Do you autists really think the Holocaust never happened? What made you believe that?

Do you autists really think the Holocaust never happened? What made you believe that?

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[my country's laws prevent me from having an opinion]

the holocaust happened how can you be so antisemitic

I'd guess that most of Sup Forums simply picked it up because it was edgy and made them feel smarter than normal people

>They fell for the "Holocaust happened" meme

I don't believe. I know it did not happened.

Care to post evidence it didn't? I'm genuinely interested.

There is no physical evidence. Where are the remains of millions of jews gassed and cremated

Why does it matter?

When seen from the proper historical context, it was an inconsequential event.

The burden of the proof lies with the claimer.

Example: ''Prove unicorns does not exist.'' It's impossible.

The narrative of the holocaust just don't fit the reality.


Also the Wehrmacht was pretty nice to the Greeks.

Now work, pay debts, Arbeit macht Frei.

>the Wehrmacht was pretty nice to the Greeks

Is this a new meme?
I don't approve.

So you'd need to see the ashes?

I wish it did not happen but it did. Google for camps liberation, visit Polan.

You should come to Europe one time. There are literally still evidences in most of former territory that Germany did occupy.

Germans are very nice people, when would they ever be mean?

Now work harder!

It did happen, it's just greatly exaggerated and people are acting like it's the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity

>Germans are very nice people


Doing in-depth study of the holocaust at university as part of my history degree, as well as visiting several "death camps", reading survivor testimonies, and the knowledge of holocaust narrative, where people with different experiences of the holocaust are threatened and shut down so as to keep the current narrative.

I probably know more about the holocaust, from legitimate academic study, than 99 percent of people who believe in it.

Jews died, yes.

It was exaggerated for political gain.

why does one ethnic group have a monopoly on ww2 sympathy when more chinks and nips died?

Nah man it happend. I just don't think it should matter in any way when it comes to political decision making or in any other scenario

Members of my family actually died. Weren't gassed though, so whatever. Who the fuck still cares, it's been over 70 years

I just don't believe the logostics. It would be hard for anyone to burn that many bodies. I don't believe it was possible. We couldn't do it now. How could the germans in the 1940s have done it?

There is evidence of what?

That a war happened? That there were Jewish prisoners?

I want a evidence that it was a
eradication organizaded by the germans. There is none.

Germoney gives Greece monies, and Greece is ungrateful.

Now stop masturbating to anime porn go outside get a job and pay back debts.

Pay debts, Doulos.


Here you go fag.
And yes, the extermination room are still standing today in case you wanna see them by yourself

Obviously made up story in a supposedly historically accurate book.

Pay war debts to Poland, cunt.

U wot m8?

>History degree

>electric crematorium
>electric current can turn hundreds of people into ash


>The proof is the history I invented


Schade, Osterreich.

Thought crime sucks.

Please don't take away our achievement, please.
I beg of you.

Yeah it's fucking retarded. Also this

>be jewish teen
>finally Immigrating to Israel
>plane lands
>huge line at the doorway
>random penis inspection
>men dropping their pants
>get nervous cause not circumcised
>finally come out
>drop pants
>everyone open their mouths
>start emitting a loud noise and pointing
>emergency rabbi runs over
>goy! goy!
>says its not kosher
>Benyamin Netanyahu approaches with a holocaust picture
>6 million, never again!
> Soldiers grab me by the hands and legs
>rabbi blows the shofar and starts cutting
>everyone starts singing the Israeli anthem
>rabbi has to give Metzitzah b'peh or god will be angry
>says it will be charged on my credit card
>mazel tov!

Man fetishes are one hell of a thing huh

srebenica never happened.

fuck off NiKo you can only carry chrisj for so long


I'm sorry that deine Familie suffered, but we're talking about the gassing of Millions of Jews.

There was no way that the German military and SS could've pulled off so many murders in the 1942-45 time frame. Further, where are the remains of the gassed and cremated Jews?

B'Ezrat Hashem things will go smoothly for my upcoming penis inspection at the global JiDF headquarters

what do you mean by "did not happen"? that Germans were not killing Jews at all?

come to Polan and see Auschwitz, Majdanek, check pictures of Warsaw ghetto, visit Palmiry cemetery,

the tragedy was selling good so they spiced it up even better but it does not mean it did not happen,

I hope mass killing civilians will never repeat anywhere in the world.

I wonder why every death camp was located on a river...Really makes you denk...

Do you have prov that it didnt?

There recordings of it.
Nazi documents.

All you offer is some rumors and unsourced words.

Prove it didnt happen.

greatest lie in history of mankind

If at first you don't succeed

Try again

They already blame you for the first one when you didn't even do it, why not make their meme a reality?

It happened. But Israel is using it to their advantage by guilt tripping Germany along with the rest of the West.

You funny guy.

I think Hitler actually carefully calculated that barely enough food will be available to prisoners to survive. But what he didn't expect that germans are fucking thieves (see: Berlin Airport) and concentration camp overseers just sold the necessary grain to livestock farmers and pushed the work hours beyond survival threshold, starving and exhausting prisoners to death.

I'm not saying that Jews were never persecuted. Clearly, it did, just not in the volume we're told.

I know that the Germans tried to hide it, but if they dumped the "6 million" jews' ashes into every river in Germany, the remains would be incontrovertible.

>rabbi begins sucking dick
>get herpes


>it happened heres evidence
>all fabricated
yeah, try and prove anything to these conspiracy-hungry twats

I believed Nazis turned jews into soap and lampshades until I was like 16, one day I thought about it, realised it's ludicrous and then I realised nobody ever corrected me. So I looked it up and saw so many similar things still being called true without evidence.

From there it's a long ride down the rabbit hole until you come to the same answer to the JQ as Hitler.

>believing anything coming from a jew

naive child...
at MAX 1,5 mln jews were killed/died, maybe less, a lot of them because of typhus

Show me nazist documents pointing they were to exterminate jews.

Show the evidences jews were exterminated.

>I have a history believe this


I bet you don't even know about the evolution of the devil in Early Modern Europe, cunt. Or know how to btfo marxist historians.

1 on 1 me regarding the anglo german naval race leading up the the first world war, faggot.

Pro-tip, you can't. The "Prove the Hollocaust didn't happen" threads have been on here for so many years and they always end the same.

"Hollohoax" (non)believers post memes and pics of arguements and fake quotes and the same retarded Red Cross report attributed to a disease outbreak and try to hold that as evidence that genocide didn't happen. Some even go so far as to say Hitler didn't start Ww2 (What was Danzig or war?)(what was France and Britain and France seeing Hitler wasn't stopping after Austria, Sudetenland etc.?)

You can't convince these fucks because they have too low of an IQ to research the topic themselves. They are so convinced that they are more intelligent than their peers that they refuse to accept any evidence whatsoever, even though everything THEY have been produced has been disproven. Again, again, and again, I'm too lazy to link the website but theres a site containing all the info a thinking man needs to debate these n33ts. Not that they'd accept it as proof.

Saying "The Holocaust never happened" is an oversimplification and is, strictly speaking, not true.

It is more accurate to say that it did not happen as it was described by the Jews. Yes, the Jews and others were rounded up and put into camps, and yes, many of them died in those camps. But the figure of 6 million that they give is an exaggeration, and while the Germans may have intentionally killed some the idea that they were being purposefully slaughtered is also untrue. There were, at most, a million deaths and most of those were caused by outbreaks of disease and the starvation resulting from the collapse of German supply lines.

They were labor camps, not extermination camps. It is telling that even the Jews themselves now admit that most of them were labor camps, and the only ones that they continue to claim were death camps were located in Soviet-occupied territory and thus were not able to be visited or inspected by Allied nations until many years after the war had ended.

Protip: if he is already calling you a little jew slut he probably will be down for nazi roleplay

They found burried human fat deposits and crushed bones.

>Dont belive nothing mainstream

Also all the evidence you need is the testiominals of the millions of Eastern front Russian troops who liberated these camps. The Sobiborg incident was orchestraded by Russians and because of that we have one of the best examples of first hand reports of systematic execution. But of course, conveniently, you can't trust those ruskies because jewish bolshevist propaganda, even though Stalin himself despised Jews.

>dirty filthy Bosnian fucker
>believes in holocaust

Link pls

I did not study history and I do not know the sources to discuss numbers. But it did happen.

Naive? Perhaps. I am being manipulated by mass media and also by Sup Forums lol.

In Warsaw alone many Polish civilians were shoot.

That's the thing, there were concentration camps, mostly located in German territory, and then there were Extermination camps, located in occupied Poland, such as Belzec. People would arrive in these extermination camps, register, be killed, cremated, and then their bones crushed. Belzec only has 7 survivors, all of whom were sonderkommandos, jews forced to work in crematoriums.

By the way these crematoriums were industrial ovens designed to operate continuously, able to burn a body in 2 hours. Auschwitz alone had the capacity to cremate 1.7 million bodies per annum, and it wasn't even a dedicated extermination camp.


The holocaust happened but not with the scale or methadology proposed by classic holocaust doctrine. It's literally impossible for that to have been the case. Supposedly, over a million bodies were burned at Auschwitz over just a few years. That would require hundreds of modern crematoriums opperating 24/7 for the duration, much less 1940s crematoriums. The fuel requirements alone are preposterous.

The real number is probably in the hundred thousands total, mostly dead by starvation, disease, and exposure.


He's not saying that the Holocaust didn't happen, he wants the proof from deniers that it didn't happen.

>muh 6 millions


shit forgot pic

also this

Nope, it's a hoax by the Soviets. Jews were rounded up and used as slave labor, but the mass deaths came from starvation and disease after the allies disrupted German supply lines.

National Socialist leaders were tortured into giving false confessions.

and this

>inb4 that outdated 21 questions about the hollocaust

Stormfront has 66 now:

And here is the reply, which of course, cannot be trusted because clearly every evidenced source on there could have been fabricated, and then the peer reviewers could have been paid to believe the fabrication, and in the 70 years since it occured the thousands of historians who have studied this could have been violating their own integrity just for a little bit of money:

For real tho this is all you need to shut these stormweenie twats down

You mean the hitler that hated the same jews who fought in WW1 for the reich and who still fought in WW2?
Maybe the hitler that got his country in so much debt he had to go to war?
Maybe the one that decimated the german culture and people?
The Hitler that alienated brilliant german scientists and thinkers that helped the US create the atom bomb?

Your degree is so worthless you have to pick fights in the Internet to make use of it

Does it not strike you as odd that ALL of the extermination camps were in Poland, which conveniently later came under Soviet control so that no Allied representatives could visit them?

Why would the Germans have constructed the camps that they wanted to hide in contested, occupied territory, and the camps they didn't care to hide in their own tightly controlled territory? Doesn't that seem backwards to you?

If you had something to do that you wanted to hide from the Polish, why would you do it in Poland? They had camps in Germany. They shipped people to them all the time.

shhhh they need to believe this so they can blame everything on jews and pretend they themselves are good honest contributing people as oppose to the vile semites...

Because there were a lot more polish/Ukrainian Jews than German Jews

You're a semite Shlomo.

So how come no nazi ever said it was a hoax?
Why has no nazi ever blamed the soviets or anyone else for faking it?
You realize that there are hundreds of thousands documents detialing all the people who were moved by trains with exact dates numbers times and destinations?
Like moving 750k people into auschwitz and those people simply vanishing afterwards..
Geee I wonder where they went I guess the nazis just released them.
You realize there are excerpts of top nzi brass lik goebbles talking about killing jews and how good it is?
There are voice recordings and signed speeches where top nazi brass talk about extermination of jews and how its a nesseccary task that "must never be spoken off once completed" and how they had to do this hard task for the benefit of all yada yada yada...
You are simply ignorant by will and just because they did teach you accurately during history lesson you sperg out like a moron.

>Hitler caused the depression

Then why did they build so many camps in Germany? The number of camps and their number of occupants is not proportionate to the number of Jews located in a region.

After that moron. the nazi burrowed heavily.

>>So how come no nazi ever said it was a hoax?

They were either executed or imprisoned with little contact with the outside world. The few that weren't were in no position to speak up, as they were lucky enough to escape with their lives and freedom and didn't want to jeopardize that.

You're the one that burrows

>Do you really think the Holocaust never happened?
Yes, I really believe the Holocaust never happened.

>What made you believe that?
There is literally zero evidence for the Holocaust happening.

Of course it fucking happened. Who do you think build all these camps around germany?

Literally every school child all over the country will have gone on one or more school trips to concentration camps.
And we can do that because there is always one close by in germany.

>Of course it fucking happened
No, it fucking didn't.

>Who do you think build all these camps around germany?
Camps are not a Holocaust.
Speaking of camps. Pic realted.

>Literally every school child all over the country will have gone on one or more school trips to concentration camps.
And yet they saw no evidence of the holocaust.

Video related.

The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz *AKA* David Cole in Auschwitz

>And we can do that because there is always one close by in germany.
Which is funny because none of the so-called "death camps" were in Germany.

I don't care if it happened or not. How about that?

look, Easter Polan was full of shtetls, little Jewish towns

there are actually many embarrassing things to say about human behavior during the war, pogroms by Poles, Judenrats, Greifers, German shootings of Polish civilians, what happend to Germans on Polish lands, Soviet soldiers and many many more

I do not want to touch that because it makes literally everyone angry but one should understand what war really is.

With all the hell of war there were also some good people on each side risking their lives to help others.

Right they could have said whatever they wanted they had nothing to lose at the trials. And afterwards. After the war no nazis ever said anything like that. Including those that were accused and those that werent.
eh believe whatever you want in your echo chamber of retards youtube videos and coinspiracy theories.
You dont care about any truth...Othersise youd be talking to actual proffesionals and historians.
you just wanna feel good about yourself.

>Right they could have said whatever they wanted they had nothing to lose at the trials.
Speaking of the trials...