Why do so many Americans have absolutely no respect or value for the lives of anyone but themselves...

Why do so many Americans have absolutely no respect or value for the lives of anyone but themselves? Are they simply human garbage or is there something else at play here?

Why should a police officer unnecessarily risk his or her life in the interest of preserving that of someone who is breaking the law and refusing to obey lawful orders? Looking back to my own formative years, I knew that if a police officer ordered me to 'Halt or I'll shoot'', I had no more than a second or two to stop or be shot.

Years of conditioning to everyday murder and slaughter because otherwise, you're a pussy

Part and parcel of living in America.

Because their policemen are scared. Because anyone could carry a weapon, so they're overly defensive, and when you're scared you never behave correctly.

But yeah it's a fact that americans can be very cruel.


We call people like this "pidoraha" here in Russia. Slave genes desu

It's America's past time of 5.56 twister. Are you some kind of America hating bigot or something?

America is literally a country that should not exist. It's telling that Europe has terror problems caused by foreigners and cultural outsiders, whereas American has far higher death tolls caused by born and bred Americans and that other Americans will then claim that this need to destroy your own people is actually a uniquely American trait.


a fuck ton of people (especially in the south) in the usa hate the usa and react negatively to anyone holding the flag

What are you trying to say here, user?

and what if he tells you to crawl towards him with your legs crossed and your arms in the air?

>claims to love freedom
>turn into a jew at a prison camp when an police officer shows up

>turn into a jew at a prison camp

You get trucked AND shot

I want to die

Go find a cop then

Why be rude?

I wasn't being rude, just trying to offer a helpful suggestion to this Americans problem.

>Be American
>Get shot by a terrorist
>Call the cops
>Get shot again

everyone who isn't me is subhuman

Plenty of people think it’s bullshit but there will always be Boot lickers as long as there are boots to be licked.

replace amer*can with boomer

Boomer piece of shit

EU: 1 truck of peace per 2-3 months
US: 1 shooting per day
>totally comparable

we are morally deprived individualists