I just saw this. Nolan is such a fucking hack

I just saw this. Nolan is such a fucking hack

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"It's whatever you think it is" is the opposite of deep

what? i guess it was too deep for you. it has an extremely conclusive and amazing resolution

It's alright

Confirmed in this thread: people that call Nolan a hack simply don't understand his films.

Sounds like they need to rewatch them until they get whats going on.

go away nolan

he's right though

>"It's whatever you think it is"
Oh, so you didn't get it. Should have started with that.

take away the backward-forward gimmick and it's just a generic mystery film.

waste of my time

fuck you

If you take away the unique aspect yeah. But you could do the same for most films.

then what happened

>change the entire presentation of the movie and the result would be different

woah bro where did you get your film degree

Then OP couldn't understand the kino.

Where does momento fit in chronologically in the TDRK cinematic universe?

>There’s a crucial moment in Memento where Leonard describes his eternal quest to kill his wife’s murderers, and the person sitting across from him makes an astute observation: This will be the least satisfying revenge anyone will ever inflict. Even if Leonard kills his enemies, he’ll never remember doing so. His victory won’t just be hollow; it will be instantaneously erased. But Leonard disagrees. “The world doesn’t disappear when you close your eyes, does it?” he snaps. “My actions still have meaning, even if I can’t remember them.”

>What’s ironic about Leonard’s point is that it’s completely true—yet even Leonard refuses to accept what that sentiment means in its totality. Almost no one ever does.

>Taoists constantly tell me to embrace the present, but I only live in the past and the future; my existence is solely devoted to (a) thinking about what will happen next and (b) thinking back to what’s happened before. The present seems useless, because it has no extension beyond my senses. To me, living a carpe diem philosophy would make me like Leonard. His reality is based almost entirely on faith: Leonard believes his actions have meaning, but he can’t experience those meanings (or even recall the actions that caused them). He knows hard reality is vast, but his soft reality is minuscule. And in the film’s final sequence, we realize that he understands that all too well; ultimately, he lies to himself to expand it. In a sense, he was right all along; his actions do have meaning, even if he doesn’t remember them. But that meaning only applies to an objective reality he’s not part of, and that’s the only game in town.

>there are children here that don't like Memento

You're shitposting on the wrong website

>I know how to defend my pseudo intellectual trash! I'll call anyone who doesn't like it a child!

for a movie hinging on the fact that the MC has to write shit down you would think he would have a shit load of pens on him at all times

and what the fuck is your argument exactly? "nolan is a hack"

sick argument totally worthy of a thoughtful (You)

the bigger plot hole is that he would never remember having his condition because it happened after the traumatic event

Consider that, at this time he was just an amateur hack and that Memento was actually probably his less pretentious film to this day.

the backward-forward bit was not a gimmick, its what made the film so fucking amazing you absolute imbecile.

just watch it again, but pay closer attention. trust me its worth it

Here's Nolan himself explaining it for all of you pleb brainlets

nolan is a hack now, but he wasn't back then

Sup Forums has been taken over by closeted trannies

it's me Christopher Nolan

I love you user please don't be rude to me

Oh,cmon,, memento is not Primer, Nolan knows how to make a movie that makes you feel smart, but not really smart.

what a meme.
Just watch it again, but with more attention and pay someone to be closer to you. Trust me it's worth it.

not that user, but tbf i told my friend to watch this recently and he half ass paid attention and then didn't understand shit at the end

The illusion of perfection by making the story closing itself in a loop. Inception was the ultimate hack film with this idea. "But hey it's a dream within a dream within a dream. You don't know when it's real or not anymore. You don't get it." The story is boring by itself. Those characters don't have a spine, it could be set up on the moon or some alternative reality and it wouldn't matter more.

Well maybe if you hadn't pressured him to pay attention, he would have done it naturally.

Based contrarian.

moron, everybody knows you need to watch any even halfway decent film twice within 24 hours before having an opinion of it.
the first time is like walking down a pitch black hallway, with the lights turning on as you walk down it, revealing the hallway bit by bit.
the second time you are walkng down that same hallway with all the lights on

what do you mean, you dont get inception. theres nothing to get. its all spelt out in front of you. theres no ambiguity so wtf are you talking abouyt
what made it good, is its plot

Well you said it yourself, there's nothing to get. What is the point of that film really?

to fucking enjoy yourself you goose. it was an original and exciting plot that kept everybody enthralled the entire way because they didnt know what was going to happen next. it was extremel fucking entertaining. what else do you watch movies for, you stupid nigger.

inception or memento? Because I turned off inception when the shooting started
>your subconscious fights back with guns!
>Literally nothing is at stake but please take this seriously!

kek "but it's just entertainment" oh really? I'll rewatch the 3 matrix movies then, thank you!

Inception. Yes "it's all serious" and "pay attention". Then they say "but there's nothing to get. It's all entertainment."

this is all explained in the movie, jesus fucking christ. it's not some super genius idea but it's executed superbly and for you moron's to try and shit on it with such banal commentary is more telling of your own excess chromosomes than the directors. you guys are fucking el retardo

memento does take "getting" as its not spelt out for you and is though provoking. requires a couple viewings to see how it all works so well
inception is just a fucking trippy action film. a very good one at that. its not supposed to be taken seriously. the subconscious fighting back is a fucking plot device. just enjoy it- its sci fi

you should do that anyway. they're all great fun. or just continue watching Frozen and then not getting films