Mfw a white devil is friendly to a brotha near me

>mfw a white devil is friendly to a brotha near me

Other urls found in this thread:

>Be half white
>Hate whites
What did he mean by this?

im curious about this as well. seems to be a trend in these so called "mulattoes"

didn't Chappelle BTFO out of him?

still treated like a black person
but less threatening.
(ex Obama )
Blue Gums scare people.

One drop rule, nigga.

Mental issues that come from racemixing, person doesn't feel connected to anything.
Identity (parents, ethnic, religious) is very important during a child's growth.

>hates whites
>marries a white woman presumably to raise quadroon children

How do you people manage to get through the day if literally everything triggers you? I don't get it.

>Cracking a few jokes means you hate whitey
Why are you so insecure? Is this why white people always try to equate friendly race jokes to them saying nigger?

I've never seen even the most frothing Sup Forumstard bitch about how niggers being polite to them was evidence of the niggers being secret racists.

>(((white))) woman

Get Out is literally about how friendly white people are evil racists, m8.
>“For while when we had a black president, we were living in this post-racial lie,” he added. “The idea of, ‘We’re past it – we’re past it all!’ For me, and for many people out there – as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis. This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.”

He doesn't hate white people.

Who said he hated white people?
Fucking Sup Forums.

The white people in Get Out weren't racist though.

>claims, as a black millionaire living in Hollywood, to be oppressed on a daily basis by whitey
>he doesn't hate whitey
Sure thing.


Maybe we should put trigger warnings for you

Him being a millionaire doesn't mean he doesn't experience racism here and there.

I'm not triggered by niggers being polite to me though.

reading comprehension bro, fucking get some.

Why is racism a problem if it's just white people telling him they voted for Obama? I don't see why it's an issue ANYONE should give a fuck about. If someone can be a victim of 'racism' on a daily basis and still be vastly more privileged than the average white person, racism seems like a fairy tale problem.

You're triggered by a simple movie

An hour and a half of a paranoid nigger fantasy about how every friendly white person is secretly out to persecute him vs. a white person telling a nigger they voted for Obama. And keep in mind, Peele is a fucking millionaire, and he's still scared shitless of polite whiteys.

Does the dude hate whites, or is he just uncomfortable with post-racial fakery?

Fuck off snowflake

He claims to be oppressed by racism on a daily basis, m8. He thinks about whites the same way Sup Forums thinks about Jews, down to a fucking t.

I had a friend with a white mother and black father. I don't know if he hated whites, all his friends were white, but he very much hated having a white mom and being half and half.