Redpill me on the long term consequences of Brexit. Economically and socially what will happen?

Redpill me on the long term consequences of Brexit. Economically and socially what will happen?

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The EU regulations were specifically set up to make it difficult for smaller businesses to get off the ground, because the regulations are so ridiculous and large in number you need a team of lawyers to understand them and ensure you're abiding by them, something only the large, existing businesses will be able to afford to do, hence why fags like Alan Sugar we're so keen to remain. Less competition because the regulations are there to keep smaller businesses down on the ground.

It's not as if the people in their glass towers are gonna lose their positions, they get to stay in their towers, it just means more businesses, more competition. Competition between businesses is a key ingredient for a healthy economy, both will be trying to win over consumers with lower prices and by innovating their products. It's a win win for everyone.

And what of the immigrant population? We all know of the major factors for it's success was the thought of stopping the immigration flow into the UK, and hopefully expel refuges living off welfare.

What is there to say? People who came here to leech off our welfare will should and hopefully will be kicked out, people who came here to support the economy by holding down jobs will get to stay. Every country in the EU allows the freedom of movement, anyone can live anywhere in the EU, Britain is leaving EU, so now the Polish fucks cant come here to leach off us. Not all Polish people are leaches but a good majority are. Then you take into account retards like Merkel letting a gorillion disgusting rapefugees into Germany. These refugees spend X number of years in Germany, they'll become a citizen of the EU and then can move freely between countries. Most of these are Muslims, most of these are barbaric niggers but the point is an even greater number of denominators will be granted the ability to live anywhere they want in the EU in a few years.

Hopefully Britain should've officially left the EU by that point.

I would argue that not living in a dictatorship is a big part of why Britain wanted to leave the EU. The less educated folk voted purely because of immigration related issues which is a very valid concern, but the educated folk voted because they want to live in a fucking democracy, not a dictatorship. The leader of Brusells are equivalent to cartoon supervillains.

No one really knows. No one has ever left the EU before. It'll probably be bad for large businesses and politicians, though.

.... i keep hearing this yet do not understand why
>large businesses
literally why i understand politicians

The bottom 20% of the richest speculators who lost their shirts betting against Brexit in the market aren't keeping their towers.

Socially, they will retain their national identity instead of being melted into the goop of Euro stew.

Economically if they choke to death it will be on their own nonsense and not the EU's nonsense.

>It'll probably be bad for large businesses and politicians, though.
>for large business
They can still thrive, they just have to deal with more competition, this is good for the economy. The rich get to stay rich and can still become even richer, they just have to put in a tiny bit more work.
The ones who only give a fuck about money, sure, the ones who want to make this country a better place have a better chance than ever. Most politicians move onto a comfier, easier, higher salary job in the EU after working in Britain for so many years. Obviously that opportunity is becoming less likely now we're no longer part of the EU.

I summed up the deal with businesses in the first post of this thread. There's the issue with trade. Previously every country in the EU could trade with each other with ease, but if we tried to trade with the rest of the world we would have huge tariffs imposed on us by Brussels, making trading with external countries pointless courtesy of the tariffs. So now we're left on our own to form our own trade negotiations. A lot of big companies are shitting themselves over this, but the risk it well worth it considering the benefits.

Not to mention now we're out of the EU we have the rest of the entire fucking planet to trade with, providing we make good negotiations. Trump already said he'll give Britain a good eye if they want to make a trade deal. And this isn't to say we cant make trade deals with countries within the EU, we may get even better deals than we had when we were in the EU. Germany wouldn't dare try and fuck us over. Britain imports more than it exports, the EU economy will take a much bigger hit than it already has if it dares try to fuck us over. The German automobile industry will practical be committing suicide if they leave us out.

The larger businesses in any country run on capital are run by rich owners and officers who relied on a rigged system to speculate their market activities. A vast majority bet on the UK remaining inside the EU and now hundereds of billions of petro-dollars of their earnings went POOF! Coincidentally, a lot of those owners and officers are also the ruling politicians of these countries.

Think about it. Only poor countries and Germany want to be in the EU.

Does that not alarm Europe at all?

>betting against Brexit
They have no one to blame but themselves.

I agree, I was just saying, they don't all get to keep their Ivory Towers after this. In fact many of them are probably going to die in a debtors' prison.

Here this video basically covers all possible outcomes of Brexit

All the jews were against it so it must be highly beneficial to Britain and all white countries (even if some dont realise it yet)

I wonder how many more hajjis have to fuck shit up in Europe for other countries to take your lead.

CGP is reddit incarnate and suffers from the same liberal biases the rest do. Case in point 'reneged promises' and 'no plan' memes in that video

you will have to find someone else to blame for your ruling class failure.

>No plan meme

It's not a meme if it's true. Literally your prime was against Brexit before and now does it because she has no other choice.
You can prove me wrong and educate me on Britain's plan though

'no plan on the part of brexit campaigners' is what he said, and what my comment was referencing. Of course the Cameron embargo against contingency planning for Brexit in the civil service was dumb, but that was a pro-EU mistake and thus goes unmentioned by Remain types.

Are you just being intentionally obtuse, Hans?

And then you get retards criticizing people like Farage for promoting leave and not having a plan. Farage was just there to promote his stance, he has no power, why the fuck is it his responsibility? The ones to blame are the ones in power for not planning for both outcomes, ironically the ones who wanted to remain, goes to demonstrate the intelligence of these people.

Still not telling what "the plan" is.
Also why the fuck do you expect people do things they clearly oppose. It's only logical to have the guy who promotes Brexit also have the say on what to do what you should actually do after Brexit.
How the fuck can you even promote it without saying what the plan afterwards is.

Good point, here we also have an extremely complex tax code, even if you wanted to follow it strictly, you'll need a trained full time worker just to do things right.

Fortunately, simpler tax options were created for small business in the last decade, which makes things manageble.
That your own politicians can't decide on regulations, which are strangling the small businessman, is simply absurd.
Good riddance on the EU, and its aristo-bureaucrats.