What are some movies about lizard people with magic orbs?

What are some movies about lizard people with magic orbs?


What is happening here?

What are some movies about supposedly fighting against muslims and globlaism, and then giving Saudi Arabia 100 billion dollars worth in arms and letting them seize America's largest oil refinery, even though they have had a history of funding and supporting terrorist groups?

What a very specific and passive aggressive request.

What are some movies about liberals building up political enemies as strawmen and then getting mad when they narrative is exposed so they claim the politician is a hypocrite?

Sauron is being called

you know that giant black cube in mecca terrorist and pedos circle every once in a while as demanded by their death goat cult, it is hollow, inside is that "glowing earth orb".

anchient scripts say that orb fell from the eye of saturn to earth, and landed on Muhammed, which a spirit left the orb and took over his body giving him the abilitie to command sub IQ brains (like 90).

What are some narratives about delusional conservatives that don't have enough humility to see the truth about their insanely incompetent leader?

>Hundreds of billions of dollars

But this is a magic orb thread, Sup Forumstard

So literally Lord Of The Rings and Saudis are the Nazgul?

Oh please Satan, you already know the answer.

This one !!!

Why are liberals so petty?

Because they have the emotional maturity of children and are easily deceived and manipulated by propaganda


They got ACTUAL lightning in a bottle.

end of the world pls.. i need to die

I hope that Jew son-in-law fries

It's like in star wars.

they making an evil pact that decides the fate of the world as we know it

Why treat a symptom instead of stopping the illness?

Literally LotR. They can keep Star Wars and Arry Pottah


Looks like the continents in black on a big white sphere with a light inside, and the dudes are putting their hands on it, symbolizing their pact to rule the world together.

his hands are pretty small desu

who's the semitic guy on the left? is he from israel or something?

and by anchient scripts you mean gnostic fanfiction from Sup Forums you take at face value

Fuck off mudshit, don't you have some children to rape?

I'd love to see the mental gymnastics that pol and r/donald will pull up to justify the weapons deal and the islam speech and the visit itself

President of Egypt

the genie is inside there

very true

Sup Forums always loved jews and muslims
praise god emperor

somehow i get the feeling that you guys arent actually asking for movie suggestions at all

can someone kinofilter this image like they did with the turkish shooter?

Fucking hell. Every time I think I had forgotten that fucking movi.e

They're performing a ritual that summons a lizard larvae that will take over Trump's body