Is he the most realistic villain by capeshit standards...

Is he the most realistic villain by capeshit standards? Aside from the mask being part of his face because surgery doesn't fucking exist in Batman world apparently he's just a mobster and has believable motives. What I'm saying is Black Mask > Joker.

>Realism makes a fictional character good.

why dont they ever use him

They'll use him a lot after Rebirth.

In terms of characterization (not powers or gadgets), yes. Good characters feel like real people.

I see.

What about Penguin? He's as normal as you can get, especially when they don't draw him deformed.

Trips confirm.

Shut up, Boco.

Because he's a garbage character.

Posting best gangster character

>only characters that feel like real people are good because God forbid anyone tries to create intentionally inhumane characters or any other kind of characters that serve the story better than the likes of those that feel like real people
>Black Mask is anything like a real person and not a one-dimensional sadist with zero personality
You're retarded.

Shut the fuck up boco

Yes sir...

He's more of a Catwoman villain these days.

>Spoiler is Catwoman's sidekick now
It almost works out too perfectly...

No, Catwoman told her to fuck off. Spoiler was training with that crazy asian chick and then disappeared from the book once Tieri took over.

>telling Spoiler to fuck off
That only makes her want to be your sidekick even more.

He just had a very good role in a phenomenal Catwoman run.

Maybe we'll get some good stuff with him in Mother Panic as well.

He's probably irreversibly deformed under the mask so what's the point of removing it? Not to mention it probably benefits him in a way giving him a bit of an intimidation factor.

He dosen't get it removed because every Batvillain needs to be fucked in the head to find it acceptable to wear a costume.

>muh realism

Go read Marvel. They love pandering to tasteless faggots like you

Penguin is better than Joker. Everybody should know this by now.

How great would it be if we went the kirby doom path and he's not even fucked up behind the mask but just knows that every decent Batman villain needs a sctick.