O fuck I was a commie without even knowing

o fuck I was a commie without even knowing

Other urls found in this thread:


Tell me more.


Maybe that's because I don't like monopolies..

nice going you irish fuck

That's Italy, sorry New Zealand

shut up potato nigger

mahori shitposter


wtf is wrong with me?

Test is biased towards the left, you will only be in the right spectrum if you say that globalization should eclusively benefit big multinational companies.

filth like you truly are the niggers of Europe

i was going to brand you a >dishonorary nigger
but i realized that you probably are black

We've known for some time, but thought it best if you worked that out for yourself.

If you are in favor of laws to prevent monopolies, if you say globalization should further the interests of humanity instead of the interests of corporations, and if you say the sole goal of corporations shouldn't be profit, this chart places you on the left.

Sounds like this compass is heavily influenced by american standards of left-right.


That's because Sup Forums is satire an we're all secretly liberals on the inside.



this it's retarded

nigga black live dont matters for me ... neither muslims .... and jew..


The true anti-kike colour

>Reminder that if you aren't in the purple, you are basically either retared or an autocrat.


moi negger

>I'm too scared to have any convictions

moro de mierda

My convictions led me to being place in near the center, so what's up?

My brother was anti women's rights, anti gay, closed borders and it placed him deep in the green. Schools use this web site to discuss politics. It's a propaganda tool I'm sure

This, in fact for politics outside of the US it's useless. It's like you can be 100% a conservative and yet say you're pro-choice (because honestly it's not the central states prerogative to decide on shit like that, small state and all that) and it says you're a Liberal. Ridiculous

Que te vayas a votar a Podemos, puto

no me gusta podemos ... ni pp ... ni psoe .... ni ci.... la politica española da risa todos son corruptos....... soy socialista(capitalista) no estupido ....

>using politicalcompass

>soy socialista(capitalista) no estupido ....
wew lad
Also you betta improve your English mane. You seem to be too dumb even for Sup Forums tho.

pls post the url

You think that you don't like monopolies, but clearly, you like state monopolies :^)


u cunts where all lefty but a few of us....



What does this mean?


You're a classical liberal, a reasonable and rational person.

Why are all you faggots so left-wing? Shouldn't you be at a Bernie rally or something? Try to beat this, commies.

Ur gay

Rate me Sup Forums


This is completely retarded - I believe that all religious people are suffering from a type of mental illness and should be sterilised, yet from my answers to this quiz come out as 'libertarian left'.


You are a german cuck.

We bros, less start a political party

What am i, Sup Forums?

put yours "AMI"

This is bullshit, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF

use this one politicaltest.net/

spazzed it

nice quads

Oh no what a twist!


Sup bro

Fuck I always get the same no matter how much I express my hatred for immigrants and fags


Ahmet pls


anarco capitalist/individualist is the most based ideology

Thanks, spainbro
I think the questions are more skewed to be more libertarian

This thread makes trump-hitler sad. Sad.

r8 m8s

>not being a freedom loving patriot
>not being in the bottom right

commies, cuckolds and hippies should proceed to promptly fuck off.

I always just barely get into the green. And I want the wall.

Always gives me a chuckle when Sup Forums realizes Nazism is leftist horseshit.


What does this mean?

this site makes everyone commie, its not accurate

But..but muh leftist teachers told me it was the extreme right!


Is this /leftypol/ or what ?

Pic related is my latest result...
I would've been quite a bit more to the right if the test wasn't made with an intention of making you feel like some sort of racist and sexist bigot whenever you make a choice that doesn't put you closer to the upper left corner of the chart.


How so?

Damn, forgot the pic...

what does this mean?

That means you don't know a thing about how economy works

Means you are a legit National-Socialist.


Loyal paddy

You're the same as Hitler :)

I am the far right! fuck off commie



I don't fully understand how I'm a reactionary

Maybe reactionary is a bit of a negative term? Would adaptive be more apt? And what questions here determine that?


>right wing

Hmm not sure what to think

it mean statism

A classical liberal is far more to the right than him.

classical liberal is bottom right
classical liberal is just libertarianism

>under the horizontal axis
I see no problem here


Classical liberal as in like adam smith? Naaa that's gonna be far bottom right

Aren't you chimping out a bit too much for someone who's supposed to be white?
