In the time before uzis and berettas, before nine millimeter popguns ruled the streets. It was a Thompson, like the ones our fathers carried, and I recognized its rattle even as its big, man-stopping forty-fives punched blood and breath from my lungs. I hit the ground besides my daughter. She's been gutshot, badly, and when she saw the things that boiled and wriggled from her belly the expression on her face was not a little girl's. My wife bled out later on the operating table, her heart a gaping hole her life drained through. Whenever i get careless, that yearning in her eyes creeps up and brings me to my knees. Right then the old man's soldiers started strated shooting back. My son dropped wordlessly, without a mark on him. I took a breath that cut like glass, spat blood, rose to my knees, picked up the boy and searched in vain for entry wounds. The bullet had entered through his open mouth. That was our picnic in the park. And now every night I go out and make the world sane"


Ultimate JJJ realizes that Spider-Man is actually a good guy in Ultimatum.


>do you need a hug right now?







Apparently I'm missing the middle page for this.

and then Morlun eats his fucking eyes

I love scenes like this, not like, love in a good way, I just like to see a hero whose just so joyous, always energetic, always cracking jokes, always bouncing around, just admit how tired he is, how heavy the weight is, and just barely pull himself back up to wade back into it.

I know that sounds weird, and kind of edgy, I just dunno why but I like it, it really brings this human side full face.

You shouldn't have made fun of him for being prideful
He's not one of your villains, really
...Pete, stop getting involved with demons

See, it doesn't bring any catharsis to me

Even if they have stories where JJJ goes "oh hey he was a good guy all along" it doesn't stop them from going back to JJJ being a cunt, or the past where JJJ has done HORRIBLE fucking things, all because of his psychotic vendetta, and yet he never sees the irony in his own egotistical rantings. Not to mention how the Daily Bugle is supposedly so powerful as a newspaper, when it's literally the Daily Inquirer of comic book newspaper companies.

That's not until the Other storyline.

I might just post the first issue of Ultimate Fallout since it goes through everyone dealing with Spider-Man's death and it's pretty good

He finds out while Peter is still alive and when he rebuilds the Daily Bugle Bugle as a website he hires Peter as a programmer and pays his entire college because Spider-Man saved his life, but he doesn't tell anyone he knows and Peter doesn't know either

Pissed Spidey may be more terrifying than any other cape out there.



I despise everything they have done to shit upon these two.

Seriously, one of the stupidest choices ever.

>he never sees the irony in his own egotistical rantings
That's literally what is happening in the page I posted. From Ultimatum on to his death after shooting Norman Osborne in a bathhouse Ultimate JJJ is based as shit.

The problem is Peter has saved JJJ TONS of times throughout history, he's saved people important to JJJ, hes saved the city countless times, hes saved the world, hes done heroic things in front of JJJ hundreds of times again and again, but everytime JJJ somehow finds it in himself to hate Peter, even when Peter has pulled him from the jaws of death, he will turn around right away and spit venom at him. JJJ is the epitome of the Marvel Universes citizens, a person that no matter how many times you save him, no matter how much you help, no matter all the good you do and your history of sacrifice, he will treat you like garbage for the flimsiest of reasons.

Single stories can turn JJJ into a nice guy for whatever reason, but to me he will always be a piece of garbage, because status quot is "JJJ hates on Spiderman"

I think you're missing that this is Ultimate JJJ, a different character from 616 JJJ. Ultimate JJJ changes his Spider-Stance and it stays that way.

Spidey rarely legitimately looses his temper, but he goes full nerd-rage when he does and delivers some incredibly one-sided beatdowns.
It's lucky for his enemies that he spends as much time goofing off in fights instead of taking them seriously because thought most surpass Spidey in a single area like speed or strength pretty much none of them have the complete package Peter does and he could genuinely take most apart like dolls without trying very hard if he focused on it.

Well thats nice, at least that stays like that.

That's what I loved about ultimates. It had real character development. Shame about all the shitty ass writers.

I like how you can always tell when shit goes wrong, badly, for the badguys, because not only does Spidey stop talking, but he always moves into the lighting just right to cause some really intimidating shadows on his mask, and when the shadows are just right, Spidey's mask is fucking scary to be face to face with.

man, Remender's Venom was great.

Right now I'm loving the line from Spider-Man and Deadpool wherein Spidey calls Miles and is like.

>Hey Spider-man, it's me, Spider-Man, I was just thinking aboit how great it is ro be ua. What are you up to?

The classic comics do a better job of this.
Basically, J.J. cannot be expected to ever be objective on Spider-Man, but he NEVER makes up facts and keeps it to the editorial section. Repeatedly when given evidence that Spidey is innocent of a crime that he accused him off in the editorial he pouts and whines and shouts but ultimately he runs it and refuses to print actual lies in the news section or ever use doctored photos.
He's also (on occasion) shown to be nice to his staff (he actually paid for Peter and MJ's wedding out of his own pocket) and care about their welfare (once he got PISSED as hell when he thought someone had murdered Peter despite constantly flinging shit his way) and his strong stance on civil liberties and equality has been around since 1968.
He also kind of acts more aggressive then he actually is and literally whenever any of his staff stands up to him he kinda just shouts louder and then gives them what they want anyway. That how Peter got his on-staff job as a photographer and a raise instead of working freelance anymore.
Basically he's a blowhard dick who jumps to ridiculous conclusions and is seemingly incapable of being objective in regards to Spidey (though why this is changes, though at this point it's basically because they've been trolling each other back and forth for years now), big his dedication to objective truth in his paper's actual news section is pretty solid and he's not nearly as horrible as he pretends to be with his staff.

Unless you mean in modern comics, which are like pathetic parodies of classic stuff that's quite literally just fan fiction elevated to official status and thus has all the substance and permanacy of a fly's fart.


Arguably Spidey'd biggest stumbling block to winning his fights is his own unwillingness to hurt people and his seeming inability to take things seriously.
When he shuts the fuck up and starts using all his powers in concert at the same time he's practically unbeatable, and fighting him in greater numbers is actually more likely to hurt YOU then it is hurt him.

Im talking about the moments where JJJ has hired criminals, or sent robots to try and kill Peter

I don't understand people that don't like Flash venom

See, the thing I like about this is that usually "I'm no hero" stuff is such bullshit, but in the case of Moon Knight it really works considering the growing focus on his connection to his God, and the fact that he's not a super-hero because he's a good person, he's a super-hero because he's a spirit of vengeance dedicated utterly and fanatically to his God.

This is even better when you read Moon Knight in the voice of the Burned Man from Fallout: New Vegas.

Also, I never got what the story was with those jetpack guys in that issue. What was up with them?

Yeah, I really thought it was one of the best examples of the flaws of hero worship.

For 2 reasons
>Not Muh Eddie Venom

muh Eddie

I don't like Secret Invasion
I hate Cloning/Shapeshifting sagas
Still loved BP during it



these next few are good



>Flash Thompson

This one is kek





MJ shitty at Fury


Anybody have that page where it's revealed that everyone calls him Flash because of premature ejaculation?

They were followers of Khonshu. They mention a "raptor goddess" and they have a statue made out of bones and some future tech that looks like Khonshu.
Most of the antagonists in the last few issues of Marvel NOW! Moon Knight were being assisted/powered by Khonshu.



>the big guy's here


Fuck it, just have an entire wiki for him


Maximus was the best character of Hickman's run. He didn't even give him the focus that he deserved.

Oh, I just thought they were the followers of some weird cult.

After this it goes the first two posts with Aunt May walking in to the church


How will Aunty May react to Steve's admission of guilt? Find out next time, on Dragon Ball Z!

Too bad Ultimate Steve is a total jackass. I stopped reading Ultimate Universe around Ultimates 3, but I feel like this moment could at least be a turnaround for his character. I'm guessing that doesn't happen though.

After this Captain America resigns and goes to live in Alaska ignoring SHIELD trying to get him back until I think it's like an alien invasion nearly wipes out America, then he comes back and kills them off and since everyone sees him as a hero again they make him president.






>a better place

Seeing the weakness in that guy's personality.

And then Peter comes back to life.

>Shocked Fury

Well, that's something nice to see every once in a while.

And he is an irresponsible piece of shit. Glad he died with the rest of the ultimate universe.

Fuck off Slott.

Superior was ireedemable shit and I haven't met someone who liked it and wasn't a retard

God, that guys art makes me want to vomit.


Fucking JRJR, He can deliver the best and the worst


Do you think those kids cared that she was a lesbian? Would they be less thankful? Would they have owed her less?