Post countries that you care for but are often embarrassed for whatever reason

Post countries that you care for but are often embarrassed for whatever reason.

Other urls found in this thread:

This but switch the flags.

Why would he?

We could conquer sweden in a week

Embarrassing post lad

Your entire country is embarassing lad




know your place

Have the correct version

All of them

This but switch the flags
t. Fennoswede



norway should be holding the hand of sweden, not denmark


>even the dog has autism
I wonder if it's viral

is the dog åland?

Aw, we're so cute.

I dunno mate, they outnumber you in total manpower, tanks and artillery pieces

Do world a favour and jump off a bridge

And they have a tinier navy and air force.

>Do world a favour and jump off a bridge


>Snowautists that have never done anything of significance ever in history, just spoken weirdly and made internet memes can take out a proud ARYAN country, descended from vikings and empire-makers, and that has made more scientific and cultural innovations per capita than almost any other country on the globe
Badly spent dollar there pal.

Typical fennoswede here

We could take you and sweden at the same time and still win lol

Huutista homolle

Pic related is what your average Fennoswede looks like. Finns look like white Mongols with Down's Syndrome.

Norway, Sweden and mainland D*nmark (not D*nish imperialist holdings Greenland and Faroe Islands)

Their languages are a disgrace. They sound like they are children just barely learning how to talk. They incorrectly pronounce and spell their own names, the names of our Norse gods, the names of their cities and the names of their very own fucking countries because they are TOO LAZY AND FUCKING STUPID to SPEAK LIKE FUCKING ADULTS.

They have allowed this disgusting devolution of Norse culture to happen, for so many fucking centuries that they aren't even conscious of it any more and think that it's ok and "normal".They will ACTUALLY "CORRECT" EACH OTHER to the babymumbling languages AS IF IT IS CORRECT!!!!!!

LISTEN to the fucking difference:



pic related average Finn

Faroe Islands. They need to come home, away from danadjöfull

lmao COPE harder, it's comical

Please, liberate Sweden. But if you touch our mountainside, it's war

Impressive rant

I like this image

>friendly banter an finn

your what now?

This is you projectin your fears.

We'll take the mountain we were supposed to have, war or not.

The imperialist is talking about Norway

>Studying English and Danish (or another Scandinavian language) is mandatory for students in compulsory schools[3] and also part of many secondary-level study programmes, so knowledge of the two languages is widespread.

I mean, isn't that friendly banter as well?

Hello, lebensraum. Den Danske Mulan sang er verdens bedste disney sang. Vælg dine kampe med omhu, kammerat!

>Gave us maggots to eat
Allowing Danes to become a colonial power was the greatest mistake God and Sweden allowed to happen
Gib Faroebros as reperations

The eternal invading finn.. Norway just gave you a present for your birthday; be pleased!

nordics are so fucking cringy and cheesy, holy shit

>Norway just gave you a present for your birthday

They didn't give shit, did you even read my post?

Nevertheless, it's our pile of rocks now


They didnt, its just in the just the nature of the sc*Ndi to deceive.

Don't forget the fact that D*nes allowed anglo language to infiltrate their already horrible potato spit

I have a soft spot for France. They're the only continental Europeans I really care about. I don't mind bantering them but whenever something bad happens in France I feel genuinely sad.

>pile of rocks

>Gib Faroebros as reperations
Join the Kingdom - join your brothers, friend!

t. serbian seaside

I cheated Danish and bullied my Danish teacher into quitting her job

>mfw Mordor is falling as we speak

I'm so glad I was born in Scandinavia

What are you a psychopath?

retarded cunt i care about

>They didnt,
Oh, it got cancelled..

>getting rid of welfare leeches
i want nothing more than the independence of greenland and faroe islands
problem is that they want independence but still want gibs

Shut up stupid nigger it's pile of rocks if I say so

I propose a north atlantic federation, plus extending our fishing territories another 100 miles


Friendly reminder that Nederland is White Protestant Nordic and Denmark is our retarded little brother.

will trade faroe islands and greenland for skåne and blekinge

fuck off we are not related you

doesn't matter
you still had to learn it

somebody please draw a sad Germania in the distance

More to us than to scandis

>he willingly wants to make Malmö a part of Denmark
Is there a petition I can sign somewhere?

Dutchbro, you guys are the retards. Love, Denmark

Schleswig-Holstein ej at forglemme!

>implying half of malmo won't flee to sweden once they see the danish immigration policy

holy fuck you gotta fuck out of here right now with that shitty meme
you are even half catholic

>danish immigration policy
Isn't the Danish policy even more open than the Swedish one these days?

I mean we have become so "locked down" even our biggest SJW ally Germany is screaming at us for being inhumane and shit.

Sweden is a garbage country.

>Isn't the Danish policy even more open than the Swedish one these days?

Just what I heard. Don't know if it's true or not.


no. if it were, we wouldn't be using yours as an argument against immigration


oh wait you're serious


please try

Australia, they're like a backwards cousin

Think it might just have been for a short while or something during the blunt of the crisis.


>Færeyjar as a cute кoт

Du gör mig kåt 0w0

One time i was going through denmark and stopped for some quick pölse there were a couple of kids, like germans or czsech or whatever and they fucking peeled the red skin off the sausages...
I felt like hitting them desu


Hut dere til helvete vekk, vi hadde en fin tråd sålangt.

Ta svineriet hit

Hey, ekki lumpa mér inn með svíanum.

> →
not him, but these threads are immensely fucking cancer

Komdu með góða mým-hugmynd og ég skal gera hana í fótósjopp

Likewise, Swedish manpower outnumbers Finnish brain cells.

Eða ekki fgt farðu þá á
Vonandi kemur einhver með einhverjar hugmyndir. Er bestur á Íslandi á fótósjopp, búinn að fá 3x vinnu útá það svo..

Endilega gerðu þetta að Ísland x Færeyjum, takk


Smá lágt resolution

It's a good thing then that artillerymen don't need brains.

Upphafsmyndin var ekki mín en seinni myndin var það, ef þú kannt eitthvað inná myndvinnslu veistu að þú vilt ekki stækka eða minnka upprunalegu mynda of mikið. Þegar þú starfar í þessum bransa hefurðu tækifæri til þess að biðja ljósmyndarana um að gera hlutina á þennan eða annan hátt.

Post kino pics

>ef þú kannt eitthvað inná myndvinnslu veistu að þú vilt ekki stækka eða minnka upprunalegu mynda of mikið
Veit það að einhverju leyti nú fyrst að ég er smá Gimp-gaur sjálfur

Ég er samt ekki að sjá þessa mynd sem að þú photoshoppaðir af Arnie og þessum svarta dúdda, þess vegna sagði ég "smá lagt resolution"