Time for a Deviantart cringe thread

Time for a Deviantart cringe thread

Other urls found in this thread:


i can't bother reading that shit it's just too cringey

A boxing fetish is such an odd thing. This guy's gallery is stuffed to the brim with this crap.


Why is it that no one with these bizarre fetishes can draw?

eh, i can understand it in some ways.

like violence + submission + public audience (=humiliation)

>anti soviet cartoon
>made in 2007

Anyone got the rest of these fucking things?

oh god not that shit


I remember this.

This was some serial killer level stuff.


>he thinks the soviet union and nazi germany are the same

is this guy retarded or something ?



>I'm a detective unlike batman

no, we all collectively deleted those images



the art actually looks ok aside the obvious fetish

what the fuck ?


Worse, Polish.

I'm ok with these. Not so much cringe than absurdist humor.

What's the deal with deviantart users and their weird fetishes?
>Swollen Knees

what is this?
like how horrible does this thing end up as?

Some of them can and they make a shit load of money from it.

He probably didn't masturbate to them, and that's the important thing.

link to artist ?


i feel vaguely offended by this


don't forget inflation


>>Swollen Knees


lets hit those showers


I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume the artist is trying to say "the Soviets became everything they hated!"

What is it with furries and 9/11?


Upon retrospect, it's too dangerous close to cringe. Still, at least this isn't fetish material so there is certainly a silver lining.

I had to spoiler this because.....this just shifts the whole thing into Maximum Over-Cringe.

Here's where I found it though.

>i checked
gets me every time

I was watching this when I found this thread, I think it's appropriate.

they know that it CAN happen again



>Return to Pittsburg, Penssylvania

this guy comes from my hometown and I didn't think it possible to be any more ashamed of it


Bartleby's obviously taking the piss, though.

I mean...that is all it is, right? Or does the artist legitimately get off on this and just has the self-awareness to poke fun at it?

Do you have the video set to "bring me to life" of his?

Gets me every time.



I don't hate this, but I'm sure you all will.

Once you read the filename, you will shit brix.

Every time I try to attach a cadence to this I think I get dumber.

Tamers is fascinating, like an autistic alpha male.


For what reason?

youtube.com/watch?v=XvMss4M51rE&nohtml5=False here senpai

For what it's worth the art is ok but the conecept is just fucking cringeworthy.

Is this set to the tune of fucking HaTikvah or what?


Cheers, user.

There are a lot of kids and teens posting their work on DeviantART while still being in the process of actually learning drawing, hence the site doesn't really have a very high standard and it lowers other peoples anxiousness regarding posting their early / bad stuff. They just try and see how others like it.
Though I really wouldn't say that guy in OPs pic is bad at drawing; sure, the characters look stiff, the coloring is simple and the details aren't the best I've seen either, but they sure as hell are on a good way.


Imagine being so autistic that normal autistic object obsession isn't enough. You have to reduce those objects further into simple geometric forms like cubes.

It's like his autism has autism. You might even say it's autism...squared.

i don't want to know who any of these people are, do I

i don't know

I'm glad they stuck a "Remember 911" down in the bottom right corner because otherwise I'd have no goddamn idea what "it" is.

The woman on the right is Anita Sarkeesian, and the one on the left is Zoe Quinn.


Dieapers and art style are the only thing wrong with this.


What fuck is

I'm so sorry I have to repost this

> not hoop earrings
> not red plaid

I remember seeing this and those fluffy guro images. It's sick



For the curious
you were warned

A lot of these lately are just ironic. I personally know three people that were posted on this thread that jut pretend to be retarded there.

To be honest, I don't think the resemblance was completely intentional; more of a "no celebrities were harmed" kinda deal.

Didn't stop the comment comparing them from being mind-blowing.

Is that...Anita Sarkeesian on the right?

I wisely stayed out of the whole Gamergate clusterfuck, I have no idea who the others are.

you know how when people have a breast or ass fetish, they like them big? same thing

no fucking way

>I can just reform myself with my reformation spell

Of all the fetishes I've seen over the years, vore is the one I can't even begin to understand.

It troubles me that the panel structure is what bothers me most about this.


Can't wait for Chucky to Dempsey Roll.

But what this MEANS? And I know the artist wtf.



They're probably afraid of getting found out about, so they just tell you: "Haha, lol, dude, check this out. I'm not actually serious, lol, just messing with peeps. Tho I wonder how big knees smell. LOL, JUST KIDDING! I TOTALLY GOT YOU! HAHAHA!!!".
Why are you talking to such degenerates?




I'm curious but refuse to actually visit that link. I assume this is a series of Smurf runt torture by the disembodied hand of the author?

Why is Sonic purple?

on a smurf forum

Apparently so. The one on the left is Zoe Quinn, while the one in the middle is just some generic guy, most likely a self-insert for the viewer.
