You can't meme yourself through electoral college

You can't meme yourself through electoral college

Just accept it.

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your own chart proves you wrong

but my friends on Sup Forums said he had a chance!

you idiot
X colored ball means every path originating from there is an X win

either way, number of paths is meaningless: they're not weighted by probability

>if, if, if, if

What did he mean by this?

wtf are you talking about ? what are these numbers about ??

or maybe its all the paths hidden by a clear victory for one side before that point for example, a full quarter of the whole tree is missing on the left side with wins for shillary in florida and pennsylavania

No biggie. Bicameral system is all the same shit to me. Life goes on.

is this on the same level as saying that i have a 50% chance of breaking my arm today - i either do or i don't?

its 10 states, which means there are 1024 (2^10) different combinations of wins/losses. Shillary wins in 902 of those combinations, Trump in 111, and their electoral college count is tied in 11. The rest of the states are already counted towards one side because they're decidedly democrat or republican.

Clinton will be president as it has already been decided. You think voting means anything? You think they would leave the decision up to the idiot masses?

holy fuck are you fucking russians dumb:

when you look to the far left and pennsylvania:
there is a big bubble on the top, but there are still ALLE the ways possible beyond that.

They dont just stop fucking counting if hillary won pennsylvania.
How fucking retarded slav shit can you be?

it is an elaborately stupid way of showing that Hillary is ahead in electoral college votes because of the amount of states that are decidedly democrat.

>Swing State for Hillary
That's pretty desperate desu.

This made-up statistics is so funny, just watch DNC and go kill yourself

That's why we have to deliver the knockout blow that not even the electoral college can do anything to meddle

only 200% more republicans voted in georgia over democrats, clearly the democrats can flip it!


Whenever I play Dota I make sure my team has 5 carries.

5x the ways to win

>Trump wins Florida
>Clinton wins Pennsylvania
>Trump wins Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina
>Clinton wins Wisconsin
>Trump wins Iowa, Nevada
>Trump wins election
Taken from
That site uses relatively old polling data, too, and the polls are only going to go more in Trump's favour the closer we get to the election.

yes you can. trump will win the elections
don't worry fellow Sup Forumsacks

>path choices are 50/50 scenarios

Jewish voodoo confirms

What the fuck! I hate Trump now!
I'm a CruzzMissile now

Hillary could have 1000 ways to win and Trump could have 1 and the memes would find a way. Kek wills it.

It doesn't matter how many paths the candidates have, only how likely their paths are.

Romney+OH, PA, FL is looking pretty good for Trump