He's alt-right?

>He's alt-right?

Why was Ewan interested in his political opinions at that moment?

Ewan who?

"Fast Owen" Tattaq

He wasn't that interested, Ewan just heard that only a member of the alt-right would kill someone's friends in revenge for robbing their bank and wanted to check with his buddy that that was correct.

Ewan Yor'Frenz

He wanted to break the ice.

Same reason he was interested in where Trickster got his Mathematics degree.

You never made small talk with your colleagues at a new job?

Whatever happened to Eikel the bus driver.

Dunnheir probably convinced him to not come in the bank, I think he knew something shady was going on

>be OP
>thinking about how I could make a clever thread
>sitting and thinking
>pouring over film dialogue in my head
>"hmmm, what piece of dialogue could I swap a few words around to appear le ebic funny"
>"Ha! I got it"
>Dark Knight prologue
>"He's out right?"
>"He's ALT-right?"
>"hahahaha! I'm so funny. I'm going to post this now and hopefully it will start a discussion about misusing film dialogue and open up a political conversation on the Sup Forums board


But he was in the bank. He drove the bus

>I wish *I* came up with it


good deoncstruction bro if only nolan had your mind we woulda had some mad good batmen movies

ewan mcgregor

he's talking about the scene in t2 trainspotting where they find out spud joined the edl


this is probably exactly how it went down in OPs tiny brain. never seen a BTFO this badly today. I think you won the internets for today good sir


>I think you won the internets for today good sir

What is this 2005?


>two posts by this id

Raking in all the karma, I see. Good job OP.

honestly this is the average sort of post i wish i had been making in college

nothing really noteworthy about it but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather post it than some objectively shittier post because at that point you're like "ok i'm posting it but there's no way i'm this retarded, what's your angle"

with this post you're like, "ok he's just bored like me, we're both average. cool"

anyway whats this thread about?

op got destroyed

deconstruction is the lowest form of humor


Ewan Yufronz.


actually i made this thread first


this is why I come here

include me in the screen cap pls


Can I be in le screnshot so I can be on /r/Sup Forums?? lolll this is exactly why I come here GOLD

holy fucking shit OP, please post proof that you haven't killed yourself after getting rekt by this dude

It's a samefag bro
I'm just not sure which post to report


I think Ewan knew the answer to this question. He was just playing the Joker to see if he had a sense of humor imo.

Ewan Yu'frenzadet

OP on literal suicide watch
